View Full Version : why is this happening right now????

Nic Marsella
12-12-2015, 12:10 PM
hey friends....about 3 weeks ago I started seeing this awesome psychiatrist who got me on a great routine of Zoloft and klonopin, and hey, for the most part, anxiety and panic problems have been solved.

so i'm supposed to be picking up a woman I've really wanted to go out with for a long time, in a little while, and out of nowhere BOOM i'm having tremendous anxiety.

i'm so upset right now but i'm trying to power through it. why does this have to happen to me now?????

12-12-2015, 02:54 PM
Anxiety always try's to find a way to get to you. It is using you stress or nervousness to its advantage. Power through it or it will find a way to hold you because it will know how to get to you. I know that powering through is easier said than done. I have had my struggles with it and every time I give in the next time is always worse. Please let me know how it went.

12-12-2015, 05:51 PM
Three weeks is not long enough for the Zoloft to fully kick in so you don't have that working at its peak for you yet. Use the Klonopin as needed until the Zoloft kicks in fully. In the meantime, talk to your doctor about this. She/he may need to adjust your dosages. Plus, don't forget your anxiety was bad for a while and now that you're back on your routine it may take time to level out.