View Full Version : Body Anxiety

12-25-2015, 09:28 AM
Hi Folks

I don't know if this has been asked before but I can't find it anywhere on google.

Is there such as thing as "body anxiety" ?

What I mean is where the body displays all the symptoms of anxiety, but you don't really get any anxious thoughts. The kind of symptoms I'm talking about are palps, severe hyperacusis, screaming tinnitus, feeling grotty, poor concentration, vertigo, frizzy scalp etc. I always sleep great and I've become totally a boss at ignoring these symptoms and just getting on with life, but the symptoms just don't go. I certainly was anxious about it in the past and I've had bots of depression but since I've learned more about anxiety that side of it has gone away and I've not had depression for over 6 months now. My state of mind now seems very good other than the aforementioned poor concentration which is thankfully episodic.

I don't really spend any time thinking about symptoms, except obviously a few times a day it does cross my mind but I think thats natural with so much symptoms and discomfort going on.

I've been through the doctors and he said that there's no disease that matches my symptoms (I think thats rubbish but I'm just going with the flow for the foreseeable future, mainly because all the other diseases that cause these symptoms don't have any treatment other than neuro suppressants and anti depressants so there's no point getting a diagnosis really).

The closest thing I can find is "dysautonomia". Although chiari is also a very good fit. I also have some signs of POTS like dizziness on standing but the delta in heart rate is not usually enough to meet the criteria of POTS.

All thoughts welcome, Merry Christmas :)

12-25-2015, 09:35 PM
There is a facebook page for folks with inner ear problems that manifest in various ways, including anxiety and panic attacks. It's called labyrinthitis support group. I read a study done that revealed the neurologic signal that triggers a bout of dizziness or perhaps tinnitus is so similar to the signal that triggers the amygdala to send your system into anxiety mood that the ear signal is sometimes mistaken for danger. i hope you will at least investigate the possibilities that an inner ear problem is triggering all your anxiety symptoms.

I started having labyrinthitis attacks when I was about 10 - spells of extreme vertigo and a bad headache. I also started having panic attacks at about the same age, so the two might have been related. I finally overcame all my anxiety and agoraphobia more than 20 years ago. I stopped having the dizzy spells late in my teen years. Do more research into the brain science behind panic attacks and behind inner ear infections or conditions. I'm glad you are able to keep your mood up, but I don't think you'll have to suffer the symptoms once you determine the root of the problem. unagoraphobic.com is my website in case you want to investigate panic disorder. Best wishes.... Hal Mathew

12-27-2015, 03:31 PM
Thanks for the info. Been away for a few days but I am researching and will post back...

thanks again

01-03-2016, 12:16 PM
Sorry I've been a bit slow to respond decently.

I have a dx of meniere's disease although I'm not convinced its correct, that certainly carries a lot of anxiety : when you look on pubmed for the association of meniere's symptoms and anxiety, the correlation is very strong indeed.

I don't know where to go next now, I know I dont have "concious anxiety", but I'm still suffering with some signs of CFS, random blips of the symptoms mentioned above and probably worst of all is bouts of poor concentration which gravely affects my work (I run my own business). If I could just fix that that would be enough. I wouldn#t mind all the crappy symptoms like tinnitus and hyperacusis as I can ignore them like a boss :) just being able to think straight would be fab !! I'm not sure there's a doctor in the world who can fix that, I wouldn't even know how to start explaining it all !

01-04-2016, 05:25 PM
Did you take cipro or another fluroquinolone?