View Full Version : I'm struggling, please help!!

12-10-2015, 01:20 AM
I have suffered from anxiety, panic attacks and self harm for about 20 years. Just recently (2months ago) i was diagnosed with OCD thought. This past 3 weeks have been like utter crap. I had a massive panic attack about 3 1/2 weeks ago and then my IBS start playing up. Just when i started feeling better i had a coughing fit and coughed up a dkt of lood whuch sent me ive board. I was obsessing over my spit for a week and just when i thought i was coming good. I wake up yesterday with massive pain in my groin going doen my leg. I was weak, lethargic and felt nauseous all day. My nerves were at its Wits End and constanly anxious all day. I saw my doc she said it was nothing and that it was probs from chafing. I said why do i feel so sick, like a stomoch bug was the way i felt and she said anxiety does this. By 9pm that night i was on the verge of having a massive panic attack andq went to the hospital. They checked me over and did bloods and couldnt find anything and put it down to my anxiety making feel do sick. I woke this morning so weak like i still have a bug and heart racing feel like my nerves are shot all day long, i couldn't cope anymore so i ended up selfharming.

12-10-2015, 05:08 PM
Hello there,oh you poor thing,I know it's hard to think that your feeling like this because of your anxiety,but we get so worked up no matter what any doctor says to us.we are so convinced that it has to be something more than that when in fact there is nothing wrong with us.

It's like as soon as your mind has got its head around that and your calm again it goes BAM let's make you think about something else that make you anxious again.

Do you take any medication to help you with it?

12-10-2015, 05:15 PM
Hi Ambrosa,

That sounds scary! Many docs aren't helpful, from what I hear, in regards to anxiety. They always think we're over exaggerating. Are you seeing a therapist at all?

Anxiety likes to amplify any negative feeling in us x10000. If we feel like we're catching a cold, soon we'll feel like we're on our deathbed because that's just how panic and anxiety work. It's negativity feeding off negativity and breeding negativity. However! If the doctors don't find anything in your blood, then you can safely assume anxiety is the culprit there.

Anxiety would always make me feel sick, and weak. Sometimes I'd get these weird feelings...like you know when you're in an elevator and you feel that weird drop feeling? I'd get that just standing normally. When in a panic state or anxious state, your nerves are on red alert, the tiniest thing will feel like it's a million times bigger than it is.

Best thing to do here, is find a way to calm yourself now that you know that this is a normal part of anxiety. I asked the same kind of question you did years back on this forum, and somebody told me the same thing I'm telling you, once I started accepting that and realizing it was just anxiety, the negativity went away and I'd feel better little by little.

Distract yourself any way you can. Play games, watch funny movies, anytime you get a pain and start worrying about it, stop yourself there and remind yourself.

Let me know how this goes,


12-10-2015, 10:26 PM
I'm the same way. I feel pretty sick all the time when my anxiety is acting up. It's reassuring knowing it's not just you and that you're not crazy. from what I can understand its relatively normal to feel sick from our anxiety, the mind can play some pretty mean tricks..

12-11-2015, 02:37 AM
Thank you Chels, AceParadox and em1 for replying. I feel a little better today and it's good to know that other people et these feelings. Em1 I do take medication and just recently was diagnosed with OCD which make my anxiety worse because I obsess over little things. So My psychiatrist put me on some more medication which I am waiting for it to kick in.
I also see a psychologist once a week but saw him twice this week.
I also had to go back to my doctor today to get a cyst on my lip drain which she knew I had book that appointment a week ago. I left there feeling like utter crap. She has never treated me or spoken to me the way that she did today. I was told that I am bothering people and taking up there time. After a while I said something to her about me asking my daughter if I had been this sick over anxiety and she said "again your bothering someone" Then I told her that I had joined a forum " Oh I don't think that's a good Idea, what do they talk about" I lied to her because the way her attitude was I knew she would say something negative. So I just said they talk about random stuff just so they take your mind off things. "Oh still don't think that's a good Idea. Then she turn and said I should restrict you from coming here and laugh and looked at my daughter waiting for her to laugh. Then after she drain my cyst (which she has done 3 or 4 time before) she turned around and said now there will be a dot of blood on your lip don't freak out about that and look at my daughter again a started to laugh. She has made me feel like utter crap and I feel I can't go back to her now if there was a issue of any sort. I have been going to this doctors surgery for about 12 years now and this is the first time something like this has happened.

