View Full Version : Throat Clicking

01-07-2016, 05:24 AM
Hi I am male 35 and have lost count of the amount of symptoms that have come and go. Anyway my latest obsession was throat clearing for 8 weeks and now when I hard swallow while eating I get a clicking/popping just above my Adams apple as if something is rubbing against each other. I can still swallow fine. Is this an anxiety symptom possibly from tight muscles in neck and throat. I do a lot of jaw clenching so I don't know if this plays a role. I find if I gently swallow it doesn't happen. I think it is near the hyoid bone.

01-08-2016, 03:47 AM
I've had a similar problem for a few years (gurgling/popping noise in throat every time I swallow). In my case I think it's a combination of an anxiety symptom and acid reflux. It certainly seems a lot worse when I'm really stressed. The problem is, once I start thinking about it I obsess over it and then it seems even worse! The anxiety also causes me to fixate on swallowing...leading to excessive swallowing...which probably doesn't help the situation! I hope your symptoms improve DaveCH