View Full Version : I have bad anxiety when it comes to my health

Meghan McDonough
12-10-2015, 11:24 AM
Hi Everyone! I'm a 27 year old female, in good health from what I understand (never had any health issues growing up) and I have really horrible anxiety. most of my anxiety stems from being worried about getting a horrible sickness that will kill me! I have on and off days... but in the past year its become worse then ever... to the point where I feel like giving up some days because I cant take the stress or feelings I get anymore. I have always suffered with anxiety but had it under control up until about a year ago when my mom had a seizure and she became Epileptic. She is fine and lives a very normal life but for some reason since that point my anxiety has gotten out of control. I don't see a therapist and I probably should but I guess my goal is to try and resolve my issues on my own. The real problem I am dealing with today is being completely convinced I have a brain tumor. It all started a few weeks ago when I had a bad cold. my ears were clogged up and I went to the dr who said I had a sinus infection. I got on antibiotics but nothing helped my ears... a few days after that I suddenly got this feeling of pressure behind my ears and in the back of my head/neck area. it sent me into a full blown panic and I am sure I just made it worse... after a few days of dealing with the feeling I became distracted by some things going on in my life and the feeling subsided. I felt better for a little while until yesterday when the feeling came back again... now ive been in panic mode for almost 2 days and don't know what to do... I don't want to go to the doctor and get all these tests because I am pretty sure I am ok but I do convince myself that I will die from this and it gets very scary... Im just looking for some advice on this to make myself feel better or anyone who can relate!

Thanks in advance! :)

12-10-2015, 03:51 PM
Hi Meghan, welcome to the forums.

I had anxiety just like yours before. So I definitely understand what you're going through. Anytime I felt like I might be getting sick, I made myself feel sick by worrying I was getting sick lol - horrible cycle. I would wager you are perfectly fine - anxiety has the power to drain your body of resources making you feel sick. The worry piles on top of that, and before you know it you think you've got 4 types of cancer and your heart feels its about to explode.

You're not alone - many people have the same deal. One thing to help, that I did myself, was to stop yourself when you get those "Oh crap, I think it might be a tumor" and instead replace it with "I'm blowing this out of porportion, I know this is my anxiety, and I'm not letting you get the best of me." Tumors usually don't just spring out of nowhere and bring about such symptoms that yell "HELLO! IM A TUMOR!!!" Just yell at yourself in a Schwarzenegger voice "ITS NOT A TUMAH!!"

Find something to distract yourself with. I used fun video games or movies. Or went to hang out with friends - or helping people on this forum always made me feel better. Watch something funny on youtube like old Three Stooges episodes haha. Whatever you can do to try and distract yourself. It's the anxiety. Don't let it win.

You're stronger than you think! Undauntable and ever-tenacious you'll crush it. I self-healed myself without any meds, any therapy. And my anxiety was so bad sometimes I was curled up in a corner trembling. Willpower and belief in yourself can do wonders.

12-11-2015, 12:13 PM
I know it can be difficult but as ACE said, use self talk it works. It's hard when you deal with something that feels so real but it's really something your brain has conjured up. I've been dealing with HA for three months since my car accident and I've been seeing a therapist and it's helped a bunch...