View Full Version : We can help each other.....

09-17-2008, 05:31 AM
Hi Everyone!
Last night I had a pretty bad panic attack and I am running on 2 hours of sleep and now getting ready for work. I suffered from panic attacks when I was younger, then they stopped, then I got them again, and stopped. I went through another phase where I was getting little episodes, and those seemed to go away....and now they are back full force!! I know we are all in the same boat and I really would of liked someone to just talk to last night. Therefore, I hope by the use of this site, we can all be here for one another!! It is hard to talk to someone who doesn't suffer from anxiety, because they don't..well can't ...fully understand how we feel. We can help each other....
I am curious if anyone has heard of the tapping method?? I found it while searching you tube. I was desperate to try anything..and I followed this guy as he went through this tapping ritual. You tap certain trigger points on your body repeatedly and repeat phrases until you calm down. By doing this... is how I actually got to sleep for the two hours that I did. I don't know if it works cuz it takes your mind off things and it bored the heck out of your brain from repition...or what..but hey it helped me. Anyone else? If your curious..try doing a search on youtube by typing in something like " tapping to releive stress"..make sure you chose the video with the guy in the red shirt...he is the best one! LOL :)
Anyhow, I feel like I was hit by a truck and I don't know how I am going to get through work. Let me hear from you.... what triggers you attacks? symptoms? how long do they last? fears/phobias? how it affects your life? etc... I sure got stories I can share, how about you??
Take care everyone...

09-17-2008, 08:58 AM
Hi Stoneygal!
I went for hypnotherapy when I first had anxiety because I had a flight to Canada to get on. We did some tapping rituals and she combined this with the a mantra. You'd tap underneath your eyes, breastbone and gradually across the body in various pressure spots whilst repeating "i am ok" over and over. Funnily enough it did calm me down and I'm pleased you reminded me of this technique. I will use it next time I'm struggling.

Anyway, on to you. You said you feel like you've been run over. How has your day been after your panic last night?

09-17-2008, 02:35 PM
I've done the tapping. I found it helped me focus instead of going off worrying.

I am really glad it helped you sleep! I do hope you can sleep longer tonight!!

09-17-2008, 06:11 PM
I have a method that works with my anxiety. I use it everyday. Seeing as how i deal with anxiety attacks EVERY DAY. I think EVERYONE should know about this method.

Ok, so when i feel an anxiety attack comming along, my heart starting to beat a little faster, trouble breathing all that this is what i do...

-Inhale until you cant inhale anymore that it hurts your chest.

-While your inhaling count how many seconds you inhaled for...Lets say you inhaled for a count of 7 seconds.

-Stick your toungue to the roof of your mouth.

-As you exahle, exhale for atleast 1 or 2 more seconds longer than what you inhaled...So in this case about 8-10 seonds.

I do this when im in the middle of a class. Or when im at home, or to help with my social anxiety around friends. It really seems to help most of the time to slow your heart rate down and get your brain off of things.

The more oxygyn you have going to your brain the better you will feel.

09-18-2008, 08:12 AM
Hi Stoney Gal...the tapping you're talking about is known as Emotional Freedom Technique and the guys who are touting it claim it works on the same principles as acupuncture.

If you visit www.emofree.com (http://www.emofree.com) there's a free manual, quite comprehensive that you can use to find out more about this situation.

As for whether it works or not...i'm undecided, but then haven't given it a real try.

I hope you find this helpful.