01-12-2016, 10:23 PM
This trash sits around the food and buns all night long until the morning staff arrives. It is so disgusting that I have acquired a new disgust for even looking at hamburgers or the buns they come in. They're burgers don't even smell like burgers. perhaps its just that I see how long the trash in putrid plastic huge bags sit around decomposing until the AM crew takes them out. This is totally unacceptable and disgusting. They have ghetto anxiety and don't allow us to even go in a team , like 2 employees together, to go toss the trash. Its really quite amusing how they seem so paranoid over such a well lit parking lot in a new facility for burgers. Were talking Northern CA people. This has caused me to definitely never order food there during breaks and i have turned to eating trail mix during my nutrition break and feel thirsty all night during my shift from extra food anxiety, garbage around the food on the shelf anxiety that is!