View Full Version : How do you deal with nightmares?

01-05-2016, 09:18 AM
Lately I've been having ALOT of nightmares. I would say 5-6 days a week. It's scary as hell and just now, when I woke up, I had a sleep paralysis. I could hear, see and feel - but I couldn't move. I also had a feeling of being suffocated.

This is ruining my days. When I wake up, I'm anxious and scared. The first five minutes I wake up, I still think I'm in the dream. I also am having some inception sh*t dreams(dreaming inside of a dream). I'm trying to tell myself it's a dream, but I can't help to feel all anxious.

How the hell do I stop this sh*t? How do you deal with bad dreams?

01-05-2016, 10:02 AM
Lately I've been having ALOT of nightmares. I would say 5-6 days a week. It's scary as hell and just now, when I woke up, I had a sleep paralysis. I could hear, see and feel - but I couldn't move. I also had a feeling of being suffocated.

This is ruining my days. When I wake up, I'm anxious and scared. The first five minutes I wake up, I still think I'm in the dream. I also am having some inception sh*t dreams(dreaming inside of a dream). I'm trying to tell myself it's a dream, but I can't help to feel all anxious.

How the hell do I stop this sh*t? How do you deal with bad dreams?

Same problem here....I have no answer for you. I recently had a sleep study, apparently I never reach a certain "sleep level" which is why I am always tired a sleepy....diagnosed with some type of sleep apneo(sp) . I am supposed to be getting a Cpap...so I hope that helps withthe sleep, the dreams and the anxiety. I will keep ya posted.

01-05-2016, 10:35 AM
Sucks you're going through the same thing. Good luck with your CPAP treatment. Hope it works out fine, keep us posted!

01-05-2016, 11:02 AM
I have it for years especially when I am stressed. Try not to watch movies right before you go to bed, chose something light to read, it works better.I had today that awful nightmare, and thanks heaven I set up my alarm clock

01-05-2016, 02:16 PM
How's your activity level and what how clean is your diet? Sounds irrelevant, but has a lot more bearing than most people think. Or, we acknowledge it for fact, but rarely given it much thought as we give in to feeding our emotions and doing Sweet F All due to lack of energy, both physical and emotional.

Has anything transpired recently that might of triggered your subconscious? This question may take a little pondering as this type of suffering is not always on the surface, but deeper and not uncommon to surface in whatever stage of sleep.

My best course of action when suffering like so (I used to suffer sleep paralysis as my daughter does to) is to up my activity level and check what I eat. I contemplate any psychological triggers and research how to get better sleep.

There was a doco on Netflix I gave a watch and whilst it made for a nice Hollywood presentation and I was sceptical at such presentation, they made some pretty good points towards the end, with how for most people it was more about the focus that's sufferers placed on the condition itself. Once you leave the paranormal content to istels (and others) and just work on ones own psyc and environmental factors ... in 99% of cases ... it gets better. Again, it comes down to how we focus.

On a completely different note: although I will somehow make relevant in a round about kind of way.

The following is an example of how Suggestion works. Beliefs. What do you believe? How has your mind been imprinted? Some people may find this following presentation just what Jesus ordered when the masses came running to him with sleep paralysis, however I propose this kind of thing actually creates it ... BUT - if you've been exposed to such beliefs as pentecostal, evangelical and likewise characteristic Christian practices, then perhaps invoking the Name of Jesus will work for you?


(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AS3S7cd2tgw)HOWEVER --- This watch really helped my to understand more the power of how our brains are so easily manipulated. Thankfully I have a lot of experience dealing with religious imprinting. Given my most recent readings into hypnotherapy, I can now see how such is employed with such presentations. BUT - does that mean it's a bad thing? Hmmmm - If you believe this the Name of Jesus will help stop these nightmares, then I suggest you use the Name of Jesus and see for yourself. It did for me.

