Defeat Panic
12-28-2015, 05:24 AM
Hey how's it going guys,

This is my first post and I just created this account so first I want to introduce myself. My name is Dean, and a couple years ago I used to be a lurker on this forum and other couple forums after having had my first panic attack and everything spiraled down from there. Now I'm completely recovered and back to normal.


I had my first panic attack when I was in high school during junior year. Before that I was an extroverted, fun, and cool guy with no prior history of anxiety. Sure I had some warning signals as a child because I easily got worried about certain things. I used to get worried very easily when I caught an "illness" I wasn't familiar with or the time when I was 8 and thought vampires were real so I wouldn't sleep alone in my room. But despite that I was a very normal kid who was also GIFTED in school. Everything came easy to me and I aced all my classes throughout elementary and middle school. I was reading college chemistry books at the age of 10 for christ sakes and had two poems published at age 11. I was also awarded money and U.S saving bond along with many recognition for my talents. I was a bright student who was a late bloomer during middle school. So I ended up getting heavily bullied which caused my garde to suffer. That messed with my home life and I ended up having an abusive and neglectful relationship with my father during my preteen years. I was sucidal and depressed and my teachers couldn't believe that I was now starting to fail classes and come late. Anyways Middle school ended on a very bad note. Highschool rolled around and things were much better. I began lifting and working out and getting bigger. I got into self improvement really hard. I began doing BJJ and some boxing/kickboxing when I had the chance. Working on my looks, personality,social life money,etc. I was on top of my A game during highschool. A complete 360 of who I was. I was popular and well liked. I got all the girls...I was living my fantasy. Fastforward to juniour year of highschool when I started experimenting with Marijuana. One night, I smoked a couple bowls as usua. It was winter break so I was just kicking back and relaxing. Watching a couple of movies and eating some snacks. The weed really hit me hard and I started egtting panicky thoughts. I started being aware of my breathing and controlling it. I started having weird OCD like intrusive thoughts and got severely Derealized when I started questioning if life was real or just a dream. That was it. MY PANIC ATTACK.

After that day, things went to hell. My whole winter break was ruined as I sat cooped up in my room stuck with my own thoughts. I rememeber researching the shit out of anxiety and I'd hear about new symptoms and that would make me get the new symptoms. It was HORRIBLE.

I rememeber I read the Linden Method and with time things did get better. The Linden method helped but IT WAS NOT THE FULL ANSWER. I promised myself I'd find the cure. Over the months to come, time made me slowly forget about it. Sure, I had my bad days but it wasn't as bad as when it started. The majority of the days I could say I was "normal".But I really didn't have a full answer/cure for it. When the bad days struck...I didn't know how to handle them. Overtime with experimentation, heavy researching, and a large amount of meditation sessions later..I came upon the cure.

And I'm telling you when I did. It was different. Words couldn't describe it. I could honestly say when I discovered it....I knew even deep down with no doubt at all this was it. It wasn't just some coping method. This was the answer. The month after I found the cure...I'm being 100% honest with you...not ONE anxious thought rolled through my mind.

A couple months later I started thinking anxious thoughts again and got caught in a bad spiral of negative worrying anxious thoughts. It wasn't THAT BAD but it was bad enough to give me concern. It was a SETBACK. A minor relaspe.I had forgotten about the cure, so I just reapplied it. It was no miracle cure butt within the next few weeks I was feeling recovered again. No signs of anxiety disorder.

Here I am 2 years later and I had completely forgotten about anxiety or any of that sort. I was too busy living life fully recovered. It's currently just past Christmas (exactly around when I had my first panic attack). I was sitting with a group of friends as we played some cards, drank, ate, and there might have been weed there. WINK WINK

So as we were talking, the conversation came up about weed and how some of them had a weird high. Now don't get it twisted. We are not some stoners. It's very rare you will find any of us doing drugs. But as we were talking I remembered my bad experience and everything else. I told them about mine and one of them suggested my cure could help a lot of people out. Never thought much about it till I got home.

I got the idea to start writing an eBook or maybe even start a website. I don't know if anyone will be interested but I'd be happy to share my knowledge and how to recover once and for all.

That's my story. I didn't reveal the "cure" because I am contemplating on creating a site for it so I don't want to give it away.


12-28-2015, 01:31 PM
How much is the Cure, you do not reveal. We have tons of people like you,

12-28-2015, 03:14 PM
This is a forum. It's for sharing info and ideas.

If you want to sell a product, go to Amazon.

Defeat Panic
12-29-2015, 02:30 AM
Dahlia, Not sure because I dont have the eBook or Program/site written out yet. Keep in mind this is just a random thought out of the blue and I posted this in the middle of the night. If u read my original post...I had completely forgotten about anxiety and that "world" till recently until a friend reminded me and gave me that idea that I should help people. I simply just registered on a forum I used to lurk back on a couple years ago and I'm simply asking if there is any interest and opinions of other people.

jessed03, Like I said to Dahila, I'm NOT HERE with the intent to sell. I came back on this forum and registered because of a random thought I had and wanted to see if people are interested and their opinions on my idea. I'm more than happy to help and share my info and advice on here. This post is more of an "introduction" type of post. I want to help and get the message out there that Anxiety is NOT a mental illness that needs to be treated with medication or be seen by a psychotherapist. It's REALLY NOT A MENTAL ILLNESS. And I remember because when I first had my panic attack...I thought there was seriously something wrong with me. I remember reading the Linden Method and after reading it wishing to one day come with a cure for this "monster" and not just some "coping" method. I promised myself to help others because I wouldn't wish what I went through or anxiety in general to my worst enemy. I had forgotten about that promise to myself until recently and that's why I'm posting. Seeing if there are people that really need it. What their pain points are and share my info and knowledge.

12-29-2015, 05:11 AM
If you feel you have a "cure" then why do you not want to "give anything away"?. Surely if you know how we are all suffering then you would want to share the "cure" that you have discovered.
I know that if I had a technique that helped me, then I would want everyone to know about it as soon as possible. This sounds like another scam post, feeding off people like us who are so desperate for some relief that they're wiling to pay though the nose for some help.

12-29-2015, 05:45 AM
Seeing if there are people that really need it.

What their pain points are and share my info and knowledge.

Share this information you have learned about 'pain points', this is important and will be of help.

When money is not the motive in itself, it begins to flow as a byproduct of your service (love) to others. The world will be good to you. So work it out as you go, and listen to feedback.

