View Full Version : How do I overcome my social anxiety?

01-10-2016, 10:37 AM
I am terrified to talk in front of more than 1 person. I go to one support group but I just get so nervous when I share. I have been going for 2 years now and my mom goes to one as well called supporting the supporter on the 1st and 3rd of the month and she gives me that push but I have so much social anxiety and she doesn't understand my struggle because she is more outgoing than me. I am extremely introverted and I don't social very much. Please help!

01-10-2016, 12:38 PM
Hmm, it's a tricky one and I don't think there is one single piece of advice that one could offer as everyone is different.

knowing that your not the only one that feels this way can often be of help, CBT is great for this too.

Try working on building your confidence and perhaps self esteem?

01-10-2016, 01:39 PM
2 years is a long time. If something does not work for me, I usually drop it and move on. Once I am feeling better, I may pick up what I was doing before. Sticking at things that don't work, only server to rut me deeper. Comparing myself to others is also something I avoid, although hard to do as we are taught to measure ourselves with those living over the fence.

What matters is what you think and what you do.

Find something you actually like doing and start small with that. Start creating positive experiences and start doing them yourself. Whilst it's great to get support, those of us who've been using crutches, do better by first taking our own steps. Once you can actually start to walk, then you will see the spark in others and then in yourself. When self esteem is low, we tend to only see the worst in others as well as ourselves. Now is the time to make an effort to change the way one thinks.

Reset old intentions and or create new ones. Identify your weaknesses, and work towards overcoming obstacles. Be realistic and start off small. Change your focus and whilst doing these things remind yourself of the change that you know that IS taking place. Think back to all those times in your life when things were going well. More importantly connect with how it was that you then felt and know that's those same warm, invigorating, content and positive feelings are NOW taking shape.

All to often people in a low will tell themselves that they just can't find the path to motivation, but I tell myself that I can. Anyone that's able to repeatedly log in and tell their sad and sorry story, can take that same energy and use it to take small but positive steps. I literally do it by taking by crawling out my door. I'll use the same issues that often drag me down to help me get up on my feet, then once I feel I've got a foot hold, I then work on creating a switch; one that I can adjust so as not to go overboard.

Whilst it can differ for different folk, the method is much the same. There is nothing like a bit of self empowerment that comes from doing things yourself. Then one can start to reach and share more effectively and like I said before, one will see the spark in others and then oneself.

Best of luck reassessing your intent.

01-29-2016, 12:56 AM
I am terrified to talk in front of more than 1 person. I go to one support group but I just get so nervous when I share. I have been going for 2 years now and my mom goes to one as well called supporting the supporter on the 1st and 3rd of the month and she gives me that push but I have so much social anxiety and she doesn't understand my struggle because she is more outgoing than me. I am extremely introverted and I don't social very much. Please help!

I agree you'll need to re-assess the things that don't work for you. Perhaps the way your support group is conducted doesn't work well with you or perhaps you're not yet at a stage where you could be in a in group. Trying to overcome anxiety will take time and it will only happen gradually. Ten years ago, I had major struggles with one-on-one interactions let alone group interactions. I could only talk with my roommate and my family. I knew I had to do something so I took steps to add one more person to the conversation at a time, it look me 4 years to feel comfortable talking in a group of 4 (including myself). Then I stepped up my game and applied for a leadership position in which I had to lead a group of 40 and conduct training sessions for groups of 10. I had the toughest and also the most rewarding experience with that decision. It still took me a good 3 years to get used to group setting (with constant everyday exposure).

So my point is to take little step at a time and keep at it. Don't be too hasty as rewiring the mindset will take time. Best wishes and keep on fighting.

01-29-2016, 06:28 AM
I would suggest you CBT, it helped many for dealing with depression and anxiety.