View Full Version : Panic Attack!

01-06-2016, 09:23 AM
Having the worse panic attack I have ever had right now!!! Had to come home from work.

Shoulder/Neck pain, chest pain, uncontrollable shaking, palms sweating, and of course.... the impending death that is about to ensue!!! Took a .5 mg Xanax to try and calm myself but it's not really working. Scared to death to put it lightly! Trying to do my breathing exercises and muscle relaxation techniques. Not sure what to do anymore? HELP!

01-06-2016, 10:24 AM
Man, I wish I could offer you something more than my sympathy! I don't have a lot of experience with panic attacks, though I have had a couple. In both cases, they did eventually subside and I'm sure that yours will to, hopefully sooner rather than later.

01-06-2016, 11:51 AM
Doing better now! Took awhile for my Xanax to finally kick in. Of course, I still don't fell the greatest. Still have some soreness in my chest and shoulders, but a lot better than earlier. Thank you for the response. Sometimes... at least for me, it gives me comfort knowing that I am not alone. Thank you again!!!

01-06-2016, 03:20 PM
Doing better now! Took awhile for my Xanax to finally kick in. Of course, I still don't fell the greatest. Still have some soreness in my chest and shoulders, but a lot better than earlier. Thank you for the response. Sometimes... at least for me, it gives me comfort knowing that I am not alone. Thank you again!!!

Hey, I am glad you are feeling better! I am kinda new to this as well, well I say new but it's been going on for approx. 3 years now and I wasn't sure what was going on up until like 6 months ago or so. I thought I was losing my mind, I was getting anxious without any warning and I didn't know what to do, I would usually go somewhere by myself and cry because I thought I was going crazy and didn't want my boys to see me going through this. I have gone through a 10 week (We would meet one evening for 2 hours once a week) cbt class and I did help, it was nice to meet people who were also going through this and it made me feel better knowing I wasn't alone and that it wasn't me losing my mind!! Since just before Christmas I have had some pretty bad anxiety and feeling dizzy what feels like all day long! Which makes me cry, I have tried my techniques to try to calm myself down, but I think I need to practice it more.
I don't take any medications as of right now, I have a pretty bad health anxiety and a fear is taking pills. I had some pretty bad heart palpitations so one night is decided to take an Ativan to calm myself down...big mistake!! It made me feel worse, I ended up sleeping on the couch because I couldn't sleep laying down :( So from there is have decided not to take any kind of medications :(
I'm pretty sure this didn't help you, but I just wanted to give you a part of what I am going through :(

Take care

01-06-2016, 04:33 PM
Hey, I am glad you are feeling better! I am kinda new to this as well, well I say new but it's been going on for approx. 3 years now and I wasn't sure what was going on up until like 6 months ago or so. I thought I was losing my mind, I was getting anxious without any warning and I didn't know what to do, I would usually go somewhere by myself and cry because I thought I was going crazy and didn't want my boys to see me going through this. I have gone through a 10 week (We would meet one evening for 2 hours once a week) cbt class and I did help, it was nice to meet people who were also going through this and it made me feel better knowing I wasn't alone and that it wasn't me losing my mind!! Since just before Christmas I have had some pretty bad anxiety and feeling dizzy what feels like all day long! Which makes me cry, I have tried my techniques to try to calm myself down, but I think I need to practice it more.
I don't take any medications as of right now, I have a pretty bad health anxiety and a fear is taking pills. I had some pretty bad heart palpitations so one night is decided to take an Ativan to calm myself down...big mistake!! It made me feel worse, I ended up sleeping on the couch because I couldn't sleep laying down :( So from there is have decided not to take any kind of medications :(
I'm pretty sure this didn't help you, but I just wanted to give you a part of what I am going through :(

Take care

Thanks for the response. I have been dealing with anxiety and panic attacks now for over 15 years, it just seems as of late the symptoms have gotten much worse. I'm not quite sure why. The problem for me is that my anxiety manifests itself into physical symptoms... chest pain, neck pain, sweats, shortness of breath, and so on... So every time I starts to happen I think I'm dying!!! And round and round I go!

