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12-15-2015, 05:19 AM
sdnvb ms vv favfs

12-15-2015, 05:48 AM
Both of my daughters dealt with this too. It was merely (low sodium). Try eating something that is salty, that you like. Also, drink something that hydrates, replenishes nutrients, like a Gatorade or a PowerAde. Something like that. Then, your fainting spells, dizziness, should end abruptly.

Try eaten 6 to 8 small meals a day as well. That will also help.

I have everything in the world wrong with me, literally. So, don't let this minor issue get you down. Do as I suggested, occupy your mind with a craft, and make someone something for Christmas.


E-Man :)

12-15-2015, 10:12 AM
This is just my personal opinion but I would advise you to keep taking the sertraline and give it a few more weeks to start kicking in. I cried every day my first two weeks on an antidepressant, but by week three I was laughing a little and week four I was so much better. Keep working with your doctor (see another one if you need to) until you get just the right medication for you. It worries me that you hear voices and have hallucinations and paranoia. You REALLY need a psychiatrist and not just a regular doctor to take the right medication. These are serious issues.