View Full Version : Gonna be a wild few months.....

12-20-2015, 04:26 PM
The first 4-6 months of 2016 are shaping up to be something else. We're buying a new house before we sell ours. We have some somewhat noisy neighbors, that may lengthen the time our house is on the market. I've made a big change in my 401k, my old dog isn't going to be around much longer, father-in-law passed this past October. I have an old race car I'm trying to put back together and sell, work to do on the new house and the one I'm in. Beginning to wonder what I was thinking. But, I've always been a "worrier". Hopefully, it'll be smoother than I think it'll be. If not, I'll be posting more frequently. I joined because of a question I had with "noise related" anxiety. Other things can trigger it as well, but some noise's bring it on immediately. I'm a retired pipefitter with 40 years of service at a chemical plant, so noise was a daily occurrence. Even wearing hearing protection, I've suffered some hearing loss. Maybe that's where my issues come from.

cloudy black
12-20-2015, 11:33 PM
well that all sounds positive apart from selling your house that is. but i am sure that it will sell. quite a new chapter then! yes i am a worrier got a Phd in it! its good that you are being proactive to change your situation. all the best for a better second halve. "life is a game of two halves" and i wish you a happy and fruitful new year in all your new ventures!

12-23-2015, 10:04 AM
Thanks, cloudy black. BTW, my id is supposed to be "tired iron" for all the stuff I have around here. We had our beloved beagle, "Duke", put to sleep on Monday. I miss him terribly. He was a stray I found at work. Had him for 6.5 years, and he was with us through the loss of our black lab, the marriages of our 2 sons, and the arrival of 5 grandsons. Very special little guy, but he was suffering so bad. I also completed the changes to my 401k and have a contract on a new home. You're correct about life being a "game of two halves". Things that were once important, (the "tired iron" stuff), is now of little relevance to me. I'm looking forward to doing a little traveling once all these changes are complete. Getting another dog after the first of the year, too! Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you, your family and friends.

cloudy black
12-23-2015, 11:07 AM
oh i am really sorry about your beloved beagle. but he had a good life from the sounds of it! like an end of an era. i hate it when pets die. i once looked after someones hamster for 2 weeks through a friend. but can you believe this. the person didnt want it back! so i was left holding the hamster literally! her name was tilly and when i had to have her put down 2 years later i was upset! she was so cute!