I took a short nap from earlier, Xanax induced. Woke up feeling much better, but now feel like I am about to go into round 2. Lucky me!!!

01-06-2016, 06:12 PM
Tremor, I just came from work driving on highway with my first in a year panic attack. Shooot I could not even see well. I still have it.............. no as strong,

01-06-2016, 06:23 PM
I feel your pain!

As I try to tell myself during these episodes... "This too shall pass!"
Xanax... for the win!!! lol

01-06-2016, 06:33 PM
Hey Tremor,

If it lasts longer than around 25 mns it's probably an anxiety attack. Are you using Progressive Muscle Relaxation similar to http://www.drcoxconsulting.com/managing-stress.html ? If so, I suggest trying EFT.

Give the Meridian Tapping Technique / EFT a good tryout, to see if it helps you. It is free via the searchbar at www.mercola.com "EFT" & "EFT therapists" or www.tapping.com (13 free videos), or www.eftuniverse.com or www.emofree.com or one of the many YouTube videos. Google: "YouTube; EFT videos".
Professionally instructed is generally preferable. - There is a version for use in public places at http://eft.mercola.com (if you like, you can claim to have a headache, as you employ the acupressure massage / tapping on your temples, but you would then be restricted to subvocalising: saying it to yourself in your mind: "Even though I suffer from anxiety and/or panic attacks, I deeply and completely accept myself)."


"There are some differences between anxiety and panic attacks. While books are written on this topic, the following will attempt to summarize some basics here for a brief overview.

Anxiety Attacks:
An anxiety attack, sometimes referred to as a panic attack, is an unforeseen periods or incidents where there is a sudden fright or fear of intense proportions. These attacks focus on fears that are most often not rational; however the person with the disorder believes he or she is in terrible danger or at extreme risk. Most often these anxiety attacks occur all of a sudden; i.e. they are not planned nor do they come with any type of warning mechanism built in for advance action. Results are that
the person suffering the attack will feel about to faint or near death's door. People who suffer anxiety attacks report the following symptoms, listed in no particular order:
Discomfort or pain in the chest Vertigo or
Dizziness Upset stomach / Nausea Loss of
Control, Loss of Mental Stability Stress
Cold or hot flashes Heart palpitations or
near heart attack Shallow breathing Shakes / Trembling
Anxiety disorder is characterized as having anxiety feelings that are "always there / all inclusive," make people want to isolate themselves from society and hamper everyday activities with others.

Panic Attacks:
On the other hand, a panic attack does not carry with it that "always there" association. In fact, panic episodes generally burst forth, peaking after roughly 10 minutes or so, then ending after about 25 minutes. During a panic attack, 4 of the symptoms listed below (in no particular order) generally make an appearance:
Hyperventilation, Shallow breathing, even to the point of
suffocation sensation...
Increased heart rates Tightness of chest, Chest pain or discomfort
Shakes / Trembling / Sweating Choking
sensation Upset Stomach / Nausea Vertigo
Paresthesias (numbness or tingling sensations)
Surreal feelings Loss of Control, especially
of mental faculties Death coming on Numbing
Cold or hot flashes

The Difference:
The main difference between anxiety attacks and panic attacks is in the duration of the attack and how intense it is for the person with the affliction. While anxiety attacks are less hi-stress, they tend to last longer than the power-packed panic stressors".

Advice from a clinical psychologist about panic attacks is to breathe in to the count of 3: ( count: one thousand one; one thousand two; one thousand three) each takes around a second to say to yourself, in your mind, and out to the count of 3. Keep repeating this until the panic subsides, (up to 25 minutes) which will deal with the hyperventilation aspect. Learn to recognise the thoughts which trigger attacks; challenge and reprogram as shown below.

