View Full Version : How do your skipped / ectopic beats feel?

01-03-2016, 06:40 AM
Do those of you who get palpitations or ectopic beats notice them being different? Sometimes I get them all day for several days at a time a few seconds apart from each other. These kind just sort of hard beat, then pause, then start again. They don't bother me that much and I can ignore them.
Other times I get a really bad one or a string of them that feel like an emergency where I have to cough or jump up out of my chair and run around the room to get my heart back beating correctly. Sounds crazy, I know. What do yours feel like?

01-11-2016, 04:40 PM
Hi there, I have been getting these ectopic beats for about 3 years now and it's the most dreadful feeling ever. I have days where i get none and days where i can have loads its horrendous