View Full Version : Howdy

09-18-2008, 06:38 PM
I am 47 and have dealt with anxiety for over twenty years. I have had many more good days than bad all in all. However, my first bout with the disorder left me sleepless and unable to eat for a week. I had no idea what was going on and eventually was admitted to a psychiatric hosptal. This began my journey into dealing with anxiety and depression. Over the years I have had occassional set backs, but never have relived the experience of living hell I went through twenty years ago.

I also have three siblings who have suffered with this disorder. Like myself, the initial stage was the worst and eventually they have all learned coping strategies and live normal lives.

I believe everyone has to find what works for them. Relaxation techniques, therapy and a good spiritual foundation are all part of the solution for me.

It's nice to see something good like this forum can come out of the internet.