Use the Technique for Reprogramming Negative Thoughts: It's important to regularly monitor, and deal with a negative internal monologue (self talk), or mental process, such as disturbing thoughts, images, impulses, or emotions, by the process of (a): recognising it, and (b): challenging it immediately. Technique For Re-Programming Negative Thoughts: When you notice something negative, such as: "I can't do this/ am never going to get over this!" or: "Why am I always so useless/such a loser?" or even an image, emotion, or a memory; recognise that it is being generated from the negative part of your mind.

After identifying and labelling it, visualise a large, red, flashing, "STOP!" sign, and/or possibly a stern faced person wagging an index finger at you in a negative manner, then say to yourself as forcefully as you can, even aloud in a big voice, if alone: "I know this tactic: GO AWAY FOR A WHILE !!!" You may want to use either: "ruse", "ploy", "game", or "trick". In the case of an image, visualise a large "STOP" sign, or your preferred version.

Some people go so far as to keep a wide rubber band in their pocket, then put it around their wrist, when they catch themselves backsliding, stretch and release it, as a method of reprogramming their mind sooner, but I don't regard it as being strictly necessary. Remember to remove it, afterwards, if you use this method. Try replacing a negative thought with a positive affirmation of your choice, like: "I am a unique individual, with my own set of skills, and good points", or "I may not be perfect, but I'm doing the best I can, right now".

Using the above, with determination and persistence, they will reduce in frequency, but will always recur from time to time, which is normal, and healthy.

01-06-2016, 07:32 PM
Excellent information! Thank you!

For me, my problem seems to revolve around my physical sensations. I own a business that even though is doing very well, provides me with a good daily dose of stress. I do not realize that I might be tightening my chest, lifting my shoulders, or even holding my breath. Then all of a sudden I start to get tightness, cramps, or shooting pains in these areas and BAAMMM!!! I'm dying and go into what I call "panic" mode!

I will do some research on the information you have listed above. I'm sure in some shape or form it will do me some good!

Thanks again!

01-06-2016, 08:32 PM
Novucas with all due respect, panic attack can last as long as an hour. Tremor have you ever checked your sugar levels. It is easy to confuse the panic attack and hypoglycemia ? It is very similar to panic attacks, I mean physical symptoms; shaking hands, week legs, blurry vision, fear...........
Yes Breathing is the first , it is a must , taking deep slow breath , keep it in for like 4 seconds and slowly let it go, blowing like through the straw. It helps to relax the body so mind follows
Unfortunately, I had not have a panic attack for so long that I forgot, I thought is is my blood pressure spiking. Maybe it was spiking too, but after taking clonazepam and till the time I got home, blood pressure was excellent:)
Tremor you have a mojor health anxiety and every time you get upset or stressed, you got the fear of dying and panic attack happens

01-06-2016, 10:22 PM
Hi Tremor, hope your feeling somewhat better. You too Dahila.

My best advice is the only stats you need worry about, are those that only relate to you. (more meaning, nothing beats personal experience) It sure can be overwhelming when propositioned with a million strategies. However I recommended you research as you have suggested. That's a pretty good list that Nowuccas gives. You sound like you got a good handle. All the best finding something that works for you.

Again ... hoping your feeling somewhat better.

01-07-2016, 07:38 AM
Thanks Ponder. I am feeling somewhat better. Not what I would consider perfect or back to normal yet, but better. What is so darn difficult for me is the constant chest and back pain that I get. It's very difficult to tell yourself "it's just your anxiety", when you have this constant reminder that something isn't right!

I have been trying to exercise and practice my breathing lately to release some of the muscle tension. But I am open to any suggestions anyone might have!

