View Full Version : Been very Overwhelmed over my Unexpected House Bills Lately?

01-06-2016, 06:16 AM
Water heather went out New Yrs and that was 1500, then new garage door just placed today and that was another 400. That was really very worth it, it sounds so much better than the former, clippity, cloppity, clanky version we had since 1989. This rain is pleasant. I think I shall finally go back to sleep,(3:15 AM now)-----and bake some sugar cookies later today. I am not scheduled to work until next week and my 2nd job have not began yet. really need this new 2nd job for these Unexpected House expenses. The costs of running a home are very expensive. 1st time on my own and its a bit overwhelming and seemingly depressing at times too. Just need to earn more money and keep busy i think as part of my Plan to "Survive The Great depression", part 2.