View Full Version : Reality Bytes: I Have anxiety over an upcoming Fast Food Interview.

12-27-2015, 11:10 PM
[U Gotta Do or Die, and Rise Above the Rest, but if You cant make it then the only choice is to sink to the depths of self defeat.

In the 90's I could walk into a new store and walk out with an application after having spoken directly that day 1 on 1 with the head store manager and be promised a job and asked when i could begin work and be reassured w/ my past retail experience and the fact that i have already graduated from college, be promised back in the 1990's again, 12.00 per hour.

Now i have an upcoming job interview and very anxious. anxious over feeling like i'm going to lose face over the fact that i am interviewing for a job that pay offered for fast Food Cashier/Clerk is only 10.00 per hour. I really need to work extra hours as my sub job will not provide me with benefits or a decent, or any raise at all since 2007.

I feel suffocated, flustered, and like vomiting over all the work and lack of personal time i will now have left in life if i do land this interview that only promises to pay 10.00 per hour.

I feel sad, mad,had, bad,blue,royal blue, cobalt blue, light blue, cold crystal blue, crystalline clear light blue and then INVISIBLE.......Well perhaps they shall have a decent dental cov insurance plan and i may qualify for crystal clear braces from the most trendy ortho provider in Planet of the Apes Hollywood,CA...

If i get the job I plan to work at least M-F 5-10, Sat-Sun 11-8, and a wed during the week so total of about 46 hrs a week to supplement my small salary sub job only earning me a measly 2,000 per month thus far. And not with much respect or fellow employee appreciation either.

I just feel so bummed out and I am doing everything ironically never to be anything near a bum like existence.

hell if this doesnt work out i wanna find the closest bridge and go for a nice long swim and soak my overwhelmed head in a body of local water under a local bridge and never re-surface.

Then i wont have to worry about not being able to smile because my almighty uninsured pearly opaque bucks wont be covered if im 1 with the fishes of the sea anyhow......................What should i do , any suggestions anyone?????

I wish our district would just FINALLY reward the subs who have been with them for over 10 yrs with a decent pay raise and then I would still have time to come come and breath, wash the dishes, go to the gym, and live a little. No I'm being pushed into a self defeating , and very anxiety producing corner of subsistence in my very mundane life----already.