View Full Version : Uplifting realistic reasoning i can apply to this particular Obsession

Aaron Daves
12-14-2015, 01:43 AM
Hi guys.
I've been struggling with OCD for 5 years now. It's going on strong. I started seeing a therapist about 3 months ago and we are working toward rationalizing my thoughts. However, there is a "particular" obsession that is driving me up the wall, to the point where I cannot sleep. To the point where I've purchased 10 different pillows trying to figure out which one worked best for my head. Well, I finally found one that worked...and then this happened. ..
I know its irrational, but the thought of something being wrong is lingering with me. I keep telling myself, "pulling the string out does nothing, its not connected to the pillow." "the horizontal stitching is still in place." "Why am I worried that I pulled a loose string out of some stitching. it was probably just extra string" "it probably has nothing to do with keeping the pillow mended together."
I'd like to ask you guys for some rational thinking, in relation to my pillow problem. I was hoping you might could watch the video and truthfully, if you believe nothing is wrong with the pillow, comment.
My rational and irrational thoughts are fighting so hard with each other right now. I know that reassurance is normally no help and my therapist and I are working on that. But, I asked her if I could post this video for other people to remind me that the pillow is A-OKAY. I told her it would make me feel better (I think) and we'd talk about that in the next therapy session.
I'd love if you could walk me through the rational, in whatever specific way comes best to you! Thank you so much everyone.