01-07-2016, 08:39 AM
Novucas with all due respect, panic attack can last as long as an hour. Tremor have you ever checked your sugar levels. It is easy to confuse the panic attack and hypoglycemia ? It is very similar to panic attacks, I mean physical symptoms; shaking hands, week legs, blurry vision, fear...........
Yes Breathing is the first , it is a must , taking deep slow breath , keep it in for like 4 seconds and slowly let it go, blowing like through the straw. It helps to relax the body so mind follows
Unfortunately, I had not have a panic attack for so long that I forgot, I thought is is my blood pressure spiking. Maybe it was spiking too, but after taking clonazepam and till the time I got home, blood pressure was excellent:)
Tremor you have a mojor health anxiety and every time you get upset or stressed, you got the fear of dying and panic attack happens

Thanks Dahila! I do understand that I have major health anxiety. The problem is I don't really know how to fix it... lol I see a psychologist once a month, read as much as I can on the subject, and practice different techniques to remedy the issue. It's just not easy for me! But obviously, I am not doing something right. I just need to work harder.... :(

Thanks for your concern! I hope you are doing better as well! All my best!

01-07-2016, 10:28 AM
Before I get a full blown panic attack I do some basic breathing exercises I breathe from my stomach then I count to three. And I find ice cold water calms me right down. I wanted to be put on something for my anxiety but my doctor refused because of risk of abuse. I also like to go for walks to calm myself down.

01-07-2016, 11:21 AM
Thanks Dahila! I do understand that I have major health anxiety. The problem is I don't really know how to fix it... lol I see a psychologist once a month, read as much as I can on the subject, and practice different techniques to remedy the issue. It's just not easy for me! But obviously, I am not doing something right. I just need to work harder.... :(

Thanks for your concern! I hope you are doing better as well! All my best!
Thanks Tremor if I knew how to fix it, I would do it 50 years ago , I am old, and having health anxiety like you:)) still kicking though:)

01-07-2016, 05:56 PM
Before I get a full blown panic attack I do some basic breathing exercises I breathe from my stomach then I count to three. And I find ice cold water calms me right down. I wanted to be put on something for my anxiety but my doctor refused because of risk of abuse. I also like to go for walks to calm myself down.

Useful advice Jen... Sometimes when I go into my panic mode I tend to forget the most basic of things! BREATHE! As simple as it sounds, this helps me a lot too! Not sure I could do the ice cold water thing though... lol

01-08-2016, 07:53 AM
Ringing a trusted loved one or a friend is the first thing I do when having a panic attack. And Xanax for extreme situations.

01-08-2016, 09:36 AM
Ringing a trusted loved one or a friend is the first thing I do when having a panic attack. And Xanax for extreme situations.

Unfortunately, mine have all been extreme lately. Don't know why? I am looking forward to talking with my psychologist again on Tuesday. Maybe he can shed some light on the situation for me. Thanks again to everyone that has responded! Nice to have people that understand what you are going through! ;)

01-09-2016, 10:06 AM
Useful advice Jen... Sometimes when I go into my panic mode I tend to forget the most basic of things! BREATHE! As simple as it sounds, this helps me a lot too! Not sure I could do the ice cold water thing though... lol

I know this is gonna sound stupid but I got the word breathe tattooed on my forearm and it reminds me to breathe as well. But walks do help with anxiety not just anger. I am glad I am not on medication for anxiety I think I would be worse off.

01-19-2016, 01:37 PM
I have a couple of ideas you may wish to consider...

1. Learn Tai Chi. I recently found a YouTube video, the last public appearance (at a science fiction convention) of my 'sifu' before his death in 2013, and it contains the entire Tai Chi form (and then some) that I'd learned from him 20 years and more past. I plan to return to it very soon; other physical health problems have kept me distracted. While I can personally attest to the value of Tai Chi as a self-protective martial art, it is rarely perceived that way and is, for a lot of people, deeply calming and centering.

2. Find a hobby, if you do not have one already, that takes you completely away from anxiety triggers. Art, writing, disappearing into a TV channel, whatever helps. The possibilities are every bit as limitless as the number of us challenged by anxiety and the depths to which it can scar our lives if misunderstood.

