View Full Version : Health Anxiety - Please Help

01-06-2016, 04:47 AM
I'm so sorry if this post is going to be a long one but I really need some help.
I've had Health Anxiety & Panic now for around a year. I've convinced myself I've had every illness under the sun including - Cervical Cancer, Bowel Cancer, Melanoma, Heart Attack/Disease, MS, Brain Tumour, Aneurysm, Blood Clots, Dementia, Serious Ear Problems, Eye Cancer, Oral Cancer, Stroke, Spinal Cancer, Menigitis, Lymphoma and finally Bikini Line Cancer (I'm not even sure if such a thing exists). This is taking over my life. I'm sick of thinking I'm dying all the time. Yesterday is a pure example of how bad I can get, in the morning, I was worried about having DVT in one of my legs, by dinner time I'd swapped to thinking I had Dementia and by bedtime it was Oral Cancer. Plus, this week has been even more stressful :( I have loads of Anxiety Symptoms to cope with too which only add to certain worries....
My Grandad came to see us on New Years Day and within an hour or two of him returning home, he had a heart attack, he is now in intensive care on life support with a slim chance of making it. This has led to even more Anxiety & Worry and I'm truly, quite possibly at my worst. My heart feels like it's in my mouth all the time, my stomach is turning in knots, I feel sick...... How can I cope with this added worry when I didn't think I could get much worse? I'm not on medication as it didn't really make to much of a difference and I received CBT last year which did help but I relapsed within 5 months or so.... Plus there's a waiting list even if I decided I needed some help..... Please help!

01-06-2016, 03:37 PM
Hello, so sorry to hear about you grandfather. I too suffer from health anxiety. I also tried the cbt, which did make me feel a bit better, however I live my days thinking I am dying of something! I am usually almost always dizzy! I have had my blood work done and it shows nothing is wrong, I have a sever reactions to a blood pressure monitor! I can't even look at it and it puts my blood pressure up! Monday night my face felt really hot so I decided to check my bp and it was 170/111 pulse was 124!!! Which I have spoke to my doctor about and he says it is my anxiety putting it up and it's not staying up all the time which is when you would need medication. I am not a skinny woman, so because of all this I have been really trying to watch what I eat, as I do notice when I eat a lot of sugar I find myself getting anxious!!

I know by coming on here and reading other people's story helps to make me feel better...I guess it's just reading that I am not the only one helps! I am not sure if that helped you at all, but I guess I just wanted to let you know what you are not alone in the "hell" of anxiety and panic :(

Take care

01-06-2016, 06:06 PM
I am sorry about your grandfather. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

As for how to reduce your anxiety during a time like this, I'm not quite sure. For me, surrounding myself with people that I care about, and care about me, seems to help a lot. Having a good support system is invaluable! My wife is my greatest champion. I don't think I could do it without her. Being able to talk it out sometimes can make a world of difference!

Hope that helps a little?

01-07-2016, 04:22 AM
Hello, so sorry to hear about you grandfather. I too suffer from health anxiety. I also tried the cbt, which did make me feel a bit better, however I live my days thinking I am dying of something! I am usually almost always dizzy! I have had my blood work done and it shows nothing is wrong, I have a sever reactions to a blood pressure monitor! I can't even look at it and it puts my blood pressure up! Monday night my face felt really hot so I decided to check my bp and it was 170/111 pulse was 124!!! Which I have spoke to my doctor about and he says it is my anxiety putting it up and it's not staying up all the time which is when you would need medication. I am not a skinny woman, so because of all this I have been really trying to watch what I eat, as I do notice when I eat a lot of sugar I find myself getting anxious!!

I know by coming on here and reading other people's story helps to make me feel better...I guess it's just reading that I am not the only one helps! I am not sure if that helped you at all, but I guess I just wanted to let you know what you are not alone in the "hell" of anxiety and panic :(

Take care

Hello, thank you for taking the time to read my post. I'm sorry you also suffer from HA and all of those horrible symptoms :(
I get really nervous about having my blood pressure took too! Have you found eating healthier improves your anxiety? I've been healthy eating for 8 weeks now and lost 17lbs and I find it does give me more energy but unfortunately hasn't really made a difference in terms of my anxiety. Your right, it is reassuring to read that I am not alone in this. It's the anxiety symptoms that scare me the most too so reading others experiences with them is also reassuring. I actually called the local mental health nurse yesterday and luckily, she had one space left so I didn't have to wait on a list. She came yesterday and I had a really good chat with her which has helped a little bit. She's going to come weekly now I think so hopefully, I'll see the benefit. Thanks again for reading!

01-07-2016, 04:24 AM
I am sorry about your grandfather. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

As for how to reduce your anxiety during a time like this, I'm not quite sure. For me, surrounding myself with people that I care about, and care about me, seems to help a lot. Having a good support system is invaluable! My wife is my greatest champion. I don't think I could do it without her. Being able to talk it out sometimes can make a world of difference!
Hope that helps a little?

Thank you and thanks for reading. My Husband has been a diamond through all of this and has really helped I just feel guilty putting all of this on him :(

01-07-2016, 06:34 PM
Have you read or found the stickie call HEALTH ANXIETY EXPOSED? it is a very good one for people like us. Pull up a chair grab your favorite beverage and have a look and go through it all. Sorry to hear about your grandad

01-08-2016, 03:49 AM
Have you read or found the stickie call HEALTH ANXIETY EXPOSED? it is a very good one for people like us. Pull up a chair grab your favorite beverage and have a look and go through it all. Sorry to hear about your grandad

Thank you, I'll make sure to check that out, sounds interesting!