View Full Version : Health Anxiety...normal or should I be worried

12-10-2015, 10:21 PM
Hi, this is only my second post ever so bare with me... but I have terrible health anxiety with a bad fear of dying. a week ago I knocked my head decently hard and I worried this whole week over having a concussion or a brain aneurysm, panick attacks 3 times this week over it all! I finally started calming down from that specific idea but I still feel really anxious. I never know if the way I feel is just symptoms of my anxiety or real cause for concern. my stomach is pretty upset all the time and my head feels really, really weird.. I don't really know how to explain it other than my head feels heavy but I'm lightheaded at the same time... if that makes sense? I just don't know if any one deals with the same things I do, and it would be dealt reassuring if I knew someone did..

cloudy black
12-11-2015, 02:41 AM
hello and welcome chels. well you have come to the right place. i like this forum because it is a platform for people to talk from their own experience and others get help from this as you may already have experienced. for me i have never got into the health anxiety i hadnt heard of that term until i joined this forum.

although i do have what i call physical gremlins i do my best to keep them away from my main thinking. as i see it if you have had your health issues checked out by the doc then best to move on. don't feed it with worry otherwise it will grow. you are the captain of your ship.