But to be fair, I later learned without even knowing about how suggestion works, that my exposure to the imprinted fear and what I now term as false belief ... was in fact responsible for the sleep paralysis episodes to begin with. Religion is only one aspect of such fear imprinting. Although very broad in spectrum is how a common theme. Calling upon an external source, bowing down and worshipping. The ultimate for mass control with pacification in mind lest Evil dogs be released. The system of instilled belief so effective that even secular society adopts the same principles so effective in religion that people who claim to have no belief, are they themselves as much a puppet to the system. But that's just my view ...

You need to establish your own. Therein lay the key to braking the chains and releasing such false belief. It's indoctrinated FEAR that I believe that people need to overcome in order to put sleep paralysis ... to sleep.

For me that name of Jesus, just lead into more bouts, it was not until I saw the BS for what it is, (beyond that or one form of false belief) that eventually my nightmares stopped. Since opening myself back up to other forms of metaphysical, I have dealt with various figments such as entities, but again - a lesson in controlling fear begin and ends with us! We create our own realities.

It's all very interesting stuff.

Just learn to own your own mind. I think that's the best place to start ...

In the Name of Jesus - I loosen thee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I need to go for my walk ... I think I will post about such things under my rock. So ingrained in my family is false belief that they all suffer this affliction ... but that does not make real for others who choose not to believe or those that have not been exposed. Again ... really really interesting stuff.

If this does not help ... I am srry , there is not much I can do ... you will have too keep reading, researching, contemplating, and possibly suffer some more until such a time you either you disappear through a wall, or simply no longer climb them at all. That is if you don't suffocate first? Terrifying it is ... is it not? ... so much so, that you dare not think about a thought that may lead to that next bout.

Good Luck.

01-05-2016, 08:12 PM
Sleeping schedule is completly ruined because of the fear of this. My diet, I have been very lazy with. My activity level has never been as bad as it is now. Might very much be these three factors that are messing me up. I also had a fight with my mom the day before, which may or may not have triggered the sleep paralysis.

I see what you mean. Religion, beliefs create the same problems it cures. I believe this is true in cases where a person either haven't understod that his belief is indirectly being forced on him or if he simply don't understand it = false belief. If a person follows without questioning, I believe this is the result. I'm very comfortable with my beliefs though. Even though that's not the purpose. I feel no pressure or limitation from them. Vice versa, they make me feel good.

I do not think this is related to my beliefs. I believe I'm getting these nightmares because of three simple essential factors that I keep messing up: sleep, diet and exercise aka moving my ass out of the house. I also don't get many sleep paralysis episodes. This is the 2nd I've ever gotten in my life and it happend after me having a fight with my mom and my relatives.

Appreciate the help. Interesting documentary.


01-05-2016, 08:42 PM
We create our own realities.
Alias try to go to sleep on empty stomach if possible, if not have some oats or something light to eat. You must start to meditate, it will safe you and help you to deal with everyday life.
If you need to have some protein before bed, chose an avocado :)

01-05-2016, 09:00 PM
I'm not trying to promote drug use at all. However, I suffered those dreaded recurring nightmares for decades. The only time I did not have the nightmares (or be able to recall them) was when smoking cannabis. I used it for 25yrs. This is no longer the case, as the nightmares were all linked to one thing, once I finally sought help (and after some time at it) they stopped. The "one thing" is actually several individuals whom a Michael James Twowey of Ipswich is but one. He died 21st july 2015, I smiled for a week.
So while cannabis worked temporarily it is not the solution. Getting that torment out in the open and working through it with a caring professional is the way.
Sleep paralysis I have only had twice that I remember, both lasting a few minutes. I looked into back when, I recall reading your brain shuts down your body during sleep. Occasionally you wake before your brain checks in and you cannot move, but it fades reasonably quickly.

01-06-2016, 05:50 AM
Alias try to go to sleep on empty stomach if possible, if not have some oats or something light to eat. You must start to meditate, it will safe you and help you to deal with everyday life.
If you need to have some protein before bed, chose an avocado :)

Thanks for the tips Dahila! :) I had a good night sleep today, no nightmares. For a second, I forgot how good that felt.

01-06-2016, 06:14 PM
You see, Alias life is good:))