View Full Version : MS or Anxiety or something else?

12-11-2015, 04:42 AM
Hello everyone,
My name is Ivan, comming from Croatia ( Europe ),
Now i have lot of stress and anxiety in my life, Health Anxiety to be precize.
It all started two years ago when my friends mother died of osteosarcoma, when i heard how much she suffered, thro how much pain she went... i started becouse of fear i guess devolp symptoms of that disease, just few days after, i had dull pain in my knee, tibia bone , and it was horrible, with help of my familiy doctor, i managed to "cure" my anxiety related leg by drinking some magnesium and thro relaxing methods. Then after that, my grandfather got bowl cancer, he had bloating, thin stools and so on... i got same symptoms just few days after, symptoms went away with familly support and family doctor, then i had first ultrasound in my life due to some lower abdominal pain, it turned to be just gas or something, however internist found on ultrasound mass on my liver, i nearly got panic attack at that moment of hearind it... he said its 95% chance its benign liver tumor called hemangioma, i was in fear for 2 months waiting for MRI, what is this 5%? is it something serous that 5% thats left? i devolped pain in my liver area, dull, sharp pains, was pretty sure its liver becouse it makes so sense that anxiety and fear can cause symptoms like that, symptoms i am feared of... after i finished MRI, i turned out to be hemangioma, so doctor was right. Just few days after MRI my liver "pain" went away... pretty crazy huh? anxiety is making symptoms that i am lets say afraid of...

Now... thats how all started, i am not taking any anxiety medications becouse i generally hate pills however i am seriously thinking about it.

Now my new problems starts,
The months, i was sitting home all day, not going out at all, didnt leave house for real in about month, was playing PC games and playstation all day... Friend called me and asked will i go out? i said, yes , sure , decision was to go to city have some fun , i live just next to one city , not really village, just more distant from center of it... plan was to go with bus or taxi, however we decided to walk 10 km , i dont have clue why... i guess we wanted to talk while walking... after returning home with bus, i experienced some burning pain around my shoulder, my shoulder was little pianfull that morning, but not big deal, i get shoulder pain often from wrong sleeping, but yeah, i had burning around my shoulder like i got sunburn or something, it was only on left arm.
Next morning burning spreaded all over my left arm pretty much ( so its day after sudden 10km walking after inactivity... ) , burning was horrible, i was thinking about placing some ice on my arm, becouse burning was just horrible.
Next morning i felt fine actually, had little burning in left hand, not much, however i got tingling in my left arm, tingling was occuring all day , with small pauses of 20-30 mins, it was mild generally.
Next morning i woked up feeling pretty good actualy comparing to few days back, but this day , tingling spreaded on my right hand, tingling was really serve and was pretty much constant...
I got really scared, pretty much every new day, new symptom, or already existing symptom gets worse...
Last Night i even got some twitching, tingling on my face, its around my eyes and around left side of mouth, its more like some strange facial sensation, like someone is touching me with feather or something, cannot tell for sure...

So my ALL symptoms are:
- muscle twitching
- tingling in both hands ( mostly fingers and all fingers )
- face sensations
- some slight neck discomfort ( could be becouse of sleeping in wrong position )
- dizzy after standing up from sitting
- feels little unbalanced while walking

Tingling is pin and needles sensation, there is no numbness in terms of feeling loss, i feel pain/touching fine, just this annyoing needles...
I dont have any noticable weakness, legs have only muscle twitching, no tingling.

So this symptoms last for about 4 days, i called my uncle, he lives in other part of country, he is urologist so i asked him if he has any suggestions, he said if tingling is located in hands without sensation loss or weakness its probably nothing to worry, he said drink magnesium and vitamin B and see for week if it improves.

Now... All this symptoms could be anxiety related ofcorse , when i had stress about my liver, i had fever, even 99% of doctor said stress cannot cause fever, for me it actually did... so anxiety can cause anything... however ... this symptoms are scarly and this face sensations expecially...

One thing i noticed, when i wake up in morning, there is pretty much no tingling, when i am going to sleep, there is no too much tingling aswell, so maybe lying down helps? hard to tell...
I am mostly scared about brain tumor, becouse i have biggest fear of cancers and tumors, most of symptoms match with MS... So what is it?

I am 20 year old, no history of any disease, not smoking or drinking.

cloudy black
12-11-2015, 05:33 AM
hello Toffeq and welcome you do have a lot of health anxiety. and your friend is right to get you to go out. you need to stop thinking and start living. get out there and do things. otherwise you will keep on having these "health scares." the mind is a very powerful thing as you have seen it can be used for both positive and negative yes both positive and negative.find an interest or go to college but dont sit indoors that will drive you nuts. you are more than your physical symptoms. go on i dare you to get out there help others and in turn that helps you!

you need to take back your control and stop having your thoughts on your psychical symptoms, other wise as you have seen and experienced they will keep growing and they will ultimately be your all consuming attention

12-11-2015, 07:42 PM
So my ALL symptoms are:
- muscle twitching
- tingling in both hands ( mostly fingers and all fingers )
- face sensations
- some slight neck discomfort ( could be becouse of sleeping in wrong position )
- dizzy after standing up from sitting
- feels little unbalanced while walking

I've had all of those while panicking...and all at once! And it doesn't go away right away either, I found the symptoms to linger for days and even weeks in some cases.

12-12-2015, 10:10 AM
Thank you for support,
Its always nice to see other people opinions and suggestions, means a lot!

Started watching some movies, taking walk with my dog and so on, trying all i can to forget about symptoms, drinking vitamins also.
Today i feel like there is less tingling, like tingling is less persistent in hands, like its fading away slowly and twitching got reduced aswell.
Only symptom that still irritates me is this face sensations, its so strange, like someone touched me with feather, its lasts like 1-3 secs max...
And yeah, one symptom i forgot is some tingly feeling in mouth aswell, top of tongue and top of mouth, however it comes just sometimes, maybe twice a day.

cloudy black
12-12-2015, 11:19 AM
hi Toffeq dont forget
you need to take back your control and stop having your thoughts on your psychical symptoms, other wise as you have seen and experienced they will keep growing and they will ultimately be your all consuming attention