12-29-2015, 12:23 PM
Dahlia, Not sure because I dont have the eBook or Program/site written out yet. Keep in mind this is just a random thought out of the blue and I posted this in the middle of the night. If u read my original post...I had completely forgotten about anxiety and that "world" till recently until a friend reminded me and gave me that idea that I should help people. I simply just registered on a forum I used to lurk back on a couple years ago and I'm simply asking if there is any interest and opinions of other people.

jessed03, Like I said to Dahila, I'm NOT HERE with the intent to sell. I came back on this forum and registered because of a random thought I had and wanted to see if people are interested and their opinions on my idea. I'm more than happy to help and share my info and advice on here. This post is more of an "introduction" type of post. I want to help and get the message out there that Anxiety is NOT a mental illness that needs to be treated with medication or be seen by a psychotherapist. It's REALLY NOT A MENTAL ILLNESS. And I remember because when I first had my panic attack...I thought there was seriously something wrong with me. I remember reading the Linden Method and after reading it wishing to one day come with a cure for this "monster" and not just some "coping" method. I promised myself to help others because I wouldn't wish what I went through or anxiety in general to my worst enemy. I had forgotten about that promise to myself until recently and that's why I'm posting. Seeing if there are people that really need it. What their pain points are and share my info and knowledge.

No offense but you are posting in a forum full of people who are struggling with anxiety so your last couple of sentences don't really match up with your first couple saying you're not trying to sell anything... If you truly cared and your goal is honestly to help people, you'd happily tell people how you overcame your anxiety... If you are in it for the money, that's absolutely fine in my opinion, but be honest about it.

12-29-2015, 12:31 PM
If you feel you have a "cure" then why do you not want to "give anything away"?. Surely if you know how we are all suffering then you would want to share the "cure" that you have discovered.
I know that if I had a technique that helped me, then I would want everyone to know about it as soon as possible. This sounds like another scam post, feeding off people like us who are so desperate for some relief that they're wiling to pay though the nose for some help.

Long time no see, stranger. How are you doing?

@ Defeatpanic: I know you're not a bad guy. You just have to appreciate what this post would sound like to those on the other side. Imagine you were suffering badly, and someone told you they found a cure to your problem, but weren't going to reveal it yet as they hadn't decided what they wanted out of it. You'd be pretty annoyed, right?

Forums like this are usually made up of people sharing their time and advice freely. Places like Amazon and Clickbank are for promoting products to those with cash to spend. It doesn't usually work out when the two worlds are mixed, that's all. Take care, and I'm glad you found something that helps. Sounds like you have a lot to offer sufferers.

Defeat Panic
12-29-2015, 03:31 PM
I see your point of view and how it may come off. I apologize if it sounded or came out wrong, guys.I'm more than happy to help and share my info and advice with everyone. I wasn't sure of how to go about this "idea" of mine so I posted here for opinions and feedback. I appreciate everyone for their feedback and I'm more than willing to help. Am I in it for the money?

Yes and no. My biggest promise to myself when I used to suffer from anxiety was to help people out and for free too. Anxiety is very debilitating. Nothing scarier than your own mind. I think we can all agree it can sometimes be worse than physical pain.But my friend gave me the idea about a website so yes I'm honestly also thinking about selling it.

Not necessarily bad. If someone found the cure for cancer you wouldn't expect it for FREE. But like I said I am more than willing to share my insights with people of this forum, I was thinking of maybe creating a thread with "Ask any question about anxiety" where I'll answer and give the solutions to virtually all the problems people maybe facing. I'll be more active on this forum to share my insight.

Any more feedback,comments,opinion,criticism is welcomed. I take no offense to it.

12-29-2015, 04:38 PM
DP before you jump with posts like that, check the boards. First of all good mannered people do not scream their thread titles. It pisses me off. Turn the caps lock off when you make a new thread. Very often people post before they check the boards. Scanning the boards would give you an idea how to help others. It would give the idea what this place is. Two years free of panic does mean nothing. I had stretches of 4 -5 years. With the age it is worse and there is not break, between them. There is not cure for anxiety, but the mechanism of that can be learned and understood. I am so old I do not believe in miracles man:))
Be humble and try not to hurt people, we are vulnerable.......

Defeat Panic
12-29-2015, 05:02 PM
Dahlia 4-5 years of no panic or anxiety? That right there is something. But if you truly did feel better for as long as 4-5 years then you managed to suffer again...it means you are just getting stuck back in old habits again.But the thing is you are looking at it as if it was an illness. Anxiety at the very core is the basis of humanity. You can't expect to not ever feel anxious. Life will make you anxious...emotions and thoughts aren't controllable. you are looking at it the wrong way and perspective. The only way to be "fearless" is to surgically remove the amygdala gland...losing all of your humanity and damaging who you are in the process which is very dangerous. What I'm offering is for people to be the way they were before a panic attack/anxiety disorder. Sure "normal people" get anxious all the time but it's NOT a problem because they aren't obsessing over it and resisting and fighting it 24/7. The REAL PROBLEM is that you're looking for a cure when there really is nothing to be cured. You wont get better until you stop trying to get better.

Is there a miracle cure to get rid of any feelings of anxiety/thoughts etc and be completely fearless forever? No, that's only in fantasy or in movies. Totally impossible to be fearless and not feel fear in the real world unless you are dead.

Is there a way to live normal again like you once did before your panic attacks without thinking much of it? To actually enjoy life without thinking much about any of it and having to over analyze everything.Not just a coping method but actually feel the way you did when you were "normal". It's more than possible. If after 4-5 years of being recovered...you get and fall into the same trap and thought pattern you once did...then either one or two things is happening
You either don't have a fundamental understanding of anxiety and how it works and so the whole time you were just using coping methods and never actually overcame it to begin with.
Or you relapsed and got tricked to the same old habits and thought patterns. But if you have fundamental understanding and how it works and how to go about it. Relapse shouldn't last more than a couple of days or weeks before you're back on track again.

12-29-2015, 09:35 PM
DP do not mind my language it is not my first, Yes, you right anxiety is needed for survival of species. Any species. The problem is with humans, we cause a very high level of stress through politics, greed for "power" wars, murdering one another, no one remembers what is life about. I am the veteran of anxiety wars, and I do have all knowledge and few tools of my own. You must be a young person, using this so sure tone. Relapse? Humanity is in constant stress and anxiety and panic attacks. We are the ones who are brave enough to talk about it, instead of hiding it.:)

Defeat Panic
12-29-2015, 10:17 PM
The point I'm simply making is that as humans, there is a way to be "normal" again. Although anxiety is NORMAL for survival. High amounts of unnecessary anxiety is NOT. The problem is that most people get anxiety disorders because they are afraid of panic attacks and anxiety symptoms. They live in fear of fear itself. Day in and day out, people are constantly asking themselves if "they'll ever be normal again", when "the next panic attack will be" and so on. this is the type of worrying that causes someone to develop an anxiety disorder. Once you get to the point that you are ok with the feelings of anxiety and it no longer scares you or makes you uncomfortable...It will hold no power over you.

You will no longer be asking yourself or wondering if the next event or social gathering will cause you to have an attack. Or worrying about getting rid of it. When you get to that point...then you can start living NORMAL again. Everybody has anxiety but "normal" people aren't constantly wondering when the next time they will feel anxious. That is the key.

