View Full Version : How do I deal with a person that suffers from anxiety?

12-12-2015, 08:21 AM
Hello, I've recently met a girl and now we're dating.
So she has anxiety disorder, I don't know which one really only that she gets really tense and super mad. Basically her not very high self-confidence sinks to 0. After that she apologizes and everything seems fine again.

I just want to learn how to handle it and how to properly react to it. I have no idea what to do when that happens. I try to cheer her up, tell her I love her and she accuses me of lying. I know she doesn't mean it and can't help it but all I want to do is ultimately make her happy. I just feel extremely powerless in these moments and I honestly don't know what to fucking do. Breaking up is no option.

Just talked to her while writing this post, it's a social anxiety disorder and apparently the getting mad are anger outbursts.

To clarify I've also been diagnosed with social anxiety disorder but it's gotten better by now.

12-21-2015, 02:33 PM
Hi there, if you have just recently started dating it might take a while for her to fully trust you. I have low self esteem too. I am married but I remember when my husband and I started dating I felt like I was never good enough for him, even when he would tell me I was. I always felt like I needed to do something impress him because I was afraid he would leave me if I didn't. As time went on I started to trust him more and eventually my self esteem improved. He did things to help me, they were little things but to me they ment a lot. He still does them too. He always tells me I'm beautiful, even on my worst days when I'm in full blown panic attack. If he knows I'm having a bad day with anxiety, when he gets home from work he will spend the whole night with me taking, trying to cheer me up, helping out with the kids or around the house. He tries to reduce my stress load because we both know that when I'm stressed out my anxiety is worse. Be there for her, even on her worst days andmake her feel loved.
I hope I helped out a little.

12-21-2015, 02:44 PM
CBD is the perfect solution to helping out with anxiety & getting rid of it once and for all!

12-21-2015, 06:04 PM
Hello, I've recently met a girl and now we're dating.
So she has anxiety disorder, I don't know which one really only that she gets really tense and super mad. Basically her not very high self-confidence sinks to 0. After that she apologizes and everything seems fine again.

I just want to learn how to handle it and how to properly react to it. I have no idea what to do when that happens. I try to cheer her up, tell her I love her and she accuses me of lying. I know she doesn't mean it and can't help it but all I want to do is ultimately make her happy. I just feel extremely powerless in these moments and I honestly don't know what to fucking do. Breaking up is no option.

Just talked to her while writing this post, it's a social anxiety disorder and apparently the getting mad are anger outbursts.

To clarify I've also been diagnosed with social anxiety disorder but it's gotten better by now.

I think I can give you some insight in that, given the fact that my fiancé had to deal with me for years now. In my case, I get angry when I want to leave a certain situation or when I feel very uncomfortable (Don't know what specific anxiety disorder your girlfriend is dealing with, mine is agoraphobia).

In my case, I needed a lot of reassurance and being told that I was doing good. My fiancé often tells me he is proud of me for doing so well and that means so much. I know it can make you feel powerless, but the thing to remember is that a panic attack makes you feel like you are going to die. Since your girlfriend is dealing with social anxiety, maybe it is good to ask "What can I do to make it better?". There is no set reaction to this, since everyone deals with this anxiety in a different way.