View Full Version : Writting as a coping mechannism

01-05-2016, 06:04 PM
Hi there,

After a recent emotional upheaval (hubby was hospitalised with potential blood clots and also has Chronic Myeloid Leukaemia) my nan joked that I could write a book based on all the shit I've seen/ been through in my short 22 years on earth and I'm starting to think that, although she was having a laugh, it could be a good idea. Not necessary having it published but writing everything down as it was/is and releasing the emotion. Has anyone else ever done this? Id love some advise. I'm thinking a character based on me instead of flat out me, and how she copes through things in life.

01-06-2016, 09:13 AM
Hi there,

After a recent emotional upheaval (hubby was hospitalised with potential blood clots and also has Chronic Myeloid Leukaemia) my nan joked that I could write a book based on all the shit I've seen/ been through in my short 22 years on earth and I'm starting to think that, although she was having a laugh, it could be a good idea. Not necessary having it published but writing everything down as it was/is and releasing the emotion. Has anyone else ever done this? Id love some advise. I'm thinking a character based on me instead of flat out me, and how she copes through things in life.

Hi Silmarwen,

Wow, I'm sorry to hear about your husband's cancer--that's awful and must be a huge source of stress and anxiety.

I haven't tried writing myself, though I'm not sure why not. There is a lot of research by James Pennebaker suggesting that it can be quite beneficial to people, so it's empirically supported as a means of working through psychological issues and increasing well-being.