View Full Version : Will losing weight affect my mental health?

12-17-2015, 09:30 PM
I weigh around 205 pounds and I have a belly. I'm around 5'11. My anxiety and excessive sweating issues all started around the same time I began to gain all this weight.

Whenever I think of nervous situations, my body gets hot and I begin to sweat, no matter how cold it is. I pretty much sweat whenever I exert any type of energy. Will losing weight possibly cure this? I'd tried a ton of different antidepressants but nothing has worked.

cloudy black
12-18-2015, 03:05 AM
hello citysleeps5 (14 stone then) have you checked to see if your weight takes you into the obese zone? weight certainly doesnt help with lots and lots of things. for starters it makes your heart work that much more harder and you could possibly end up with diabetes.

do you eat for comfort? you dont say how old you are but if you are over 18 you NEED to be responsible for your own food intake (look on the web for healthier eating) and exercise everyday a minimum of 2 miles thats only 40mins worth of the outdoors! (1 mile= 20 mins approx, i will let you convert that to what makes sense to y0u!!) that gives you an idea roughly of what it takes. dont be afraid to do more. maybe think about getting a personal
trainer if you have the money to help and support you. You need to do something

you are in a vicious cycle if you comfort eat because your weight increases and your stress and that is having an effect on you with the sweating. exercise and better daily lifestyle healthy eating diet will do a lot to help with depression.

loosing weight will make your body healthier and fitter - this would help someway towards helping the depression, but its not a cure all with depression. it is probably depression that has made you eat more than you need in the first place. seeing a counsellor might help along with the diet and exercise. you cant sit back and expect a miracle. you gotta be proactive