View Full Version : Can't sleep... Anxious and afraid I'll die in my sleep

12-16-2015, 08:16 PM
I always found writing my thoughts out on forums helped to rationalise my worries. It's been so long that I have lost my password and had to register again... I guess that's a good thing.

Anyway, so today I have been getting sharp stabbing pain in the left side of my head. Naturally I worry its a brain tumor. But I've not had any headaches for weeks. I seem to get them for a day or two then they go. Anyway, logically I think it's a mix of things. My wisdom tooth on the bottom left of jaw has been sore today, it seems I've cut the gum or something and it's now swollen and bleeds quite heavily when I brush. My left ear also hurts and the head pain is also on the left side so I assume it's all related to the tooth. Would make sense. Would make a lot of sense really. Yet I still can't sleep! 3am and I can't stop worrying.