View Full Version : Those With Anxieties Who Give Up On Psychotherapy Too Soon Are Making A Mistake

12-29-2015, 04:10 PM
Many people deal with terrible anxieties. I certainly used to.

Some with anxieties elect to see a qualified therapist in order to try to overcome their anxieties and to try to calm themselves down. And they find the therapy to be helpful.

But then their are others who find talk therapy to be completely useless for their uncontrollable anxieties. All of the cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and all the rational thinking in the world does not make a difference. They're nervous wrecks and that's it.

So should those who find psychotherapy at first to be unhelpful give up on therapy?


Some people find therapy to be useless, until they get on psychiatric medication(s). The meds calm them down. Then, they go back into talk therapy and find that it calms them down even more. They find the therapy to be helpful and useful once they get put on meds that work for them.

Therefore, for those with serious anxieties, I say don't give up on psychotherapy just yet.

01-03-2016, 06:03 AM
My wife is like this. I wish she wouldn't give up on psychotherapy. She doesn't like sharing her personal feelings "with a complete stranger".

cloudy black
01-03-2016, 01:14 PM
My wife is like this. I wish she wouldn't give up on psychotherapy. She doesn't like sharing her personal feelings "with a complete stranger".
aint that strange because i would soonest talk to a stranger, but for me its the trust issue what a bummer that has been over the years. does your wife have issues with trust i wonder

cloudy black
01-03-2016, 01:22 PM
All of the cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and all the rational thinking in the world does not make a difference. They're nervous wrecks and that's it.
So should those who find psychotherapy at first to be unhelpful give up on therapy?
Therefore, for those with serious anxieties, I say don't give up on psychotherapy just yet.

yes CBT the nhs seem to be dishing this out as a talking therapy. well its not counseling. i found it way too overwhelming far too much information to digest. that i had bad anxiety!! and had to abort it part way through. its ok for people with mild and recent problems but for people with moderate to severe MH long term, then its quite inappropriate.

but for some people it works.... maybe once i can get on top of the anxiety and depression i might be more receptive to it. who knows. it aint over til the fat lady sings or something like that!

01-03-2016, 02:20 PM
I've been struggling with my own perceptions on CBT for a whiles. A quick search to the pros and cons in Google reveals in a rather unbias way. (Although every webpage and individual has thuer own agenda).

The hypnosis books I am still reading have opened my eyes a little more to the benifits of Psycotherapy. I think mostly because my understanding of what and how different forms of therapy are supose to work.

So far the most relevant point sticking in my mind, is how therapy should not be about proving itself via a clients outcome, but more about helping the client for the client's sake.

In a nut shell, my perception with most forms of Psycotherapy, is the best aproach is to learn more about them, understand thier aims, and also do the same with oneself. There is no one form of therapy that is wrong or right, but some may be more suited dependying on type of therapist, and client type.

But ... for argument sake, which I care less about, CBT, is said to be lacking in dealing with "root" - but for the sake of peace, I can see it as a valid means, if it brings about space that leads to more tools.

Forgive my intrusion as I hardly skimmed this thread ... but felt the urge to of shared. I like to try many forms of Psycotherapy and CBT is somthing I am toying with in my own way. Revisting different methods and changing ones view as well as therapists;can do wonders in itself. :)

The misconception with hypnosis is that clients think they have no control. This could not be further from the truth. I can see now, just how messed up I have been on so many other views. Take the focuse off the therapy and don't let that dictate ones recovery, then therapy can take place. Somthing like that.