View Full Version : Cannot seem to calm down, advice appreciated.

01-06-2016, 03:05 PM
Hi. I had a really terrible week and a half. My two cats (whom are a great source of calm and comfort to me) began to fight out of the blue. Not hurting each other... it was a lot of noise. And my girl was so upset. So obviously suffering from anxiety/panic attacks, I had a panic attack (away from them). Then as the situation progressed, and she would hiss at the mere sight of him... my anxiety went through the roof with all of the symptoms I'm sure you are familiar with. I spoke with vets, behaviorists, people who have cats... searched the internet and did my best to get my two kitties back to their calm selves. Things have vastly improved, and I am proactively trying to find ways to prevent this from happening again, and reviewing all options. These are my babies. But I am still on edge, and cannot stop the adrenaline from surging through me. It's beyond difficult to sleep... eat (though I have been forcing myself as much as possible). I am currently on Celexa (Citalopram). I am seeing my doctor later this month and going to discuss my anxiety. But until then... how can I calm down. And sleep? I know the longer they (hopefully) are calm and civil, I will calm... but this is the worst feeling in the world to be so keyed up. It's an issue that will take time and patience (something I have very little of) and I need to remain calm in the meantime. Thank you for any advice, encouragement, I really appreciate it.