View Full Version : Supplement Advice for anxiety / panic disorder

01-09-2016, 06:17 PM
Hey everyone

I'm looking into supplementing with vitamins and minerals to
Help combat my anxiety and panic attacks but I'm looking to try a natural anti depressant ( St. John wort ) and I'm curious is their anything else out their that I should use with St. John's wort ? GABA ? Or 5htp? Or anything else? Ide appreciate any suggestions / advice. I'm not taking any medications
I'm a 23 years old male

I'm going to start using

Stress b complex
Magnesium citrate
D complex
One a day multivitamin
Fish oil / cla mix
Himalayan sea salt mixed with water for minerals / vitamins

I'm already weightlifting / and doing 30 minutes of cardio daily and my diet is a lot of fruit / veggies / meat / beans. ( started recently )
I'm going to start practicing relaxation Techniques

Ide really appreciate any advice or tips.

I've recently started having anxiety to the point where I can't leave the house. I'm too
Scared but I have no problems working out in the garage. And I'm
Scared of driving because I had my first panic attack in the car. (Couldnt feel the steering wheel and chest started spazzing out and heart rate was out of control but it turned out to be anxiety) my anxiety is now mostly throat locking up.. Loss of breath / lightheaded / headaches.

I've suffered from severe panic attacks about 3 years ago ( chest pain / heart palpitations / loss of breath) and I was put on anti depressants and I eventually felt good but I gained almost 100 pounds. So I don't want to go back on those types of medications ( Celexa / Wellbutrin / mertazipine ) my anxiety went away after supplementing with magnesium / b vitamin / multivitamin and a paleo diet and loosing 100 pounds. But 3 years later it has come back I feel because I've gained a lot of weight and I stopped going to the gym and eating healthy due to my job / and drinking strong coffee started the panic attack.

I know diet / exercise will help me but since I don't want to go back on Wellbutrin / ect I want to try something natural that will help me get back on track.

I'm at the point to where I can't work or can't leave the house because of fear and I'm tired of living this way. Ide appreciate any help / tips

01-10-2016, 06:50 PM
passion flower tea is probably the best I have found that works right away. I have just started 5-htp in hopes of restoring serotonin levels since I am currently withdrawing from sertraline, restore them in hopefully a more positive way I mean.

I have heard that kava works really well, but that it could also be bad for your liver. That's why I haven't tried that, even though I already bought a bottle and cant find the receipt, damn.

01-25-2016, 10:54 PM
passion flower tea is probably the best I have found that works right away. I have just started 5-htp in hopes of restoring serotonin levels since I am currently withdrawing from sertraline, restore them in hopefully a more positive way I mean.

I have heard that kava works really well, but that it could also be bad for your liver. That's why I haven't tried that, even though I already bought a bottle and cant find the receipt, damn.

Thanks mate I will try passion
Flower tea. I've used kava tea in the past and it does work but I don't like the risk.

I'm on week 2 of Saint John's wort / inositol / Magnesium / b complex and I've had a panic attack come out of nowhere about 3 times. I don't feel like it's the supplements. I'm at the point to where I'm struggling in my own house and I haven't left my house for two months. I'm going to keep taking sjw as it takes 4-6 weeks to work.

01-26-2016, 04:16 AM
Thanks mate I will try passion
Flower tea. I've used kava tea in the past and it does work but I don't like the risk.

I'm on week 2 of Saint John's wort / inositol / Magnesium / b complex and I've had a panic attack come out of nowhere about 3 times. I don't feel like it's the supplements. I'm at the point to where I'm struggling in my own house and I haven't left my house for two months. I'm going to keep taking sjw as it takes 4-6 weeks to work.

Where are you at regarding psychotherapy? That's always an important part of anxiety treatment.

Keep up the good work with the healthy lifestyle. Sometimes it can take up to 6 months to see positive effects.

01-26-2016, 12:18 PM
Where are you at regarding psychotherapy? That's always an important part of anxiety treatment.

Keep up the good work with the healthy lifestyle. Sometimes it can take up to 6 months to see positive effects.

I havent seen a doctor or therapist yet ive had this problem in the past so I know it's anxiety. I can't afford insurance so that's why I haven't seen anyone yet.. But I'm hoping exercise/diet and sjw will
Help... I'm planning on slowly doing things like driving again / going places nearby slowly untill I feel better. To be honest last time I went to therapy they just gave me drugs and didn't offer any advice at all. I gained over 100 pounds from the medication.

01-27-2016, 10:30 AM
I havent seen a doctor or therapist yet ive had this problem in the past so I know it's anxiety. I can't afford insurance so that's why I haven't seen anyone yet.. But I'm hoping exercise/diet and sjw will
Help... I'm planning on slowly doing things like driving again / going places nearby slowly untill I feel better. To be honest last time I went to therapy they just gave me drugs and didn't offer any advice at all. I gained over 100 pounds from the medication.

That's fair enough.

I actually have some good ebooks on the subject of anxiety and CBT I could send you if you want? I think they'll go well with your supplement regime. One in particular has helped me. It's about $80 to buy, too, which is kind of unfortunate as it means not many get to read it.

Send me a PM sometime if you want.

07-22-2018, 05:20 PM
Hi everybody, Is anybody use inositol here ? I have used solaray inositol in past with good result for anxiety. It worked really good. But now every inositol make me tired. I have not taken inositol for almost 5 years but now it make me tired on smaller doses.

Does anybody has any information on what to do to avoid inositol tiredness ? Please help.

Thanks in advance

salvator here
07-22-2018, 10:16 PM
Wow.. this thread goes back a while :)

I would guess I've tried almost every natural supplement over the years for anxiety and depression, however, inositol isn't one, I'm reading up on it now. Since you've used it in the past, and it worked, are you sure it it this that is causing tiredness?

I read its in almost any breakfast cereal, so I must be getting it along with loads of other toxins :)

08-06-2018, 03:29 PM
Magnesium Citrate does hardly anything. The digestive tract sees it as a foreign substance and maybe 4% gets absorbed.

Get Chelated Magnesium or Magnesium Glycinate.

Campbell smith
09-21-2018, 01:17 AM
These could help to reel in your anxiety and get your life back:
1.Valerian Root. Valerian is commonly used as a sleep aid for insomnia which can often be caused by anxiety, as you may well know.
2. Kava Kava. ...
3. Ashwagandha. ...
4. Rhodiola. ...
5. Lavender. ...
6. Passionflower. ...
7. Chamomile. ...
8. Lemon Balm.