View Full Version : Rambling anxiety thoughts

01-04-2016, 04:17 PM
Hi guys! I don't know if any of you will remember but I posted on here a lot in November and December because I was having a lot of anxiety problems with Uni. I've decided to take the rest of the year out to deal with it and get better, but honestly, I'm not sure where to start. I'm not even sure whether I'll be living at my Uni house or my family house (they're on different sides of the country) and I need a job and I'm not sure how to pay for this year and rent.

More importantly, I'm not sure where to start with recovery. It'll take about 3 months if I wait for an appointment for counselling on the NHS and private therapists are quite pricey. I'm looking into support groups and I've found a Mindfulness based CBT class near me that I'm keen to try, but again, it's pricey. I need to make some improvement by September otherwise I'll have wasted a year and things will only be harder at Uni otherwise. I feel like I'm being pulled in so many directions and anxiety is pulling those strings even tighter.

I am feeling positive about this year though. I sometimes feel like the anxiety won because it got me to leave Uni, but at the same time I feel like I'm standing up to it by taking time out for myself to get better and not letting it hassle me about Uni. Is it weird to think of your anxiety as like your evil destructive bitchy alter ego who's out to ruin your life and make you feel rubbish? :confused:

This sort of turned into my rambling thoughts about anxiety, but if anyone has any ideas about what I can do this year to help with my anxiety, I would be very grateful. I hope you all have a good night x