View Full Version : Fear of Teeth Falling Out(?)

12-16-2015, 07:30 PM
Hi y'all this is my first thread here on the Anxiety Forum & am looking for maybe some advice or comfort here on a fear of mine. Ever since the end of August, I have been focused on my teeth. This happened after I was diagnosed with a severe sinus infection that was primarily in my maxillary glands (cheek area). Ever since I have had multiple sinus infections, including one right now. My biggest issue is whenever I have sinus pain it feels as if my teeth are loose. When I bite down I feel my bottom teeth cause my top teeth to move a little bit but not like a wiggly tooth when you're little (thank God). However, I always need to feel my teeth afterwards with my hands and try wiggling them with my fingers to see if they're coming out, but they don't move. I am extremely transfixed on this issue right now it actually does interfere with my normal everyday activities. I have not visited a dentist in awhile as my family does not have dental insurance currently, but I am going to a dental clinic in January at a local University. In the mean time, has anyone else had this issue before? I'm 20 years old if this helps any and I brush my teeth 2x's a day, floss, and use mouthwash too. Also, can my anxiety cause physical symptoms to happen like cause my teeth to feel weird if I'm overthinking about them? I haven't discussed this issue with my psychologist yet so I'm unsure.

Thank you so much if you respond, I appreciate any and all feedback. Have a lovely day! :-)

12-16-2015, 08:46 PM
Anxiety can and will cause physical symptoms.

One thing you might be doing when anxious and not realising is clenching your jaw. Often times when I feel anxious it's something I do sub consciously. It's only when I purposely ask myself if I'm doing it I realise I am clenching hard!

It's likely just swelling in the area and when you close your mouth it's just the pressure making it feel a bit weird. Clenching is really bad for your teeth by the way! I shattered two molars through constant clenching and had to get implants in instead. I've since cracked and chipped one of them.

cloudy black
12-17-2015, 08:15 AM
hello patriotsgal strange random question, but hey why not...do you struggle with long standing indecisiveness and an inability to breakdown ideas for analysis? just thought i would throw that out to you. have you got a big decision to make? or are your teeth needing some TLC!!