View Full Version : Weight loss

12-06-2015, 11:30 AM
Hi All I have been suffering from anxiety for about 3 months. During this time I have lost 1 stone and now struggling to eat is this normal.

I keep worrying there is something sinister wrong with me :(

12-06-2015, 11:34 AM
Anxiety can make some people lose their appetites. Try to drink some Ensure to get the nutrients you need.

12-06-2015, 11:41 AM
Hey thank you for your message,

To begin with I was having panic attacks every day, and after food and any physical exertion. Now I rarely feel hungry and when I do I am only able to eat a small amount.

What is Ensure? im on the UK im not sure if we have it here.

My mum has suggested trying b12 to help out i'm not sure if it will help but it is worth a try.

12-06-2015, 07:22 PM
Hello Kimi
I had that for quite a while (in in the uk to) try and eat things like bananas and also what's good are the nourishment drinks,if you can drink one of
This at least your getting a lot of your daily vitamins
It will get better :)
Take care

12-06-2015, 08:05 PM
Try NutriDrinks if you're in the UK. It's a drink for mostly older people who don't get their nutrients from food. Packed with lots of vitamins and minerals and all you have to do is drink it.