It's not about having some techniques under your belt or suffering longer with anxiety that makes you knowledgeable. Wether you suffered 2 years or 20 years doesn't mean anything. Anxiety is anxiety at the end of the day and the solution is the same for both.

I suffered for almost 2 years. Sure that's less than alot of anxiety sufferers. Some suffer for decades. But the thing is I went through the same hell everyone did although for shorter period amount of time. Suffering for 20 years wont make you an expert in anxiety...just simply someone that has suffered for too long.

12-30-2015, 06:08 AM
Pain Points as they relate to anxiety

The OP offers some excellent advice, period where he delves a little more into it, such as the post above this one, and others on this board where he has stepped in. He does this in layman's terms which is good, not unlike a previous poster here PanicCured.

I want to also emphasize, again, from my above post, that the OP explain 'pain points'. Rather than get caught up in vitriol. I will get very detailed here, some of you will understand it. It is difficult information to convey also but I will try :

'Pain points' are not physical although they manifest in the body. These points are energy in cellular memory.

If he will not do it, I will.

The brain is not the only flesh with memory, each cell in the body has a 'brain'. Each cell retains memory. It can be said that one cell can recreate a universe, as it holds (all) the coded information within it. Your toe, for example, feels the pain from your stomach, because each cell 'cooperates' in a grand venture, in simple terms, as a team, you see. Each cell breathes, each cell is a coded computer. Just as you can eat a hotdog, and throw a football, while thinking of your shiny new car, so can the cell work to move the toe, while feeling the pain of the stomach. The toe (cell) is its primary focus, but that doesnt mean it is not connected with the whole team.

This is why the mental stress of anxiety, physically effects other organs in the body. The cellular network, is in constant communication, with faster than light transmission from brain to brain. Anxiety in your head, a thought, gives you a pain in the toe, or arm, or chest, or heart. With all this said, the cells are coded to return to homeostasis regardless of the will of the mind to set things awry. The 'mind' is metaphysical you see, existing outside the body, in those terms, it permeates it and animates it. The mind exists in what you call a God environment, or All that is.

Now, these 'pain points' are cellular memories that can be called shock or trauma points (as time is recorded). Triggering anxiety or panic, depression, or whatever. These pain points are beliefs held long after the physical event happened. When a pain point is triggered by a similar event or imagined one (anxiety sufferers pre-cognate moment to moment a recreation of the coded memory), the body releases the appropriate chemicals because for a short time, ephemeral, the mind (outside the body) is connected to it and so focused upon it. The mind does not differentiate between imagined or physical events. The ego is meant to see clearly the environment, and determine if what the mind has imagined is good for it.

Pain points are important in recognizing blocked energies, and once recognized they can be released, along with the body reactions or anxiety. The anxiety then is suppressed emotions based off of unresolved internal issues (mental) reflected faithfully through the body. Releasing these beliefs (pain points, moments in time, the belief inception) will automatically allow the DNA or coded information to flow throughout the network returning it to its 'natural' state of health and well being.

Now, the OP can return to his fight or choose to be helpful as he wishes.

12-30-2015, 12:52 PM
Arrrr fuck it!

Just lost my post.

G'day Mate ... well just let me say Welcome dude. Nice to fucking meet ya. My name is Dave and I guess I will just now get straight down to it.

Don't mind the crowed mentality when it comes to laying in the boot. It's just how we humans be. I think already kind of mentioned.

I know you can't help the way you entered. That's also now ingrained with the selfish fucks we all now be. EGO ... what's a human to do.

Don't mind my lingo bro - or is it Sis?

No matter ... You are more than just an OP. Well you are to me. I care not for the pack mentality. I would rather say, don't fuss over the reception you have been given here; although it is kind of encouraging to see so many fed up with the sales mentality.

Ya live and ya learn.


Just casually link you info, but don't focus too much on it. We get students and doctors that often come in here and show off thier feathers making all sorts of claims. They too have their own agendas that smell like "look at me" ...

It really is all about the sharing. I have tried many times to do this or that Blog ... I'm just not stable enough. I do however like to share as best I can.

So it is that I just wanted to say welcome.

I hope your able to work past this little tarring session. Sometimes it has to be done in order to keep the BS from spraying too much. I hope you understand.

It's all good ... we can still be friends. : )

Defeat Panic
12-30-2015, 02:19 PM
Ponder, Thanks for the welcome man, I appreciate it.
The vibe I get from some members here or what they talk about is that there have been people in the past on this forum that were some internet marketers trying to make a quick buck and probably burned some of them in the process. So I guess that's why some of them are defensive and have the "crowded" mentality you speak of.

12-30-2015, 03:00 PM
It's true. We had one guy warm up to us and then later discovered he was charging people for Skype sessions. That kind of left a bitter taste. It's not so much the money, but more the way in which people are led along. Not all of us see eye to eye, however there does seems to be a level of respect among many in here that seeks to keep the marketing to a bare minimum. It's a good thing really. If ever you want to PM me a Link, I would be happy to check out your info. (although you can put your links up ... just saying is all ... more about the way we link I guess)

The guys here are really nice folk. It's worth sticking around and learning how to reach out to them in ways they understand best. I still have a LOT to learn myself in that regard, but find it's worth the effort. None of us get it right ... it's all in the walking I guess.

12-30-2015, 03:09 PM
Ponder, Thanks for the welcome man, I appreciate it.
The vibe I get from some members here or what they talk about is that there have been people in the past on this forum that were some internet marketers trying to make a quick buck and probably burned some of them in the process. So I guess that's why some of them are defensive and have the "crowded" mentality you speak of.

This place just seems to attract "gurus" in general. Every so often we get somebody professing to give selflessly, when really they're seeking, seeking, seeking. They're seeking money. They're seeking someone's time. They're seeking followers. They're seeking respect. People here often have so little to give that dealing with such people can be exhausting, and at times disappointing when you realize they had ulterior motives all along.

In honesty, that's how your initial post came off. It seemed to say "I've found something good, but I'm not yet ready to share as I haven't found how to make it work for me." It matched the dreaded formula: Pretend to be in it for others, while really being in it for self.

Of course, if you are looking to give, then apologies for the mix up.

To answer your initial question: I'd say an ebook or video course would work best for passing on your great info. Websites are cool, but they can feel a bit scattered. They don't always have the logical flow that's needed when passing on important info. If you could get your knowledge across in an hour or two, a podcast could work; however, those with mental health problems have notoriously short attention spans!

