View Full Version : Constant Skipped Heartbeats

12-19-2015, 08:56 AM
I am 20 years old and have had these skipped heartbeats for years now, yesterday though i was juts sitting down on the couch and i had like 10 in the space of 15 minutes and it was really worrying me! i really don't understand why i had so much of them in that space of time! i could feel it in my chest. I am used to maybe having one or two a day but not that many? should i be concerned?

I have had an ECG done and they said it looked fine but they said it is only a recording for 1 seconds so its hardly going to be accurate?

Please help it's getting really annoying.

12-19-2015, 01:31 PM
skipped heartbeats are perfectly normal. Everyone has them. Everyone. The amount you are experiencing is probably higher than the average person but again is perfectly normal. The problem with anxiety is that you become acutely aware of every sensation so you notice every skipped heartbeat when most people don't notice them at all. This increases your anxiety which increases the amount of skipped beats and so the viscous cycle continues.

I've had this for about 15 years now and at their worst I was getting dozens every minute and would have a rapid heart rate too. For hours at a time my heart would beat totally erratically which would totally freak me out. In my case these are called ectopic heartbeats and are harmless. When they get bad I can take a beta blocker which in minutes makes my heart beat normally again but this is only needed when it's constantly beating irregularly and for a prolonged period of time. A few skipped beats a minute doesn't require any treatment if the hospital are not concerned about your ECG so don't stress. Relax. You are absolutely fine.

12-19-2015, 02:28 PM
I know the perfect solution for getting rid of anxiety, I know the suffering isn't fun. I'm 22 years old and I've had anxiety my whole life, taken multiple prescriptions and nothing has helped me more than what I take now!

cloudy black
12-19-2015, 02:35 PM
I know the perfect solution for getting rid of anxiety, I know the suffering isn't fun. I'm 22 years old and I've had anxiety my whole life, taken multiple prescriptions and nothing has helped me more than what I take now!

hello AlexOrion;223313 what is it that you take now i am curious!!

12-19-2015, 02:50 PM
Ever heard of the hemp plant known as CBD? Its the sister plant of the THC but CBD is completely legal in all 50 states and does not give you the psychoactive high like THC would. CBD is probably one of the greatest things I have ever come across & I just came across it last November, but how I came across it was actually an interesting story. My father being a disabled veteran has suffered for years upon years upon years from prescription medicine and he takes CBD daily for all the things he suffers from. As he started to take it for his PTSD, anxiety, & Bi-Polar and other things I won't post I was curious on how it was working for him cause he was a completely different human being once he started taking CBD. He wasn't depressed he wasn't suicidal, he's constantly happy and doesn't think about the things he once did. So I decided to take the action and buy it cause (we sell it and use it every day that's how serious and amazing this stuff is) but I bought me a 2 fl oz peppermint tincture spray of CBD which is two pumps under the tongue and let sit for 90 seconds. Just calmly sit there and let it soak up in your mouth or do something like dishes or cleaning to let the time pass, after 90 seconds swallow it and take a couple nice slow deep breathes in through the nose and out of the mouth and boy let me tell you what it was the most amazingest feeling in the whole world I felt like I was in space with happiness and relief and anxiety/stress free. I am a daily user of CBD and i will forever be taking CBD for my anxiety and many many other reasons! Want to know or need to know anything else just let me know!

Best Regards,


cloudy black
12-19-2015, 03:27 PM
gosh just googled it. very interesting. if i can get to see my regular doc i might even inquire about it! as medication just doesnt do it for me. but i will do some more research first anyway just to see.. thanks for your post.

12-19-2015, 04:19 PM
Every doctor I have talked about it to just seems to ignore it. And I've done research and studies countless times and it doesn't get prescribed its a dietary supplement. Let me know if you would like to know more about it:) I hate to see fellow people suffer knowing that there's such an amazing thing out there and its CBD! Start your day the CBD way!

12-19-2015, 04:19 PM
Also I am very happy to help :)) you're more than welcome

cloudy black
12-20-2015, 11:18 AM
thanks Alex very kind...i am kinda in between drugs at the mo. partly as i cant be bothered to take them. doctors have quite a closed mind, has been my experience. and also they maybe wont get paid if they were to prescribe them along with the stringent rules that they have to adhere to. when it comes down to it the bottom line is always about money in every sphere of life.

if they would only do the trials etc and they would have lots of willing guinea pigs i am sure but the big drug companies would loose out and make no mistake that is the other bottom line as far as the doctors go. so unless and until people lobby for change then i cant see this changing in the near future as far as i can tell

12-21-2015, 11:02 AM
Well I certainly see what you're saying and meaning but if you ever would like to talk to my mentor/father about it I know we can guide you in the right direction into getting rid of your anxiety once and for all!

12-21-2015, 11:15 AM
Pretty sure it's anxiety, it plays a lot with your senses.
The doctor told me I was fine and I thought I was going to die from heart failure.

Stop counting your heartbeats and I'm sure you'll feel less anxious.
It's a vicious circle, you need to remove it from your life.
I implore you to trust me.

12-21-2015, 06:09 PM
I am 20 years old and have had these skipped heartbeats for years now, yesterday though i was juts sitting down on the couch and i had like 10 in the space of 15 minutes and it was really worrying me! i really don't understand why i had so much of them in that space of time! i could feel it in my chest. I am used to maybe having one or two a day but not that many? should i be concerned?

I have had an ECG done and they said it looked fine but they said it is only a recording for 1 seconds so its hardly going to be accurate?

Please help it's getting really annoying.

I used to have the exact same fear, but my therapist told me something that got rid of that fear forever. This is what he told me:

The human heart can go from 80 to 120 every day for no apparent reason, just general maintenance. Hence why the heart rate may feel unusual at times, but it is actually perfectly normal.

12-31-2015, 06:01 AM
I feel them all the time sometimes I'm not sure if it's because of what I eat or it's the anxiety. Eventhiugh when I feel skipped beats I don't feel Any kind of anxiety ..the skipped beats have ruin my life with my kids and daily activities ..it's scary and I'm scared everyday

12-31-2015, 06:50 AM
skipped or fluttering beats, if accompanied by a clean bill of health, is a normal response to heightened stress, fear, worry. When you experience the physical issue, immediately bring yourself back into yourself and realize you are afraid or worried, not over the beats, but over some other issue in your life. Endeavor to resolve that (financial, relationship, self worth, etc), and the heart will settle to normal rhythm. I am not saying skipped beats are abnormal, just not 'ideal', because they are only there to raise awareness toward areas of your life that you are unhappy/struggling with, and to help you point out a resolution, so you can feel better all around.

If you are all honest with yourself, you will notice the internal mental dilemma long before the beats skip because the physical follows a train of thought. You have been dwelling on some seeming monumental issue in your life. The anxiety then replaces (buries) the true issue and becomes the focus, making it increasingly hard to find the catalyst-beliefs that started it all.

It takes work. Not running around to doctors (once youve had a physical), but work on yourself, mentally, by doing an about face into the mirror. This is never easy, and must be accompanied by discipline, a decision, persistence, and courage. With self-value as the glue. If your issues are worth, low esteem, etc. you will find it hard to do the work, because you are not worth it to begin with, or incapable, you believe, of finishing any task. If its hard to start, examine how you feel about yourself for clues. Low self worth and value are responsible for many skipped beats under conditions or stressors that trigger those feelings, often unconscious to you. Your physical heart (emotional center) is feeling it for you, period.