View Full Version : Second hand smoke!!!

12-21-2015, 05:51 PM
How much damage can secondhand smoke do to you in 1 hour?
I was around a group of smokers. maybe 8 people inside for about 1 hour, During that time they were smoking cigarettes. We were inside a small room. Can being around that for 1 hour (indoors) cause lung cancer in the future?? Or would you have to be around 2nd hand smoke for years and years to have a chance to cause lung cancer?

i have never smoked before. I worried about this

12-21-2015, 05:54 PM
How much damage can secondhand smoke do to you in 1 hour?
I was around a group of smokers. maybe 8 people inside for about 1 hour, During that time they were smoking cigarettes. We were inside a small room. Can being around that for 1 hour (indoors) cause lung cancer in the future?? Or would you have to be around 2nd hand smoke for years and years to have a chance to cause lung cancer?

i have never smoked before. I worried about this

I'm a smoker myself and always try to avoid people who do not smoke so they don't smoke passively with me. As far as I know, passive smoking can give you a bit of a cough for a day, since some of the smoke can cause some mucus to come up if you are not a smoker. However, I would not be to worried about getting lung cancer from an hour of exposure. It is not enough to cause you permanent damage. If you were actually smoking then you would have a higher chance. Most of the harmful substances in cigarettes come from direct and frequent contact with cigarettes, not from an hour :) So you have nothing to worry about. I probably do lol

12-21-2015, 07:44 PM
Good point!!

Anyone else have an opinion?? I ve been worried all day

12-22-2015, 05:37 AM
Good point!!

Anyone else have an opinion?? I ve been worried all day

Also, my great grandfather smoked like a chimney and he lived to be 103 ;) Something to think about. At the end of the day, you can be as healthy as possible, there is always a chance. Still, if you live health-consciously like you do, you have a much lesser chance of getting it.

Anyone else? :)

12-22-2015, 06:20 AM
If smoking was *that* dangerous, it would be banned. Second hand smoke is problematic, but exposure to it over the course of an hour isn't going to give you lung cancer.

12-23-2015, 10:12 AM
My brother is an EMT. While he is no advocate for smoking, he said he sees far more overweight folks dying from health issues than smokers. He went on a call several summers ago where a man had a heart attack while cutting his lawn. The mower was still running when they arrived but the man had passed away from his heart attack. He was on another call where an 80+ year old man had gone into cardiac arrest. Heavy smoker, but not at all over weight. He asked for a cigarette while they were loading him in the ambulance, (they refused), and was released a few days later. Smoking is bad for you, but I think obesity is even worse. But being exposed for an hour, not a problem other than your hair and clothes stinking.