View Full Version : Male Hot Flushes

12-17-2015, 04:57 AM
My anxiety seems to forever change its physical form. Whenever I get used to a physical symptom it changes to something else. The latest is hot flushes.

It started whenever I walked for more than 10 mins. Now it can happen just sat on a train, at my desk or in front of the TV. I can only describe it as a hot flush, I suddenly start to feel very hot inside even if the outside or room temperature is cold. I can go out in a t-shirt in 12 degrees and start feeling like I'm burning up. I also start to sweat sometimes a lot but usually the hot flush only lasts 2-3 mins but I can get them every 10-15 mins or so. It's now at the stage that I have to have a fan blowing on me all day in my air conditioned office as otherwise I just sweat all day.

Anyone else have this, it's freaking me out which is making it worse?

12-17-2015, 06:51 AM
My anxiety seems to forever change its physical form. Whenever I get used to a physical symptom it changes to something else. The latest is hot flushes.

It started whenever I walked for more than 10 mins. Now it can happen just sat on a train, at my desk or in front of the TV. I can only describe it as a hot flush, I suddenly start to feel very hot inside even if the outside or room temperature is cold. I can go out in a t-shirt in 12 degrees and start feeling like I'm burning up. I also start to sweat sometimes a lot but usually the hot flush only lasts 2-3 mins but I can get them every 10-15 mins or so. It's now at the stage that I have to have a fan blowing on me all day in my air conditioned office as otherwise I just sweat all day.

Anyone else have this, it's freaking me out which is making it worse?

Yes anxiety can give you hot flashes, But I never experienced it for such a prolonged time(all day in office)...before blaming it on anxiety get your blood sugar levels checked...an insulin spike or sugar spike will make you flash, also depending on your age, if 40+ you may be experiencing Andropause...male version of menopause...T levels start to drop as we get older..some men's drop fast and will cause hot flashes....this is not discussed as much as women's issues but it does happen to men.

12-17-2015, 11:39 AM
Yes anxiety can give you hot flashes, But I never experienced it for such a prolonged time(all day in office)...before blaming it on anxiety get your blood sugar levels checked...an insulin spike or sugar spike will make you flash, also depending on your age, if 40+ you may be experiencing Andropause...male version of menopause...T levels start to drop as we get older..some men's drop fast and will cause hot flashes....this is not discussed as much as women's issues but it does happen to men.

Very true!

It wasn't a symptom I had either, but it's one that's caused by hormones. Insulin, testosterone, cortisol, etc, can all play a big role.

Deffo worth getting some bloods to see where you're at hormone-wise. They make such a big difference to a person's life, and yet they're hardly ever talked about, especially among men.

12-18-2015, 01:31 PM
Well I went to my GP today and fortunately they had done a blood test just last week and the results came back completely normal. My GP feels that this is just yet another symptom of anxiety. When I told her everything I'm going through at the moment she looked shocked and was very sympathetic and did say that it was no wonder I'm having so many symptoms at the moment. She also has changed the anti depressant I'm on to one that hopefull has less side effects. Frustratingly I feel like I could handle the mental and emotional stress if it wasn't for the physical symptoms and yet it is the mental and emotional stress that causes the physical symptoms.