View Full Version : Feeling like I'm in constant anxiety

12-13-2015, 09:52 PM
Im stuck in a state where i feel like any moment I'm either gonna die or pass out or something. Like, its like a constant state where I'm stuck in this "pre-panic attack" like right before you have one. My stomach feels all fluttery and I feel like i can't pay attention to anything else besides how I'm feeling . My stomach is in knots and i feel all tense . night time makes me feel worse though. Ive been struggling with severe anxiety for the past few weeks with panic attacks. I just don't know if my body is so used to the panic that it won't shut off.
Anyone have any tips or have this feeling too?? I'm just scared that this isn't normal. i just want to live peacefully.

12-14-2015, 04:16 PM
Yes, I definitely agree with you. Anxiety whether it’s generalized and all the time or episodic is a terrible feeling. I’m sorry for what you’re experiencing. Have you seen your primary care physician or therapist for your condition?

I strongly urge you while you are feeling this way to not drive since you could be putting yourself and others in harm’s way. I know this may be inconvenient but you want to stay safe until you can gain some control over your mind and body.

This board is a great place to seek immediate answers, but it’s always best to consult a professional for serious conditions like anxiety as it could have any number of causes. I’m praying for you as you go through this and that, whatever the diagnosis, there will be treatment options available that can help you.

Wishing you a great Christmas and good health. :)

12-14-2015, 04:19 PM
Hey tidalpine,

Living in a constant state of anxiety is exhausting and feeling you have no control over your body is scary. I’m so sorry you are going through this! I personally struggled with anxiety for a period in my life and I can tell you that you won’t feel this way forever. Have you thought about finding ways to calm your anxiety like deep breathing, exercise, or meditation? Everyone handles their anxiety differently so if one calming technique doesn’t work, don’t become discouraged! I also talked to a social worker at my college and that really helped me. I don’t know your age but if you’re in school, guidance counselors and social workers are extremely understanding and helpful.
Take a deep breath and good luck!

12-14-2015, 04:45 PM
I never drive if I'm in a strong anxiety state, or if a feel like i feel an attack coming. Ive had panic attacks while driving once, and it was only because it was 11pm and i was scared to sit on the side of the road alone.

12-14-2015, 04:46 PM
and thank you guys for your responses!!!

12-14-2015, 05:07 PM
I'm in the same boat and its getting very hard to function everyday,I'm tired of this constant feeling dizzy faint heart racing crap. I don't even leave my house now cause its done consumed my life never a moment of peace. So I'm right there with ya my body is in constant pre panic mode and its horrible.

12-14-2015, 06:02 PM
The invention of the electric light switch and alternating current was modeled after the human psyche. And the minds ability to 'switch' one way or the other directing its energy toward a specific outcome. By flipping your mental switch, you enlighten a specific reality. The 'off' position, or reality becomes secondary or 'dark'. You cannot have it both ways at once, you see.

Whatever you dont want in your life, switch off and stop giving it current, or should we say, energy. If you have been physically checked with a clean bill of health, than take your focus off your inner workings, stop the internal mesmerizing focus, and take a look at the beauty all around you. Look for whats right, another words, and build upon that.

Anxiety (and or depression) is a highly focused consuming reflection and over emphesis or concern with ones internal world, unresolved problems and conflicts, endlessly lamenting, brooding, in a state of bewilderment. Doing this, he misses life as it passes him by, carrying with it the necessary ingredients for healing, peace, and answers.

Just like most of you will ignore this post as it does not fit in with your current energy and highly focused internal obsessive concentration on what is wrong.

12-16-2015, 08:33 PM
Whenever I feel like this I do two things.

The first: I purse my lips and just exhale. I don't inhale first. I just exhale until there's no air left and I automatically inhale and then repeat. Then I remind myself I can breath. If I can breath, I can't pass out.

The second thing. I question and examine how I'm feeling. What I mean by this is, I make a mental list of what I'm feeling. So for me, one of my fears is a PE. If you don't know what it is, doesn't matter. So I look at how I'm feeling.

Right let's say I feel like I can't breath, chest feels right, throat feels tight and I feel dizzy. Scary things to feel! So I accept I feel like this, then I think when I last felt like that. Did anything happen that time? No. Nothing. So is it likely to just be anxiety again? Of course it is.

The more I do this, the more I build up a catalogue of feelings to reassure myself as just anxiety. Sometimes something new will get through and set me off but I still know alot of what was real before was just anxiety.

12-16-2015, 11:30 PM
Whenever I feel like this I do two things.

The first: I purse my lips and just exhale. I don't inhale first. I just exhale until there's no air left and I automatically inhale and then repeat. Then I remind myself I can breath. If I can breath, I can't pass out.

The second thing. I question and examine how I'm feeling. What I mean by this is, I make a mental list of what I'm feeling. So for me, one of my fears is a PE. If you don't know what it is, doesn't matter. So I look at how I'm feeling.

Right let's say I feel like I can't breath, chest feels right, throat feels tight and I feel dizzy. Scary things to feel! So I accept I feel like this, then I think when I last felt like that. Did anything happen that time? No. Nothing. So is it likely to just be anxiety again? Of course it is.

The more I do this, the more I build up a catalogue of feelings to reassure myself as just anxiety. Sometimes something new will get through and set me off but I still know alot of what was real before was just anxiety.

I like your technique !!! Especially pursing your lips wile exhaling. And the remembering back to how you felt last time

cloudy black
12-17-2015, 08:57 AM
“If you want me just whistle. You know how to whistle don't you? Just put your lips together and blow.”

― Lauren Bacall, The Complete Films of Humphrey Bogart

12-17-2015, 09:44 AM
I like the post from I'm-Suffering.

Carl Lot
12-26-2015, 04:44 AM
Hi tidalpine,

When I read your poste, I thought to myself two years back, when I was feeling continuous anxiety, anger, and I was shouting the whole time on anyone and without any reason.
At that time I was doing researches on internet to find out how to deal with my illness, and bingo!! I found the Alpha relaxation method, it is very efficient with immediate result, and you can do it anytime and anywhere.
Try it!

12-26-2015, 12:36 PM
Im stuck in a state where i feel like any moment I'm either gonna die or pass out or something. Like, its like a constant state where I'm stuck in this "pre-panic attack" like right before you have one. My stomach feels all fluttery and I feel like i can't pay attention to anything else besides how I'm feeling . My stomach is in knots and i feel all tense . night time makes me feel worse though. Ive been struggling with severe anxiety for the past few weeks with panic attacks. I just don't know if my body is so used to the panic that it won't shut off.
Anyone have any tips or have this feeling too?? I'm just scared that this isn't normal. i just want to live peacefully.

HI ! I know how you feel trust me! I want you to remember my words now.Humans do not die so easy believe or not.Trust me you will not die from adrenaline all you feel is adrenaline rush that make these crazy feelings of horror.IF you can run 30 min your adrenaline will go lower and you will feel better.Of course if you are in a public place just keep in mind that that energy in you is OK to be there and its there to protect you.This is defensive mechanism of your body that is not design to kill you.At this stage you can run more you will feel less pain if something hurt you and even your mind is safe .Do not worry that u will go crazy I was doing this before It's OK .If you are so scared use antidepressants they will help with the panic.But i really think that panic attacks can be overcome without drugs.

Good luck and remember you are not alone in your battle.