View Full Version : over protective

01-08-2016, 02:25 PM
im sorry if i broke a rule

i dont know how to say it but

im not diagnosed with anxiety or any other disorder outside of PDDNOS but i came here because if i look stuff up regarding this all i get is anxiety i dont know if this forum is for people diagnosed only im sorry if it is

i wanna keep this short
i have a girlfriend and i love her so much im almost obsessed with her and she does too
mid december i really got attached to her after we started getting close again after a month break because she was mentally unstable (she dumped me because of it)

im so protective i keep overthinking about tiny things that may not even have happened and it drives me insane, its various things (also unrelated to her)
the worst one of all is that im afraid she will get harassed
she lives in another country so my protectiveness is taking huge control of me
she once told me a guy at school groped her and i needed 4 hours to fully calm myself
im so scared itll happen again i keep crying over it right now and this summer will be a hell for me because she could go swimming or something with you know a bikini etc (this alone drives me crazy already) and seeing as she has a "good body" im going paranoid over the possibility of someone harassing her again it makes me physically sick

i dont know if im egoistic or overprotective I REALLY DONT MEAN TO because i want to let go of it because i know how over the top it is to go nuts over the swimming thing