View Full Version : Ocd?

01-02-2016, 09:42 PM
Hey guys! Was just wondering if anyone can relate or help shed some light on what it is im suffering with at the moment. A few months ago, I started obsessing with my breathing .. when it came to my anxiety breathing had always been a big issue. But I feel like it's escalated, to the point that I'm constantly aware of my breathing and obsess over the thought that I'll be aware of it for the rest of my life, I think that's the part that scares me the most.
I'm starting to think this is more of an OCD thing. It's not actually breathing that scares me but the fact that I'm always thinking about it, that scares me .. If that makes any sense.
Anyways, if anyone's had any experience with this I'd appreciate.. well anything lol

01-03-2016, 12:31 AM
Hey JudJud, from London.

Sounds like we have a lot in common. I'm also living in the big Smog, and I also battled this nasty OCD symptom (for a long time, actually)!

Out of interest, what happens when you monitor your breathing? Does it speed up? Does your chest and stomach become tense? Do you become dizzy?

01-03-2016, 01:00 PM
Hey Jessed! Also from London lol

Thank you for replying. Yes, it does speed up sometimes .. I don't notice my chest or stomach becoming tense though, but I'll feel like I'm not exhaling properly, like it comes out bit by bit ( sorry, not very good at explaining things lol ) but breathing like that before would have been the thing that would freak me out, but that's not the case anymore. Now its freaks me out just thinking about it. It's also starting to affect my sleeping too, which sucks bcz im back at work tomorrow ... fun.
If you don't mind me asking, was you able to overcome this? The thought that it'll stick with me for the rest of my life is frightening.

01-03-2016, 03:38 PM
Hi JudJud -

Seems like a sensorimotor obsession. I get it from time to time and it usually comes out when I'm anxious.

When I become aware of my in-breath and out-breath, my breathing becomes shallow and/or difficult. I get the feeling that my inhales/exhales are being forced or improper. It causes me to worry/fear and obsess on it. Have you tried breathing/meditation exercises? I've been working on my breathing techniques. However, along with breathing techniques...I've been working on other CBT methods such as changing the way I think, I am not my thoughts and just allowing thoughts to come and go as it pleases...not judging or dwelling on it. It takes practice and a positive mindset, I've seen improvements in myself!

01-03-2016, 04:09 PM
I agree with Randomize. Sounds a lot like a sensorimotor obsession.

Often the mind picks up on some belief regarding breathing (or another bodily function) and decides to monitor it as often as possible. The obsession is the breath. The compulsion is to check, monitor or try to control the breath. Just like that you have a pretty nasty OCD-type symptom.

I'll give you an example of how mine got started:

I used to get really dizzy because of my anxiety. I noticed one day that I was breathing heavily and decided that was the reason why I was becoming dizzy. Innocently, I tried to limit my breathing to stop this dizziness. What happened though is I associated "right" breathing with an anxiety cure. All of a sudden I couldn't stop watching myself breathe. I kept trying to consciously control this mostly subconscious process as I believed I needed to.

If you analyze why you pay attention to your breathing, you too may find a reason why you continue to monitor it. Perhaps you were so frightened at not being able to breathe during an attack that you began to believe that you're in danger if you don't get this process under your control. The fearful emotion that made you develop your unhealthy belief might have gone, but the belief probably won't have done.

If you can't spot a belief, that's ok. You can still get over it.

I struggled for 3 miserable years before I got the better of it. Randomize is making good progress, too. Don't feel disheartened!

01-04-2016, 05:54 PM
Thnx guys, I actually feel alot better now I know what it is .. I looked it up and sounds like exactly what I'm going through now. That's great that you two have got the better of it, makes me feel hopeful that I will too. Thnx :)

01-04-2016, 11:50 PM
Yeah i agree with the others. Sensorimotor obsessions. i have those too. So annoying. but its easy to manage if you figure out what works for you :)