Defeat Panic
12-30-2015, 09:23 PM
Ponder, Most definitely man I'll PM u or send u a link when I create the website. And I can definitely understand why they reacted the way they did. I'm a member at another forum (different subject) but it's a self improvement forum. Whenever someone new comes in with a website everyone immediately gets defensive. I'm sincerely not in it for the money and want to help but wasn't sure how to go about it. I'd love to help people and see that I'm bringing success and that's great on it's own. But at the same time I want to see profit for my time...if that makes sense.

jessed03 I hate that word. "Gurus" lol. Most so called "Gurus" are scammers whatever subject they might be talking about. Take any field of subject weather it be anxiety, self improvement, martial arts, fitness related stuff,etc. All the so called "Gurus" don't know what they are talking about, and it's so obvious they don't care. Apologize how my initial post came off. I understand how frustrating it is to be having to deal with "anxiety" or that monster inside our head and have to deal with people trying to rip you off and prey off yur weakness.
My plan all along was to start a revolution. Sure it's small at first but it has got to start somewhere. No more should people be going to doctors and wondering what's wrong with them. No reason to hop forum to forum asking questions. I watched a couple of videos of people having panic attacks on youtube, which was just sad. Most people that recover usually never come back to the forums to help people out again...they just carry on with their lives. And the very few who do haven't really hit the nail on the head of anxiety. The problem with anxiety forums is everyone on there are people that have never recovered...all those who do continue to just live a normal life. It's like staying in a hospital forever. You will always see patients and sick people and it will give you no hope that recovery is possible.

It's something that we as a people have let go on for too long and modern medicine doesn't seem to be making much progress in this field. It's time we put an end to anxiety. They aren't even really mental illnesses but they are classified as such which just makes people believe there is actually something wrong with them.

And thanks for the suggestions. I'm planning on creating a full program. One main ebook, that comes bundles with other smaller ebooks and bonuses. A full course. I'm more of a writer and can get my message better across on paper. I explain things better when I write. Still brainstorming how to go about it.

12-30-2015, 10:41 PM
I was right, somehow, again...................

I'd love to help people and see that I'm bringing success and that's great on it's own. But at the same time I want to see profit for my time..

BTW Ims, I am trying to explain to my clients, the same way as you do, however not with so beautiful language:))

Defeat Panic
12-31-2015, 02:09 AM
Dahila, I'm not ashamed to let people know that I would hope to EVENTUALLY profit of what I do. I have chosen to dedicate my life to start helping people suffering from anxiety and completely change what we think we know about it. Call it destiny, call it fate, call it whatever you want. I do feel like I have a "calling" to help people out that are suffering with anxiety. I have suffered just as you have so I wouldn't con a fellow sufferer. But if I'm going to dedicate my time and efforts to this, the least I could expect is some profit. I'm human too, let's not forget that.

But I won't be using this forum for marketing. I'll be helping people out on this forum, if they decide to support me and visit my website. Great I'd appreciate it. If not. Great, atleast I know I helped someone.

12-31-2015, 04:19 AM
I was right, somehow, again...................

BTW Ims, I am trying to explain to my clients, the same way as you do, however not with so beautiful language:))

Hi D ! Happy new year honey !

Dave, Jess, U too ! I hope you have a great year !

12-31-2015, 04:27 AM
BTW now that this guy - Defeat Panic- has whooped a portion of his anxiety (the part he could get at) he had better move on to business 101 (forthright-ness and integrity). Nothing wrong with money, inherently its only paper. I behoove him to watch his character, or the meaning he assigns to the paper, and to himself. He may have conquered (the surface most portion) of anxiety itself (suppressing it, akin to claire weekes), but it was the self underneath with the problems to begin with. Neither money OR service (his peers) can save him from himself.

Weekes still suffered, until her death (possible parental abuse/neglect/abandonment). The hardest work of all is facing the reasons for the anxiety (which she dismissed to clients in lieu of coping skills). Where there is pain, stress, hurts (emotional) there is tension, and conflict. The readers of this forum still have not made this psychological-physical connection. They are not able to absolve themselves of sin, guilt or blame, therefore incapable of effective problem resolution, which is the cause of every mental disorder including suicide. (if the disorder is not the result of organ damage).

The world truly needs one who can help to bring out and deal with this pain, and teach how to release and heal. This is 'true' human recovery, you understand. And by very definition 'growth and development'.

A 'true' healer does not rub your tummy or do a rain dance, or tell you to suppress the feelings (through force of will), or ride into town with a panacea (as did the OP), as a way to 'normalcy'. Mankind needs a 'belief-doctor' and will receive them (create the need for them) within the next century as conventional medicine (and industry-incl. gov't) fails them. Instead of a heart transplant, he will teach belief-transplants, you understand, effectively eliminating cancer, heart disease, and all mental illness (except those where the organs or brain are damaged or missing). The patient will have a 'true' change of heart with no need to cut out his organs. Medicinal herbs and plants will always have their place, but the mind will heal the deadly-psychological illness's such as cancer, alzheimer, stroke, heart disease and so forth as swiftly as it created them, as the individual takes responsibility for his own consciousness (thoughts, ideas). Man will no longer himself be under attack from these disease-terrorists (underlined). 'Terror' will be seen as an internal state of being, as people see these childrens games for their futility in problem resolution or emotional discharge. For many people these diseases are a distraction from their unpleasant thoughts about reality (manifested as an enemy-disease) and thus the prime focus becomes the disease itself. In that fight (symbolically as an enemy within themselves), the will to live is often rejuvenated, and the accompanying mental issues resolved as a byproduct. Once the mental issues are healed, the body will follow 'naturally' as remission.

Now, to the OP, the thread title says 'my story and cure'. This is part of your integrity lesson, as no cure is (concisely) stated in your post (this is part of your character lesson and also is a part of your anxiety). You must learn to think aright, deal with your peers honestly, and put those clear thoughts to words. Money will then come to you, if that is your wish.

12-31-2015, 11:14 AM
Hi D ! Happy new year honey !

Dave, Jess, U too ! I hope you have a great year !

Cheers. bud. :)

Back at ya. Same goes to all the AF crew!

12-31-2015, 01:42 PM
Hi Marc, hope all is well. :)

I have to admit, that I do struggle with the term profit from a perspective that of a service provider in a place like this. [That is to say in a peer based program such as this forum be.] It's value often tainted and falls into line with a value system which has lead many of us into our associated labels and or identifications. It's an aspect that actually leads to the imprinted fear of which it proposes to help. A self perpetuating cycle if you like. Bit like our medical and food systems that go hand in hand.

If ever I was close to a point with would be service providers offering help from such a perspective, it is ...

Hmmmm - that this forum is more "peer based."

I often remind Students and also Doctors and others who take grate claim to certifications and endorsements with the following.

A friendly reminder which will explain what this forum is really about:




IMO this forum is peer based and for good reason.

I have to run now, but can't emphasise enough, just how important Peer Based Programs are and keeping the dynamics that way without a sense of anything other is important to the Homely feeling this place has to offer. Whilst it great that many people can come here and lay claim to no Anxiety present or attacks in so many years, such does fall outside the category/prerequisite for ones presence here.

I mean no offence and think it great if one believes they can be cured from such things, however it's not really what this place is about. It's more a haven for those struggling as explained in pictured mission like statements. Once such dynamics change, this forum goes from being a home to being more like a clinic, platform for other and so on.

