View Full Version : Thank you !

09-19-2008, 05:23 AM
Thanks for all the private messages that got sent my way. I am doing my best to respond to everyone. :)
Yes, I am doing better. However, I've been diagnosed with a strain of pnemonia, and put on antibiotics and steriods. I have started the antibiotics, but I refuse to take the steriods because (AGAIN) I am afraid of the side effects and what COULD happen. I also got an enhaler, and have not used that yet becasue it says, (you can go into broncial spasms and stop breathing-it says this is more likey to happen on the first use of new canister)...Yeh right, like I am going to take my chances with that??? If I need it, I am going to make sure I am at the doctors office for the first time I have to use it!!!! I know I will have another panic attack..because when I am sick, that is when I have them the worse!
Except the one time I flew on a plane to Marco Island Florida...(my biggest fear since I was little was flying and airplanes) I wanted to go, and flying was the only way. Bad Idea.. I thought Iwas going to die for the entire two hours. Especially when the air pressure changed.. I begged for oxygen.. but I got laughed at. Eventually on the plane ride home I was given Zanax.. I was hesitant to take it, but I did. That was the first and only time I have taken meds to help my anxiety. It calmed me down...but I felt weird the rest of the day. I have nightmares about flying...and I will never be able to fly again. So much for going to spain huh? I also get panic attacks while driving on long trips.. especially when I change altitudes (go through mountains). I also sometimes feel anxious if I get stuck in a bad traffic jam. Anyone else have anxiety when or about traveling?
Well, Im gonna fill out my profile a little bit, so you have an idea of who your listening to babble on and on. LOL Sorry! Hugs to all...