View Full Version : Need help ASAP

Slammed Vdub
12-06-2015, 06:33 PM
Hey everyone, so its been a while for me. I have been having bad sinus issues over the years, in fact i just had another infection a few weeks ago. Yesterday all of the sudden i felt it come back hard. I felt terrible and wanted to leave work. I thought i was going to pass out. I made it through the day, and today is no better. The pressure may be a little but better but my eyes are not right. I feel like i cant focus on moving objects, either real life or TV. Nothing is blurry but i just cant like focus on anything. I feel like everything is moving REALLY fast and im scared im going to have a seizure or something. I feel sensitive to light as well. I dont know what to do and im freaking out really bad. I can barely get through 10 minutes without a worry. Im beyond scared. Im not sure if theres a link between anxiety and sinus issues, but they just never go away. And idk if this eye problem is related or not. I googled some answers which, as always, is the worst thing i could have done.

12-06-2015, 07:18 PM
Hello there don't google it's the worst thing you can do,it just comes up with nothing to do with what's wrong with you in the first place.
I have sinuses problems to,they are a right pain.
Have you tried steaming with a vapor in the water? Sinuses sprays are helpful to.
I know what your going through
Take care

12-06-2015, 08:16 PM
sinus infection can be brutal, I have this problem for years and so often they check it, but beside they are screwed up and chronic condition , i am kicking. You can not focus on moving objects, anxiety, Please drink a raspberry tea, and make steaming with chamomile tea, it should help to relieve the pressure, You do have health anxiety, and 90 percent of people here, have it too. Em is right "No googling alowed". Put pressure on the top of you nose, actually where your eyebrows start, and keep the pressure for 15 seconds. Sinuses should open and start to drain:)) If there is anything to drain.
Hi Em:))
What you describe it looks like panic attack to me, not the deadly thing but very unpleasant. Go outside , get some oxygen, in your lungs, brisk walk will help:)