View Full Version : Is this Anxiety? Someone recognize something?

12-13-2015, 06:28 AM
Hello, I am from Holland, so my English is not so well. Sorry for that.
According to the dr.s I have anxiety. I have it now for 2 years. And it is a living hell. I am not able to work, I have anxiety 24/7. In the evening it seems less. In the morning it is so worse...:(

my symptoms:
Muscle pain all over my body
spinning thoughts
pressure in head and neck
difficulty breathing
unable to sleep for a few hours
Thinking that everybody is watching you
feeling like an old woman
Weird muscle pain

Are there people who recognize the symptoms? And who are unable to have a job? In the beginning I was bedbound for over a year.

Please Response,


12-13-2015, 08:22 AM
Yeah, i feel pressure in back of head sometimes, nightmares and waking up in middle of night are common too.

12-15-2015, 12:52 PM
I sleep pretty well, but once I wake up, I begin thinking of things I need to do. After that, all I do is toss and turn. I do have heart palpitations occasionally, and I find it hard to concentrate. My doctor thaought I had a "mild" case and prescribed some meds that I took for about 4 weeks. I may need to start again, because we have a lot going on in the near future.

cloudy black
12-15-2015, 01:58 PM
hello lianne35 i have had anxiety for most of my life and i have not been able to hold down a job because of it. i also have depression. mostly i have one or the other. last week i had both anxiety and depression together.

for me i experience anxiety as having racing thoughts an inability to be still however tired i am. more recently i have had a long episode of feeling irritated by people. which spirals into despair because i cant for the life of me understand why i feel like this and i don't want to be this person, it has gotten so bad that i felt i was sneering at people. if i was in work i would have had many nervous breakdowns of that i am sure. i have never been bed bound. but i have been in the depths of hell and it is hard to be normal and reasonable when i have been like this. i wouldn't wish this on my own worst enemy.

i have had lower back,sciatic and plantar faciitus problems (feet problems) that are all down to extreme anxiety over many years. gosh isn't anxiety terrible. i have had counseling over the years and tried all kinds of new age things. in fact i think i have exhausted the list!!!

and now i am left with myself! i had to clear my head of all the confusion that resulted by trying so many different things in the past as i saw it, to help me in my quest to get rid of anxiety and depression and now i realise that i have to manage and adapt the anxiety and depression there is no magic wand or clever thinking for me that will banish the anxiety and depression