Is how I take it each time I Google to come here when I lose my favourites.

No problem being an Author. Doctor, Therapist and or a Student - but it pays to understand what this place is really about, (and just like the labels we tend [and are taught] to cling to, that such designations do not define who we are / more over just complicate who each of us really be) and that to make any kind of delivery in ones approach outside of a peer based dynamic, kind of puts oneself on the outer before they have even begun ... again, with respect to what this place is really about.

Does anyone understand what I am trying to say at all?

Does that sound fair enough?

It's a lived experience - no one persons text could ever really find its mark with another ... until such a time that other can type it for themselves themselves. Only a peer based experience offers such reward which is the only kind of profit one could ever want. Something like that.

12-31-2015, 02:55 PM
I kind of don't want to leave it at that, yet I don't have enough time either. I don't want to dim anyone's light with my own views.

I'm probably going to mess this up as have to yet run again.

Loving What Is - by Byron Katie.

I quickly use here as an example. Long story short, I LOT of therapists find her "work" a concern to those who may open themselves up to her concepts, yet whilst there are also "victims" who find Katie insensitive and quite the trigger, a LOT of "sufferers" claim to of gained a lot of ground adopting her views.

I read a lot of reviews last night on that book. I'm open to both sides or however many there may be to the concerns whomever has, however I can't help be sumise how it is the way in which individuals identify themselves first, greatly affects they way the read this lady.

No doubt everyone has their own valid points, yet not everyone’s outlook is going to work read the same way.

I personally feel that too many therapists are reading material which is really not meant for them, or either, many of these therapists have their own unresolved issues which in turn blind them to how suffers who have accepted may read things for the better as opposed to the threat they profess Byron Katie to be.

Either way - my point is that such blindness can easily lead into forums like with people who do not fit the dynamics of which this place really be ... as I earlier said.

being rushed now.

catch up later guys.

12-31-2015, 05:30 PM
Happy New year everyone;))

Defeat Panic
12-31-2015, 06:09 PM
Like I said I will be helping everyone on this forum, dont feel obligated to check my website or program. If you do it supports me and would be a good way to show your appreciation in return for what I can offer you guys. But still it's ok if you don't.

Ponder, I get this forum is FOR people "struggling" with anxiety and a "haven" for those suffering. But it's almost as if some people dont want to get healed...even if they don't admit it. Its as if they secretly enjoy and are "addicted" to anxiety.There won't be any use of an anxiety forum anymore once people recover. In fact I can argue anxiety forums can put people at a worse place than they were before and is ACTUALLY HARMFUL. They'll constantly be reading stories of people who haven't recovered and that recovery is slim killing all their hope and causing them to stress and worry more. It kills all hope. They also learn of NEW symptoms and phobias and anxiety disorders and they end up likely getting those phobias. An anxiety forum is a good way to build a community and show others that there is people like them but besides that it's actually very harmful. Constantly visiting anxiety forum will just remind you or make you believe you are struggling with some powerful illness that can't be cured. Like I always say, to be normal you got to live normal. And normal people don't spend their time on anxiety forums. They're too busy and occupied doing something else.

Anyways Happy New Year 2016 Everyone!!!!!!!

cloudy black
12-31-2015, 06:44 PM
Like I said I will be helping everyone on this forum, dont feel obligated to check my website or program. If you do it supports me and would be a good way to show your appreciation in return for what I can offer you guys. But still it's ok if you don't.

Ponder, I get this forum is FOR people "struggling" with anxiety and a "haven" for those suffering. But it's almost as if some people dont want to get healed...even if they don't admit it. Its as if they secretly enjoy and are "addicted" to anxiety.There won't be any use of an anxiety forum anymore once people recover. In fact I can argue anxiety forums can put people at a worse place than they were before and is ACTUALLY HARMFUL. They'll constantly be reading stories of people who haven't recovered and that recovery is slim killing all their hope and causing them to stress and worry more. It kills all hope. They also learn of NEW symptoms and phobias and anxiety disorders and they end up likely getting those phobias. An anxiety forum is a good way to build a community and show others that there is people like them but besides that it's actually very harmful. Constantly visiting anxiety forum will just remind you or make you believe you are struggling with some powerful illness that can't be cured. Like I always say, to be normal you got to live normal. And normal people don't spend their time on anxiety forums. They're too busy and occupied doing something else.

Anyways Happy New Year 2016 Everyone!!!!!!!

Yes I really get that. "But it's almost as if some people dont want to get healed." And I have questioned its usefulness. is it just maintenance of the status quo? in that I have anxiety etc. I don’t buy into the health anxiety. To me it is a Pandora box, of getting well and truly stuck and identified with a psychical symptom. And never addressing the emotional/spiritual side.

But when there is crap all on offer in the community and what there is has been cut due to the government cutting the funding. what is left for people? Just having a MH condition is a still a taboo subject.

So when are you gonna put your cards on the table and divulge the cure?

You say to be normal you got to live normal what if you didn’t have a normal life to begin with? Some people who use forums are more than likely experienced toxic early life.

12-31-2015, 06:49 PM
DP so what are still doing here? What appeals so much to you in this place?

They'll constantly be reading stories of people who haven't recovered and that recovery is slim killing all their hope and causing them to stress and worry more. It kills all hope. They also learn of NEW symptoms and phobias and anxiety disorders and they end up likely getting those phobias. An anxiety forum is a good way to build a community and show others that there is people like them but besides that it's actually very harmful.

12-31-2015, 11:09 PM
Interesting Cloudy. I see it in a similar way with how mental illness is viewed in the public media here in Australia. I also struggle with what is Normal? I may be wrong, but in my world, I think many people who are consider unbalanced, actually have a good take on just how sick normality would appear to be in this chaotic world.

Yes, I understand the addiction to people clinging to their labels which is what I already said. That is for people to work out themselves. Not all of us in here believe we even need fixing to begin with. I think I speak for many when I say, a great deal of us who have been here for years do so, because we see it more as a home, not some black hole that keeps us sick.

Dahila has taught me the virtues of keeping things real, as too helping me connect with nature. I am suffering has opened my eyes to respect others who believe in things I thought once, that I never would. To be sure I am still arrogant in my ways, however the proof in is the pudding for many of us who have been here for years. We have persisted with each other and fostered the best in each of us as only peers could.

We are well aware of the pitfalls associated with clinging to our labels. Although some of us old timers do not speak in clinical terms, we often speak of such ails and are always making posts to hit on such things ... the only difference is that we do it out of respect for the suffering rather than accolades which can only be defined in how many our healed. The measure is not in how many come and then how many go, but more in the experience itself.

