View Full Version : How do you know when to seek medical help

12-27-2015, 06:36 PM
Only a self diagnosis but I believe I have been suffering from some form of anxiety since August. Ive yet to go and seek any help and not sure how long to ride things out. Any form of confrontation by texts or otherwise nearly cripple me I have the butterfly feeling chest pains and trouble breathing. I dont sleep well anymore and everything just seems to overwhelme me.

Defeat Panic
12-29-2015, 10:27 PM
jane1234 There is no reason to seek medical help. I know at first you might look at me like I'm crazy and it goes against your instincts .
First step is realizing and admitting you are going through anxiety. Good job. The earlier you work on this the faster you can get back to normal.

I'm a little limited on time right now to write a long post but private message me I can help you. You have only been suffering with it for barely 4 months. It's best to start recovery early. The longer you go, the more you start to ingrain anxious thoughts in your mind. Someone that has been suffering for 20 years will take longer than someone suffering less than a year to recover. Message me and I'll get back to you..

01-04-2016, 03:59 PM
Hi Jane, I can't tell you when to if you have anxiety or when to seek help, but if you do have anxiety it's important to deal with it sooner rather than later. I would say that if it's causing you distress and/or unpleasant symptoms or affecting your life then talk to someone about it, whether that's a GP or therapist. If you are a student or at school you may be able to see a counsellor there for free or if you work then your company might have a company therapist or doctor or something. I hope you feel better x