12-11-2015, 02:51 PM
Whaaaaaaat? That is utterly bizarre. She told you that you're bothering people? And that joining a forum was a bad idea? I don't see how joining a forum could ever be a bad idea. But when you mentioned she looked at your daughter to see if she'd laugh, sounds like she's trying to joke around and such. I can't get a clear picture though.

See what you're doing here though? Your mind is going over those little things again which could be leading to over analyzing. We never know the real reasons behind why some people act a certain way out of the blue when they normally don't do it. Like walking into work today, this girl who usually smiles at me and stuff gave me a bad look and rolled her eyes when I walked by. My mind started thinking about what I could have done to deserve that - But I stopped myself and thought "I don't know that she thinks something negative about me. She could of just had a bad day, or got off a bad call with a client. I shouldn't let it get to me."

I know it's hard, like you said, OCD makes it tough. It causes you to really fuss over those small things. I think I have small OCD too, I'm so forgetful that sometimes when I finally lock the door and get into my car to leave for work, no matter if I'm running late, sometimes I'm completely taken over and I HAVE to go back inside and double check to make sure lights are off, doors locked, everything that could start a fire isn't able to do so (toaster left on, stove left on, something like that) and it's so hard to convince myself otherwise. Takes willpower, but can be done!

Katie Hall
12-11-2015, 03:40 PM
I sometimes feel awful and sick when I get anxiety. It is one of the worst parts of anxiety, I know there isn't anything wrong but I feel like I am really sick; then my body reacts to the way I feel and a downward spiral begins.

cloudy black
12-18-2015, 08:27 AM
hello Ambrosa as for using a forum like this it can be positive to use as long as you dont get fixated on all your symptoms. but do get your symptoms checked out and then put them to bed. and concentrate on positive thinking and supportive posting where you can share your experiences but not get bogged down by them.

12-18-2015, 11:05 PM
I'm sorry cloudy black. I must have been mistaken when I read that this forum is about supporting when another with and through anxiety. If me writing on here about me being anxious (like so may other people do) is a problem, I'll go find another forum. Thanks for making a anxious person even feel more shit about herself.

12-19-2015, 01:17 AM
Hi Ambrosa. I don't think Cloudy meant to minimise your pain and or concerns. I'm not a fan of positivity myself, however I do believe cloudy makes an excellent point. Please do continue to rant as you will. I did it for quite a whiles when I too just joined. Sometimes I still often do. As much as I have a predisposition to being positive (not liking the inflated version often sold), it does help to disconnect from negative feelings. Reaching out when one is more able, is a good way to take the focus off what some of us only know as our staple. Meaning more, when complaining is all we do, we tend to feed on the negative like a bear does to honey.

In that light - I think cloudy was just giving some well meaning advice. This is a great forum for venting as you will. I have been booted from most others. Stick around and yell as much as you like. :) It did me some good ... I believe others who've been here for a whiles can vouch for that.

YES - when the hospitals can not work something out, they are quick to focus on the labels further down ones list. Psychosomatic - sometimes they are right and sometimes they are wrong. I try to avoid hospitals and even GPs at all costs.

I hope this finds you feeling a little better.

cloudy black
12-19-2015, 02:39 AM
I'm sorry cloudy black. I must have been mistaken when I read that this forum is about supporting when another with and through anxiety. If me writing on here about me being anxious (like so may other people do) is a problem, I'll go find another forum. Thanks for making a anxious person even feel more shit about herself.

so sorry Ambrosa gosh the printed word ...it was not my intention to upset you and please accept my apologies the last thing i want to do is to upset you.

Two One
12-19-2015, 01:22 PM
Anxiety can make you feel very ill, unfortunately. It is not a pleasant experience by any means but know that you are not alone. I've had a very similar experience. I'm an emetophobic (fear of vomiting), and during the first half of 2014 I spent the majority of my days completely convinced I had the norovirus... Every day for about five months. I knew it was irrational, but I could not control the worry.

I had diarrhea and a lot of stomach discomfort nearly every day. I refused to believe that anxiety could do that to me. I felt like complete garbage 90% of the time, and when I actually felt okay, I found myself thinking, "Huh, I actually feel OK today. That's odd." It took a long time for me to come to a realization but I finally realized the worrying was the worst part. The apprehension, the fear, the "What if's?"

It was the anticipation and myself just waiting to get sick that caused me the most distress. I started going to therapy and I made a seemingly spontaneous recovery. I'm struggling right now, but anxiety is a very complicated disorder. It can do many things to you, and unfortunately for us, one of those things is produce very intense physical symptoms. You will get through this.

12-19-2015, 02:14 PM
I know exactly what you're going through and how much it sucks to suffer and go through this kinda stress/aggravation/pain.