View Full Version : Frustrated

12-30-2015, 06:24 PM
I have been dealing with anxiety, depression, & panic attacks now for 15 years. Obviously, had good times and bad times. Unfortunately though, right now is a bad time!

I'm 45 years old (male) and would say my biggest anxiety is health. I am constantly worried about having a heart attack. The problem is the major symptom I consistantly get is chest pain. It is always tight and it always hurts! I don't know how to releave this viscious circle! My chest hurts, I think I'm having a heart attack, and so on, and so on... There doesn't seem to be end!!!

I'm not really sure where I am going with all this... lol Other than the fact I just want to get it off my chest and hopefuly get some good advice in return.

I am not on any medications right now. Took Zoloft in the past for about 3 years. Do occassionly take a .25mg Xanax when it gets unbareable, and have seen a psychologist once a month for like 7 years now. Any advice or encouragement is welcome, cause I'm not afraid to say I need it right now!

Thanks in advance!

12-30-2015, 08:03 PM
Hey Tremor,

I also suffer from health anxiety, it suuuckkss. I mean, have you run through the normal gamut?: getting a physical exam from your physician, massing that muscles around your chest, deep breathing.....

My father had a stroke and became debilitated. Seeing him like this was a huge shock to my system, and it basically started my life with health anxiety. My psychologist explained that random things happen in life and sometimes we can do nothing to prevent them. However, some of these events can be extremely rare, like a stroke or heart attack happening to a healthy person. There is a higher chance of us getting into a car accident while making the commute to work every day but we may rarely worry about this happening. It's all about letting go, and accepting life's randomness, as terrifying as it may be.

12-30-2015, 08:30 PM
Hey Tremor,

I also suffer from health anxiety, it suuuckkss. I mean, have you run through the normal gamut?: getting a physical exam from your physician, massing that muscles around your chest, deep breathing.....

My father had a stroke and became debilitated. Seeing him like this was a huge shock to my system, and it basically started my life with health anxiety. My psychologist explained that random things happen in life and sometimes we can do nothing to prevent them. However, some of these events can be extremely rare, like a stroke or heart attack happening to a healthy person. There is a higher chance of us getting into a car accident while making the commute to work every day but we may rarely worry about this happening. It's all about letting go, and accepting life's randomness, as terrifying as it may be.

Exactly, the hardest thing for people like us with health anxiety is letting go of control and just enjoy life as things come and take as best care of yourself as possible.

12-31-2015, 11:05 AM
Hey Tremor,

I also suffer from health anxiety, it suuuckkss. I mean, have you run through the normal gamut?: getting a physical exam from your physician, massing that muscles around your chest, deep breathing.....

My father had a stroke and became debilitated. Seeing him like this was a huge shock to my system, and it basically started my life with health anxiety. My psychologist explained that random things happen in life and sometimes we can do nothing to prevent them. However, some of these events can be extremely rare, like a stroke or heart attack happening to a healthy person. There is a higher chance of us getting into a car accident while making the commute to work every day but we may rarely worry about this happening. It's all about letting go, and accepting life's randomness, as terrifying as it may be.

I have been to doctor and he says everything is fine. But you know how our minds work sometimes, I start to doubt and question things. "Did he miss something?" or "Maybe I'm the odd ball case?" It's just my evil mind playing tricks on me! I do try to rationalize as much as possible, but sometimes it's just difficult.

Thanks for the positive feed back! ;)