3. NEVER be afraid to reach out until you find someone who is willing to understand that you are not a flawed personality or in any way an inadequate human being. This board seems, so far, to be exactly the right kind of place to look.

01-20-2016, 12:01 PM
I have a couple of ideas you may wish to consider...

1. Learn Tai Chi. I recently found a YouTube video, the last public appearance (at a science fiction convention) of my 'sifu' before his death in 2013, and it contains the entire Tai Chi form (and then some) that I'd learned from him 20 years and more past. I plan to return to it very soon; other physical health problems have kept me distracted. While I can personally attest to the value of Tai Chi as a self-protective martial art, it is rarely perceived that way and is, for a lot of people, deeply calming and centering.

2. Find a hobby, if you do not have one already, that takes you completely away from anxiety triggers. Art, writing, disappearing into a TV channel, whatever helps. The possibilities are every bit as limitless as the number of us challenged by anxiety and the depths to which it can scar our lives if misunderstood.

3. NEVER be afraid to reach out until you find someone who is willing to understand that you are not a flawed personality or in any way an inadequate human being. This board seems, so far, to be exactly the right kind of place to look.

The Tai Chi sounds very interesting! Sounds like it is very similar to Yoga, but obviously is a martial art. I agree that I need more physical exercise and some form of peaceful meditation to relax my mind. I have started both of these in the past week. For me, lifting weights has always been enjoyable so I have started doing that again. But I am having difficulties finding a good meditation program. Been searching on youtube and for different apps. Tried a few, but nothing that really stood out.

Thanks for the reply! Much appreciated!

01-20-2016, 05:26 PM
I'd be QUITE happy to share the YouTube link, and once I have a chance I plan to list out the form I was taught move-by-move and will be happy to share what I remember of that part as well. As for physical exercise, my options are currently severely limited, but when they're not my two favorites are my hydrotherapy (ferociously difficult workout in water twice a week) and grabbing my camera--which is also important in that if I pull it out in public it means I'm willing to engage with strangers to discuss what I'm taking photos of and why--and going for a nature walk. It's been tough to arrange for a while, since there's only one good walking site near my apartment and my neighbor who drives (which I absolutely DO NOT do) hasn't been doing well with his own physical challenges, but a cheap point-and-shoot camera gives me a PERFECT reason to wander about :). My favorite photo subjects are birds, rocks, and the mountain views this part of Montana is so justifiably famous for providing. I don't have massive amounts of experience with camera brands and types, but I can tell you my little Canon PowerShot A720 IS, while woefully outdated, is a FANTASTIC beginner camera--my first was a factory-refurbish that didn't develop any sort of malfunction until I had run 120,000 images through its lens. It shot me a western meadowlark in 116F heat in central Montana, a bald eagle flying by my balcony at -15F, a ghost town 9,000 feet above sea level in the Pioneer Mountains, and ravens ON the beach on the north-central Oregon coast. I also dropped it at least 5 times onto hard surfaces from a minimum 4 feet without noticing ill effects, so if the idea of photography suits you I'd look for something similar in a point-and-shoot digital. Birds, butterflies, flowers, and rocks are everywhere, and most digital cameras now come with a very nice macro-shot function for taking HUGE photos of tiny things like ladybugs.

01-21-2016, 09:38 AM
Having the worse panic attack I have ever had right now!!! Had to come home from work.

Shoulder/Neck pain, chest pain, uncontrollable shaking, palms sweating, and of course.... the impending death that is about to ensue!!! Took a .5 mg Xanax to try and calm myself but it's not really working. Scared to death to put it lightly! Trying to do my breathing exercises and muscle relaxation techniques. Not sure what to do anymore? HELP!

I know how you feel, I've been hit with quite a few this week and its driving me mad. However, with the necessary rest I've been starting to feel like I get a bit more grip on things again, even though they pop up from time to time.