I think again now of something Cloudy made me think about ... Normality and What's on Offer? It's one thing to sprout CBT - NPL - Self Hypnosis - Pre Conditioned Psycho Therapy and or whatever fancy concepts to help people "fit in" ... but as long as it comes from a direction that claims others as abnormal for having not moved on and dare I say, not seeing as you; then hell - I'll even give the subsection on what magic pill floats their boat as a means much more capable than settling for the likes of others who come in with great claims of how it is that others should think of feel. How it is that being in here is akin to staying sick.

It's OK - We got that. We really do. It's simply NOT that important to be rated as "normal" ... Many of us LIKE being who we are, like staying home and logging in to say hi to our friends in here ... even to cross paths with those we don't understand so well. There is a lot of living and learning to be done in here and in many ways ... why so many of us are still here ... not because we sick. It is possible to be stable and be active as peers.

The later which is crucial and the major difference to those who would otherwise deem fellow users as no more than individuals who are simply sick.
__________________________________________________ _______________

Outside my door down that the mental health clinic, all I am to be greeted with is some old twisted bitter lap dog that could not meet the grade for some other job. They speak to me and my kids like shit. Our measure in only by our designated label with fuck all else that matters outside of whatever sessions to be had. I have been in Therapy my whole fucking life! Way before anyone could adequately print out a history sheet. Normal You Say?

WHAT THE FUCK IS NORMAL? Many of us have had our history sheets written by this fucked up system before being delivered into this fucked up world. Those of us that don't land on our fucking heads, our fucked over by some text book analysis that dictated what fucking suburb and school we end up in.

Don't be fucking preaching normality to me and basing that on ones standing history as a member in here. You got a fucking lot to learn bud. I think maybe you should hang in here, because if you keep talking like that, your will for sure stir up a hornets nest. Yet - many would be therapists and or gurus like to operate under such conflict.

Normal - PFFT - Lucky for me I have been here long enough for others to understand just how well I am, despite being triggered with such pathetic assumptions as to what makes some of us long term sufferers ticks ... even the claim to pass judgement as to whether enduring life in whatever measure makes us well or makes as sick.

I am thankful for all those so called abnormal people who come in here and be who they are. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR Sometimes I get riled in my judgements on them, but who the fuck am I to think in such terms. Hey! Who the fuck are you?

Normality - what a fucking toffee nosed brainwashed holier than thou attitude -

Go get a job down at the clinic ... fuck off and don't come back. No wonder fucks like you end up with spit in their face.

SIGH ... why the fuck do I bother.

Go back to your email psychology course and practice somewhere else.

I'm off back to my rock - be sure to stay the fuck out.

12-31-2015, 11:45 PM
they gave you their opinion, to share it with others immediately

Defeat Panic
12-31-2015, 11:52 PM
To Dahliah, what am I doing here? Reread my original post. You haven't read it then.

To Cloudy and Ponder, maybe I didn't DEFINE what "normal" is. We all have a different definition for what "normal" is. We are unique in our own way. We are all different genetically, how we think, act,etc. I get what you're saying. But alot of the people on anxiety forums are here for one reason and one reason only. To beat anxiety and move forward with their life. What I'm calling "normal" is the ability to live life without constant fear of danger that doesn't exist but in your imagination. Normal is judged by the majority. When the majority of people act a certain way, then that is considered "normal".

Forexample If everyone had anxiety disorders, then it would be considered a normal occurrence or part of life. There wouldn't be anybody trying to "get rid" of anxiety. And it wouldn't be called a DISORDER.
If everyone had three eyes, that would be considered "normal". And people with two eyes would be considered to have a deformity or illness.

The whole point everyone is on here because they want to enjoy life and not constantly struggle with their own thoughts. To not be the prisoner of your own mind. And one of the crucial steps you can take is by getting off the anxiety forums. Call me crazy. Sure you won't understand it now...but it's vital for your recovery.

Trust me. Take a break away from going on anxiety forums. A break from researching your symptoms or going to doctors...atleast for now. It sounds very much like the Linden Method...and Linden method got it right on this. The LINDEN METHOD was HALF RIGHT ABOUT SOMETHING. That you need to get on with your life. Stop worrying about this thing called anxiety and move on. No forums, no researching, no doctor. There is no point of going to a doctor unless you have a serious illness. That is half the answer. where Linden method got it wrong is when he said to always distract yourself. In theory it sounds good but TRYING to distract yourself causes more anxiety and it's temporary. You can't distract yourself forever.


ANXIETY IS A BEHAVIORAL PROBLEM NOT AN ILLNESS OR A BIOLOGICAL CONDITION Anxiety IS WHAT WE CAUSE. Anxiety is an apprehensive behavior. The way we react to things is a behavior. And a behavior is something you learn. It can be from how you were brought up, or the environment you were raised in. Maybe there was too much stress growing up, bullying,etc whatever the cause that caused to you develop a behavior in which you are always easily apprehensive or fear for the worst (anxiety). Anxiety is basically you dwelling on the worst thing that can happen. That's it. You can overcome this learned behavior and the first step is to stop validating this learned behavior by going on anxiety forums and researching about it. You are ingraining in your mind to keep the behavior of fearing for the worst and being hopeless.

I challenge any of you to go a full year without researching about anxiety or going on forums or mentioning it to anyone. Sure that's NOT the whole cure but it's MAJOR STEP IN RECOVERY. You will be at a better place than you are now. I can guarantee you that much.

And Ponder you said no wonder people like me get spit on. You are right all important figures or people who tried to help have gotten spit on. Martin Luther King got assassinated, Lincoln and Kennedy got shot. Jesus got spit on and crucified. Ghandi preached for peace and he also got killed for it. You are right people don't like those who try to help them until it's too late.

12-31-2015, 11:55 PM
Right back at ya Dahila. :)

cloudy black
01-01-2016, 05:50 AM
Like I said I will be helping everyone on this forum, dont feel obligated to check my website or program. If you do it supports me and would be a good way to show your appreciation in return for what I can offer you guys. But still it's ok if you don't.

Ponder, I get this forum is FOR people "struggling" with anxiety and a "haven" for those suffering. But it's almost as if some people dont want to get healed...even if they don't admit it. Its as if they secretly enjoy and are "addicted" to anxiety.There won't be any use of an anxiety forum anymore once people recover. In fact I can argue anxiety forums can put people at a worse place than they were before and is ACTUALLY HARMFUL. They'll constantly be reading stories of people who haven't recovered and that recovery is slim killing all their hope and causing them to stress and worry more. It kills all hope. They also learn of NEW symptoms and phobias and anxiety disorders and they end up likely getting those phobias. An anxiety forum is a good way to build a community and show others that there is people like them but besides that it's actually very harmful. Constantly visiting anxiety forum will just remind you or make you believe you are struggling with some powerful illness that can't be cured. Like I always say, to be normal you got to live normal. And normal people don't spend their time on anxiety forums. They're too busy and occupied doing something else.

Anyways Happy New Year 2016 Everyone!!!!!!!

