View Full Version : paranoid i have diabetes

12-21-2015, 02:56 PM
hi all im back again,been a year or so since i last posted and my anxiety has improved 10 fold,going through a out of the blue bad patch at the moment, i had a panic attack whilst walking and since i feel really tired and my eyes are blurry and dry and abit sort,and i have a sweet tooth so now after seeing something on tv im paranoid i have diabetes, if anyone has any has anything to share please do and i will be eternally greatful, thanks

12-21-2015, 04:39 PM
Have £10 to spare? Go into your local chemist and buy a blood sugar monitor. It'll tell you in seconds whether or not you do.

You could get your doctor to check for you, too, but that'll take a few days.

12-21-2015, 05:58 PM
hi all im back again,been a year or so since i last posted and my anxiety has improved 10 fold,going through a out of the blue bad patch at the moment, i had a panic attack whilst walking and since i feel really tired and my eyes are blurry and dry and abit sort,and i have a sweet tooth so now after seeing something on tv im paranoid i have diabetes, if anyone has any has anything to share please do and i will be eternally greatful, thanks

Blurry vision is actually quite common for a panic attack. Plus, I often have a need of sugar once I had anxiety, simply because my body wants some quick energy. (not healthy though, best to stay away from it when you can).
Also diabetes often comes with a number of other symptoms, including:

* dizziness
* Blood pressure problems
* Skin rashes
* Terrible mood swings and high irritability
* feeling extremely thirsty
* unexplained weight loss
* slow healing wounds
* urinating a lot more than usual.

Once you've read these symptoms, be sure not to project them on yourself and look at it objectively. (It is something that I tend to do so I know the danger). However, if you are worried about diabetes, why not go in for a test and put your mind at rest? You could also try Jessed03 suggestion and get a blood sugar monitor.

12-23-2015, 01:51 PM
Blurry vision is actually quite common for a panic attack. Plus, I often have a need of sugar once I had anxiety, simply because my body wants some quick energy. (not healthy though, best to stay away from it when you can).
Also diabetes often comes with a number of other symptoms, including:

* dizziness
* Blood pressure problems
* Skin rashes
* Terrible mood swings and high irritability
* feeling extremely thirsty
* unexplained weight loss
* slow healing wounds
* urinating a lot more than usual.

Once you've read these symptoms, be sure not to project them on yourself and look at it objectively. (It is something that I tend to do so I know the danger). However, if you are worried about diabetes, why not go in for a test and put your mind at rest? You could also try Jessed03 suggestion and get a blood sugar monitor.

hi thanks for the replies, i have no rashes no blood pressure problems i dont feel thirsty,and im not urinating more than usual,nore slow healing wounds, to be honest all of how i feel ive felt before, its just another health fear to obsess over, i tried myself on a diabetes machine a few years ago and it was perfect, im just paranoid to be fair especially around christmas that i wont be there too see it, weird i know but what can i do lol , thanks guys