View Full Version : Just venting....

09-16-2008, 11:32 PM
It is 1:06am and I just wanted to share my story because I'm sure alot of you share the same thing.

I've suffer with panic attacks since about 13 years old (Im 25 now). Very typical symptoms, sweaty hand, fast heartbeat, impending doom. These would come and go with real no true effect on my overall living experience.

This changed recently to where it become a constant battle to gain control of my life. For the past 4 months I've managed to get worse and worse. Convincing myself of all sorts of things. I have visited the ER once and a urgent care unit as well. Both telling me the exact same thing. IM FINE! All the standard tests were run, EKG, chest x ray, blood test, all with normal results.

During this time I've experience persistant dizzyness, headaches, unreal feeling, heart palpatation (sometimes really severe), excessive sweating, naseau, uncomfortable in social enviroment (something that was never an issue for me) and aches and pains all over.

Its still amazing to me how I can completely know whats causing these issues and yet I cant grasp them. 95% of me is saying this is just anxiety, yet I cannot convince myself.

I have started a Therapy session that has slowly started to help. I am also one week in to taking Celexa with has yet to take effect. I have to get on a plane on Thursday which is scaring me, but it feels like to beat this, you have to face the BEAST head on.

I know alot of you are suffering along with me. I really wish we could all snap our fingers and have this disapear. To everyone that is suffering, just know that me, and alot of other people on this board can relate. I wish you all the best of luck with this crippling disorder. May peace come to all of you.

09-17-2008, 02:32 PM

How are you feeling? I hope better than last night.

I myself have struggled with my thoughts for a number of years. I never really applied what I was shown by my therapist, but lately I have been and I find it is really helping!

It is great you are doing therapy. It should help you turn your thoughts around. I wish you the very best of luck!!