View Full Version : Recent relapse - struggling

12-28-2015, 03:37 PM
Hello all! I am brand new to this forum. I have been on others, but needed something new. So here is a little bit about me:
I have suffered from panic attacks and general anxiety as far back as my memory permits. As I have grown, so has my anxiety. I was diagnosed with OCD and health anxiety. I have had many ups and downs. There have been great stretches of time where I have not had to be medicated and experienced no anxiety. Unfortunately I have recently relapsed into what I call "full OCD" mode. Everything is an obsession, everything causes me stress and anxiety, and in turn I am getting all the horrible physical symptoms of anxiety. I have mastered stopping full blown panic attacks, but the fear of having one is still in the back of my mind constantly. My common sense tells me these are products of anxiety, my OCD and health anxiety tells me there is something tragic and terminal brewing in my body.
I am trying to take the steps in the right direction to re-gain control over my life. I have started working out again, have an appointment next month with a doctor, and am trying to partake in relaxing activities like meditation and massages.
My brain and my body are just so very tired, and I need a little more support from people that understand and also experience anxiety. So I won't be sneered at and told to get over it, because "its just in your head"
Although I am struggling, I know that I have come out on the other side many times before.

Madi Eggerding
01-01-2016, 09:18 PM
Hi there,

It's been a few days since you posted this, but I wanted to reply and let you know I am right there with you. I too struggle with both health-related anxiety and OCD, and it can be a pretty tumultuous mixture. I have recently relapsed as well - been really struggling since about November.

I can't tell you how much it kills me every time someone I know and/or care about says "it's all in your head." That's a special kind of emotional bullet to the health anxious. It's kind of ironic that anxiety can manifest so many of the things a health-anxious person might fear. Really becomes a vicious cycle.

I applaud you for getting ahead of it all and trying to immerse yourself in exercise and other coping mechanisms. I'd love to hear more about your story and how you cope with things if you're willing to share.

From one anxious, OCD laden human to another,
I know what you are going through. It's not "all in your head," and I totally believe in you.



01-01-2016, 10:38 PM
I am right there with you! Hypochondriac with many ups and downs. Hope you are well OP

01-02-2016, 04:08 PM
Hello all! I am brand new to this forum. I have been on others, but needed something new. So here is a little bit about me:
I have suffered from panic attacks and general anxiety as far back as my memory permits. As I have grown, so has my anxiety. I was diagnosed with OCD and health anxiety. I have had many ups and downs. There have been great stretches of time where I have not had to be medicated and experienced no anxiety. Unfortunately I have recently relapsed into what I call "full OCD" mode. Everything is an obsession, everything causes me stress and anxiety, and in turn I am getting all the horrible physical symptoms of anxiety. I have mastered stopping full blown panic attacks, but the fear of having one is still in the back of my mind constantly. My common sense tells me these are products of anxiety, my OCD and health anxiety tells me there is something tragic and terminal brewing in my body.
I am trying to take the steps in the right direction to re-gain control over my life. I have started working out again, have an appointment next month with a doctor, and am trying to partake in relaxing activities like meditation and massages.
My brain and my body are just so very tired, and I need a little more support from people that understand and also experience anxiety. So I won't be sneered at and told to get over it, because "its just in your head"
Although I am struggling, I know that I have come out on the other side many times before.

Same here, agoraphobic with many relapses. You're not alone...

01-05-2016, 09:34 PM
"It's all in your head..." Well no DUH, where else would it be, in my spleen??? I hate that sentence so much. And I've been struggling so hard not to relapse so I get where you're coming from OP.

01-12-2016, 03:50 PM
I agree with everyone else in how ridiculous it is to hear that. You can always tell them, as I do, "Yes, it is indeed in my amygdala, which is likely over-active without frontal cortex regulation - all of which is IN MY HEAD".. that usually shuts them up hehe.

I also have horrible OCD, amongst other things, most of which manifests from a mixture of Asperger's + horrible environment. I also went without insurance and ton of health problems for a while, so I freak out over health issues (in probably a different way). Either way, I think I can understand to an extent where you come from.

It's great that you have such a clear outlook on everything. I think that's always your best friend when dealing with these things. And I honestly admire it; a relapse is now my greatest fear :(
Either way, you're definitely not alone.

01-12-2016, 04:14 PM
Hello all! I am brand new to this forum. I have been on others, but needed something new. So here is a little bit about me:
I have suffered from panic attacks and general anxiety as far back as my memory permits. As I have grown, so has my anxiety. I was diagnosed with OCD and health anxiety. I have had many ups and downs. There have been great stretches of time where I have not had to be medicated and experienced no anxiety. Unfortunately I have recently relapsed into what I call "full OCD" mode. Everything is an obsession, everything causes me stress and anxiety, and in turn I am getting all the horrible physical symptoms of anxiety. I have mastered stopping full blown panic attacks, but the fear of having one is still in the back of my mind constantly. My common sense tells me these are products of anxiety, my OCD and health anxiety tells me there is something tragic and terminal brewing in my body.
I am trying to take the steps in the right direction to re-gain control over my life. I have started working out again, have an appointment next month with a doctor, and am trying to partake in relaxing activities like meditation and massages.
My brain and my body are just so very tired, and I need a little more support from people that understand and also experience anxiety. So I won't be sneered at and told to get over it, because "its just in your head"
Although I am struggling, I know that I have come out on the other side many times before.

Hi Rhiannon,

I know what you are going through. Had a relapse myself a week or two ago and I'm just exhausted from being afraid all the time. Unfortunately, these things happen and there is little we can do about it, except making ourselves a little more comfortable. I suffer from agoraphobia and GAD myself, which makes going out really difficult. Even though I've made some big steps like going to the supermarket, seems like I can only focus on the bad things that happened the past two weeks.

You're not alone. It can be cured, but it takes time, patience and courage.

01-14-2016, 09:57 AM
Hello all! I just now received the email that I had responses and was pleasantly surprised! It is always nice to not feel alone!
I have a brother with aspbergers and another with diabetes and a heroin addiction, so often my poor little made up thoughts and medical anxieties are bypassed by my family, so it's nice to have a place to go to talk. I have an appointment with the doc next week to discuss possibly going back on meds and checking out my stomach (I suspect IBS but of course convinced myself its liver failure :) haha. I am going to ask her about exploring 5-HTP first...have any of you tried it? Its a natural mood stabilizer I have been researching.