View Full Version : Heart Attack or Panic Attack?

12-17-2015, 09:19 AM
So, I'm 17. Was very healthy, was very fit. I quit going to school, and started doing homeschooling because of my anxiety, so I've grown pretty lazy. I'm about, eh, 103 pounds and 5'0 foot. I've been having heart problems, but they are not yet sure what it is. I fear if I go to the doctor with this problem, they will send me to my local emergency room, and hook me up. My chest pain is just in one specific spot, and feels like when you drink way to much water, or when you have gas. I've been panicking all day, so my heart rate is up a bit. I don't feel pain anywhere else, just this one spot right in the middle of my chest...

12-17-2015, 09:48 AM
I experience the same thing with my anxiety, a persistent pain in the middle of my upper chest. I do not believe you have a heart problem. I have connected it being worse when I have anxiety or panic in my sleep. Have you had an EKG in past? If yes you passed fine, if not get one bc it will reassure you. At 5 ft 100 lbs 17 there is literally almost no chance you are at risk for a heart attack. Relax do some deep breathing I bet it goes away. Even if it returns its more proof its anxiety.

12-18-2015, 03:52 AM
Hey itdoesntreallymatter,

The most sensible approach is to have an EKG (electro-cardiograph) to eliminate the possibility of a medical cause, and if that's done and the symptoms still persist, to regard it as probably resulting from anxiety, or panic attacks.

I've made a post showing the difference between anxiety, or panic attacks, as well as some approaches to treating them at http://anxietyforum.net/forum/showthread.php?33197-Do-I-have-anxiety-disorder-or-something-worse&p=220006#post220006 More about natural treatments is shown at http://your-mental-health.weebly.com/i.html

Some people may prefer to assume that they are anxiety, or panic attacks, but they run the risk of serious permanent injury to their heart, or even sudden death, if their assumption proves incorrect.

12-18-2015, 08:23 AM
I have had a EKG and they said the rhythm looks okay, its just faster paced than most people's.