09-17-2008, 08:58 PM
Ok to start I have generalized anxiety, Not really panic attacks well sometimes but for the most part constant worrying and cant think sraight and stay still for one second. A person with anxiety worries alot about health and there always fine until now. I am 26 been sick for a while and there thinking now I have LUPUS, I have been worrying something is wrong and for once IT IS. Blood tests confirmed I have some kind of AUTOIMMUNE DISEASE, there is no cure and A person with anxieties biggest fear actually coming true. I cant relax because of such sickness and legs are swollen and pain reminds me. Also no treatment yet and they dont know how bad I have it yet. Everyday I inch closer to insanity. I am forgeting, have no energy, cant sleep, cant cope, not one second goes by where i dont think. Not even being exhausted will stop me from freaking out. I sleep on and off and honestly am thinking about admiting myself into a hospital. I wake up sweating shaking and honestly I will die soon and i can feel it ad are soooo scared PLEASE HELP.ASAP

09-17-2008, 11:23 PM
Man, I really want to help you, but I'm afraid of writing something that might make it worse.

So all I've got is: hang in there and try not to freak till you have all the information. The more you know, the better you'll feel and be prepared for good news.

I'd take some of your anxiety if I could - I know what's it's like.

09-17-2008, 11:33 PM
Hey Pokerguy. First off realize that whether you're sick or not you have no control over it, so just let things be and focus on what you need to in order to get rid of your anxiety. If you do indeed have lupus and they can't "cure" it I'm sure there's something they can do in the form of relief or treatment. And even if there's not, at least your medical professional knows about it!! Most people would never find that out. Doctors aren't always correct either...misdiagnoses, etc. It's hard to know things for...1 thing might be a symptom of 100 diseases, or it could be a RESULT of the unknown "disease" as well. You're young so you have youth on your side!!! Plus it's better that if you do have something that they found it while you were young so it didnt cause more severe problems down the line. Consider yourself lucky that they caught it so soon. It may explain a lot about how you feel, you never know. See your doctor for an emergency visit, and use the hospital if you actually need to (i.e. becoming suicidal). I hope that's helped a little bit. Feel free to post back with updates!!

09-18-2008, 06:15 PM
Maybe you should start keeping a journal. To write down your thoughts...Just so there a little more in order.
I keep a journal and it helps get things off of my mind. Alot.

I write in it everyday, i keep a little compostition book with me and just write in it whenever i have a thought.

Also...Maybe you should take up somthing like painting? Explore your feelings.

I know what it feels like to be diagnosed with somthing, I was diagnosed with epilepsy. And yes. It freaks me out somtimes. Ill think i had a ceasure but im not sure and it holds me back from sleeping.

If i where you i would do alot of research about lupas, and what studies are going on about it. It always makes me feel atleast somewhat better when i research and analyze the problem...Please post back to let me know what you think.