Well as I said in my previous post what is “normal,” it definitely is not society. That is part of the problem and not the solution to begin with. So where can I take my cues from. Not from something that is already broken, long before I was even born

I was thinking just now a topical thought for this time of year. Society seems to make it “acceptable” for people to drink themselves silly and the A+E is absolutely overwhelmed with the numbers of drunks,that in one area of the country they had set up a field tent to deal with them. No one gives a second thought. But when I say o I am not taking my medication….and people immediately get on the offensive…btw its for anxiety/depression.

To live life without fear is not to be found in “normal”society. I was set up to fail in this system from an early age. So why would I look at society as being the happy ever after outcome. That is my bottom line of reality and no wonder it gives me constant anxiety.

And your arguments are text book regarding “normal” “Forexample If everyone had anxiety disorders, then it would be considered a normal occurrence or part of life…”
And though you are making a point it kinda makes me think o yeah the usual academic intellectual argument for an emotional/spiritual nemesis of our time.

Keep taking the pills and keep the GP appointments of which you are allowed a top whack of 5 minutes worth. Now that’s insane. Doesn’t that tell us a lot of where we are on the emotional/spiritual nemesis

And yes I have had to find my own ways to chart my way through life. The ship I am sailing often fills with water and I am having to bail out to keep it afloat. The moral compass of society for me stinks and so I am having to invent a way of being that keeps me functional. And so maybe I can come to this forum and spout my “wisdom” in a wee while as well then. And there you have it you see because it is “my wisdom” and not yours. I think that’s where for me problems can lie. We all are coming from different life experiences etc and having over the years listen read watched so many cure alls that now I have become disenchanted with it all.

yes but society is not normal. "normal people don't spend their time on anxiety forums. They're too busy and occupied doing something else."

01-01-2016, 08:36 AM
The reason most people suffer anxiety is because their 'normalcy' was not working prior to onset. You understand, there must be changes, false harmful beliefs that did not feel good or caused troubles in his life. That in itself is the catalyst. Anxiety is present only to trigger the individual. This is an important realization. Another words you can evade this forum and doctors, run off to timbucktoo but once you arrive, you find you have taken yourself with you, along with the same beliefs that caused the malady to begin with.

We don't want to go back to normalcy, that 'normalcy' did not work, period, there were unfaced emotions, and so it can be said that anxiety changes everything. That is its purpose, a shakeup.

90 percent of the people I have worked with, or should we say most if not all of the populace suffered some form of childhood abuse, the numbers are staggering. We were never meant to live with pain and hurt (forever) only long enough for edification.

Anxiety is part of the healing, having an important role in recovery, by eventually magnifying the hidden beliefs causing the troubles. Eventually, meaning when one has exhausted conventional methods, and having no where else to turn. This of course could take a lifetime or even result in death.

This is symbolic, because the death of anxiety or the 'old self' feels like a death to the ego, which will fight tooth and nail for survival. People often live with their condition even as they vocally oppose it, rather than feel the fear of the egos demise. Humans must have an ego however, so when one leaves home another jumps in to take its place. A beneficial one corroborative with the new belief system. Most humans identify their very being with ego, 'that is me' they say, and so they must fight though the fear during the transition. They are afraid of losing their identity, the self, they don't understand who is beneath this temporal identity called ego.

You see, there is always more going on than meets the eye. It is not enough to say 'stop googling, seeing doctors, visiting forums, see its that easy! '. Even the OP who claims he is cured, has returned, you see.

Under whatever guise, to be of service or whatever.

01-01-2016, 11:20 AM
DP I do not have to reread your post to know that your are suffering and trying to cover it up. What is the best way to cover up? just to try to help others and patronize them. You suffer like everyone of us. You are not bringing so far any revelation , no the help, rather the opposite and you do remind me of Paniccured. Maybe you are him.
Ims yes , most people here were exposed to abuse. I was like everyone else, I just do not talk about it. I am relieving the emotions, while I meditate. :) eh is good to see you posting:) Mr. Ponder is back, which make me kind of happy :)

01-01-2016, 12:38 PM
I want to hug you Cloudy:

"... it is “my wisdom” and not yours...."
".... We all are coming from different life experiences etc..."
".... I have become disenchanted with it all....."
"..... society is not normal....."

We are more alike than our differences. http://anxietyforum.net/forum/images/smilies/smile0163.gif

I hope I do not overstep the mark or being inappropriate by saying so. Please forgive my pessimistic and less than helpful focus. I am genuinely srry for that You have a special way about you that I have found warm and supportive from whence you first arrived. Thank you for joining this forum and speaking up the way you do. You are as special and important as everyone else in this here abnormal forum. http://anxietyforum.net/forum/images/smilies/smile0163.gif

IMS - we are lucky to have you here and Dahila, you always bring joy to my heart.

I thought exactly the same re panic cured, and even if not he ... it really amounts to the same and yet ... here we all are, banding together like so. There is something special about that. Doing exactly what this place was made for us to do.

Thank You Anxiety Forum for being here and everyone is else for the the special people you all be.

Have a good day all.

cloudy black
01-01-2016, 01:15 PM
ok thanks ponder.

Defeat Panic
01-01-2016, 05:07 PM
Dahila, haha that's funny because I came on an OLD thread of Panic Cured because you guys mention him so much. I did a quick search, and found one thread where he posts and you keep replying to him and make him mad. I see where you are coming from.
Anyways attempting to act like my shrink and telling me that DEEP DOWN I'm still suffering from anxiety wasn't the smartest reply. Exactly why I'm telling you to reread my original post. You seem to be missing the message and as to why I'm even here.

Again defining normalcy means to live life without fear when there is NO REAL DANGER. That is all. No need to go "deep" into it. That's everyone's goal. To not be scared of the "boogey man" inside your own head. That's the whole point. Forgive me that I used the word "normal" for lack of better words. Will anxious thoughts pop up in your head? Will you be reminded of your anxious past with old memories? YES. But being recovered means not reacting to those thoughts and not being scared of them. They do you no harm. They float away on their own. You continue living life without second guessing or overthinking about it, You don't avoid places or things and enjoy everything life has to offer,That's it. Simple!!! That is recovery.

How do you get there? With a combination of good diet,lifestyle, and learning to change your apprehensive behavior. Doesn't sound like nothing new at first but anxiety sufferers don't know how to go about it and that's why the continue to suffer. If they did, they wouldn't be suffering from anxiety. And alot of self help anxiety programs, therapists don't touch on all of it. They only cover one side of the coin.
CBT, ACT,etc all work but they are ONLY one side of the coin. But telling you to change your thoughts,think positive, accept,etc wont help on their own. Anxiety is a behavioral problem but ALSO A STATE.
HOW POSITIVE YOUR THOUGHTS ARE A REFLECTION AND INDICATOR OF THE HEALTH OF YOUR BODY. When your body is working at an optimal and efficient condition then will the CBT,ACT,etc. work. Dont forget the brain is a physical organ and can be affected by lifestyle and diet. You have to find the root causes and factors of anxiety which is THE OTHER SIDE OF THE MISSING COIN. Not either or.

