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12-22-2015, 06:55 PM
Hi everyone

I recently started having anxiety issues but have worried about more and more as I got older. It really hit me when I had an anxiety attack at work and had to leave early and come home. The doc put me on Celexa and I started seeing a therapist last week.

I am 30 and live in Pennsylvania.

Nice to meet you all :)

12-22-2015, 07:12 PM
Hey Janelle. Welcome to the forum.

How's the Celexa working out for you?

P.s. Shhh. I'm not too far off of 30. We're not getting older. ;)

12-22-2015, 08:43 PM
Hey Janelle. Welcome to the forum.

How's the Celexa working out for you?

P.s. Shhh. I'm not too far off of 30. We're not getting older. ;)

Hi Jesse - thanks!

Well the doc started me on 20mg.. but the side effects were bad the first day/night so I went to 10mg for a week... just went back up to 20mg last week. I think it's taking the edge off but my anxiety is definitely still there. I have really good days and really bad days. I was on Celexa last year and I think it worked quicker/better then. This is such a crappy feeling, wish I could just bottle it up and throw it away!

Just turned 30 in November and it was a tough one to deal with!!

12-27-2015, 09:58 PM
Hi there I myself had have anxiety issues for my first time went to my docs to see what I can get he immiditly Rama blood test and I was low on vitamin d at first didn't know how much of a problem that can cost but it's been 7 months of taking nothing other hen supplements and I feel so much better!

12-28-2015, 10:36 AM
Hi there I myself had have anxiety issues for my first time went to my docs to see what I can get he immiditly Rama blood test and I was low on vitamin d at first didn't know how much of a problem that can cost but it's been 7 months of taking nothing other hen supplements and I feel so much better!

Hi Crystal! Thanks for that info. I am actually going to see my PCP today for a follow up and I was actually thinking of bringing up blood testing for hormone levels and such. I am only 30 but I know that you can start to experience menopause symptoms 10-15 years prior to actually getting it (my mom had it at 40 years old).

12-28-2015, 02:03 PM
Hi, Janelle :)

I'm a 45-year-old woman in the crosshairs for early-onset menopause myself. I cannot take SSRIs, tricyclics, or MAOIs due to adverse reactions and in the case of MAOIs there are meds I take for physical challenges that are strict counter-indicators.

Have you ever had your thyroid function tested? Mine was out of whack for years--turned out I'm apparently one of the incredibly few Graves' Disease victims to have it self-correct, though I've been left with lifelong hand tremors, ventricular arrhythmia, and slightly bulging eyes that are all now recognized as related to Graves'. I keep telling my gynecologist that we will KNOW if my thyroid goes out of whack again, because if it does the birth control pills I take to stave off the results of being doused in Agent Orange as a tween will render me psychotic. Not all doctors think about thyroid function--I didn't even find out Graves' existed until that same gynecologist asked me if I'd ever been diagnosed with it. I was THIRTY-EIGHT!

I know how much fun anxiety can be when most of the "magic bullet" drugs just do not work. I hope yours does!