View Full Version : New here

Whitney Clark Johnson
01-06-2016, 04:18 PM
So venting post.

I feel so overwhelmed atm with my anxiety. I am having difficulties finding a doctor who knows much about types of help to offer for patients with anxiety. Sadly my insurance does not cover counseling, psycologists etc.... I am left dealing with a family doctor.

My anxiety I think is kinda unusual. I have panic attacks when I am alone. I stopped working to go to school full time, and not being around people is very uncomforting to me and I feel like I almost can not breathe. I have been in very trobling relationships for the past 9 years, and it has taken a toll on me. I used to be very outgoing and talkative. However, I am feeling more nervous around people however still have this anxiety about being alone. It is very difficult to explain. I do not know if it has something to do with my past relationships and just desiring or needing that feel of love and acceptance. I can not pin point it.
I am stuck between a rock and a hard place because my husband does not believe in mental illness and he is not very supportive when it comes to explaining my anxiety to him and wanting to get help.

I was in hopes that someone here might be able to guide me in a direction of getting help that is affordable and something I can do on my own without my husband really knowing about it. I want him to understand what I am going through, but it is hard to explain when I don't even know what I am going through.

01-06-2016, 07:29 PM
So venting post.

I feel so overwhelmed atm with my anxiety. I am having difficulties finding a doctor who knows much about types of help to offer for patients with anxiety. Sadly my insurance does not cover counseling, psycologists etc.... I am left dealing with a family doctor.

My anxiety I think is kinda unusual. I have panic attacks when I am alone. I stopped working to go to school full time, and not being around people is very uncomforting to me and I feel like I almost can not breathe. I have been in very trobling relationships for the past 9 years, and it has taken a toll on me. I used to be very outgoing and talkative. However, I am feeling more nervous around people however still have this anxiety about being alone. It is very difficult to explain. I do not know if it has something to do with my past relationships and just desiring or needing that feel of love and acceptance. I can not pin point it.
I am stuck between a rock and a hard place because my husband does not believe in mental illness and he is not very supportive when it comes to explaining my anxiety to him and wanting to get help.

I was in hopes that someone here might be able to guide me in a direction of getting help that is affordable and something I can do on my own without my husband really knowing about it. I want him to understand what I am going through, but it is hard to explain when I don't even know what I am going through.

Hello, how are you? I am also pretty new to all this anxiety/panic hell!
I too used to be very out going, very chatty, although a bit shy around people I don't know. I have never really knew much about mental illness, until November 2012, my dad had always dealt with depression and I guess you would say a bit paranoid, but when he would start into his paranoia we(my mom, my brothers and I) had always been able to "talk him out of " whatever he was feeling paranoid about, but then he met a woman who was the worst case sinario for him in approx. 2009, she was able to get him to have an affaire with her and leave my mom, which we all seen coming some way or another because they had been quite distant from each other and then she would feed his paranoia and make believe everything he was thinking and she alianated him from his children, made him believe we(my brothers and I) were out to get him, she had him divorce my mom and we never really saw him...although he would come around when she would not be around and he could "sneak" away...well as I could write you a book on this woman and what she did to make a very long story short, we tried our hardest and on November 25,2012 my dad took his own life. 😢 I have been dealing with this anxiety/panic since this woman came around, I had no idea what was going on, then when my dad took his own life...I was lost, I thought I was losing my mind!! I got upset, I didn't know why I was feeling anxious out of the blue, I would cry because I thought foresure I was losing it! I have 2 sons, 7 years and 3 years old now and I would have to and still do hide when I am feeling anxious because it always makes me cry, shake, throw up etc, the list goes on and on!
I guess what I am here to tell you is that mental illness is real and I wished I had tried harder with my dad. I have to live with myself every day and beat myself up thinking " why didn't I listen and try harder " If you ever need to chat I am here.
Take care and know you are not alone