Once your body is running efficiently and you have eliminated all factors that might factor your body to being unhealthy (hormonal problems,vitamin/mineral deficiencies, adrenal fatigue,food allergens and other hormones and genetic dispositions and factors). THEN YOU CAN BEGIN TO WORK ON CHANGING YOUR BEHAVIOR AND HOW YOU REACT TO THE IMAGINARY BOOGEY MAN IN YOUR HEAD.

There are specific things you need to look for and see what's missing and root causes that factor in to anxious STATE. Then after that you can work on your Anxious BEHAVIOR.
Makes sense? Although anxiety is not an illness, chemical imbalance or disorder, there are root causes that will factor you into having an overall anxious state and worry easily. It encourages your bad behavior more. Solve your root causes and factors first. But don't just stop there because anxiety is a behavior so DIET AND LIFESTYLE WONT CURE YOU ALONE...it'll MAKE YOU FEEL BETTER and IN A BETTER MOOD. Next you have to work on your behavior. I'm NOT a big fan of CBT and therapies like that. I made my own method which worked for me. That's all .

01-01-2016, 06:08 PM
Check your own behaviour while your at it. You seem good a telling and waving the finger. I'm yet to see anyone that's warmed up to a word you said. What kind of reflection is that?

How's the wine going cloudy? Might have a glass at the inlaws this evening. :)

01-01-2016, 08:38 PM
Now I know what the term Psycobable means. Delivered as superficialy as that which it proposes all else that does not fit into it's psycoanlytical text book ramblings.

Got any personal experiance that you can share that relates to such babble, instead of preaching in such an absolute manner.

Definitely sounds like that Panic Cured Character.

Defeat Panic
01-01-2016, 08:42 PM
Ponder so because a couple of people disagree with me or are suspicious of me you're going to jump the bandwagon and be part of the "crowd". Fine, go ahead. Do as you please. It's useless trying to explain to some of you. Those who can think for themselves can private message me and I'll be glad to help. Go ahead and live a life filled with anxiety. Some are just too bitter to see past their ego and what they think they know. By the way the only people that haven't warmed up to me is you and Dahlia.

TO ANYONE THAT CAN SEE PAST THE "CROWD MENTALITY" AND NEEDS HELP: If you need help message me. No I will not charge you anything. I'll help you for FREE. The website and books are a way to just suppourt myself. After I have helped u if u go out and buy my book...that'd support me if not it's also fine. I'll help and share my knowledge without expecting anything in return. Have a beautiful 2016.

Make your own judgement. If you think I am a bad person or some scammer or "Guru". Fine. Go ahead think what you want. If you can make your own judgement...awesome. PM is welcome.

/End Thread. No point replying to this thread anymore.

***EDIT Yes I have experience and have advice to share. I'm preaching so people can understand I have a full understanding of anxiety and not some quack. If you need help, message me and I can help with particular symptoms.

01-01-2016, 09:43 PM
Again, you asume of others and give nothing of yourself. People in here speak for themselves and in no need to be told how it is, or is not. You always come back with the tellings of how others speak, when they have already spoken and then tell them how it is that they should think, when clearly they could care less.

Like Dahila said ... "Why is it still here?" It's pretty obvious ... your yet to deal with unresolved pain. Admit it, your no different from any of us.

Defeat Panic
01-02-2016, 12:53 AM
Ponder I'm not different from any of you. You are right. I am able to get anxious thoughts like the rest of u. I'm also able to suffer like the rest of you. I am human. I am NOT a God. The difference is I don't fear or struggle with them and I am able to enjoy a full enriching life without any limitations on myself. That's the ONLY difference.
Instead of opposing me and calling me out like I'm your enemy, a warm welcome would have been enough.

01-02-2016, 02:28 AM
Tried that, but your aproach continues to come across from an angle that others clearly rejected for good reason. Granted my frustration has derailed my own sensabilities.

To be fair, there are others in here that talk with a similar tone and somehow I have learned to accept them. I should attempt to do the same with you. I'm a bit messed up like that. Tends to see me being easily lead more than not, however remourse is a good thing even if it comes from the most twisted, inappropriate and undesirable of individuals and or circumstances.

I am talking about myself. I'd like to get along. I think most people do, and most of the conflict is really about ourselves. No dou t I appear in that catagory of insanity, but is ok for the most part as I am as quick to retreat as I am to attack ... not that I like being unstable like so ... yet that is ok too ... I think its actually fairly normal and part of the human condition.

Lets not try to resist that so much and work with what we know works for ourselves. It's the athorative tone I think we all need to work on .. if that makes sense. When we I think I know, that's when I loose track by focusing too much on the arrharrr when really I should just be content to just let it come and go, instead of trying to know it all at once.

I am too tired to make sense. I hear you ... OK ... do as you must ... please adjust your aproach as I shod do more myself to change we and they to I ... doing so makes for a much gentler read. That make any sense? It's a way too soften ones eyes when talking about hard topics ... kind of thing. Message come across with more understanding for those of us still strugling.

Defeat Panic
01-02-2016, 03:08 AM
That I understand, we can all (including myself) work on our approach and the way we get our message across. Even when we think we got it all figured out life itself will humble us. You are right in that. I'll take your suggestion. We're all going to make it.

By the way I checked out your weight loss thread. Good job on that progress man. Keep it up!!!

01-02-2016, 03:57 AM
Thanks for the encouragement, much apreciated.
Off to bed now ... glad we were able to finish our talk like so.
Thanks for that as well. Good point on humility. It quickly calms my frustration when I allow for surrendering. Giving in really need not be a shamefull thing. Somehow, I feel humility is often misconstrued for humiliation. I don't think they are the same?

Źzzzzzz night peeps
Rest and recharge. ;)

01-02-2016, 12:33 PM
Thoughts, thoughts, they come and they go,
Some come fast and some come slow.
Complacency speeds up time,
Just as fear tends to grip.
... and then before you know it,
Procrastination - hits.

Often leaving a bruise,
On the inside of my head,
I struggle with thoughts,
That have already been said.

Even when my body tires,
Thoughts keep spinning in my head.
Even when my memory fails
Worn out thoughts are then replaced.

As my words begin to fail,
... and even when waking from my sleep,
I brace myself and prep my feet -
Because whether I like it or not,

... arrrr fuck it, I think I will take a walk instead.

Morning peeps. Embrace whatever comes and be sure to rest inbetween so that whatever moment comes, is the one in which your able to take a breath.

Bit like Sonic the hedge hog with racing music looking for a bubble. Smiles at such a thought. Life sure can be fun.

Wish me luck in todays traffic.

Hope this finds you all well. :)

Edit ... Srry wrong thread ... Zzzzzzzzzz Still trying to catch bubbles. I cut and paste ... hope this finds all well in here too.