View Full Version : Hi guys

12-03-2015, 05:53 AM
Its me again I'm really having a hard time, I'm not convinced all this is anxiety I have a feeling something isn't right. Like yesterday i was in Walmart with my mother all of a sudden I got so dizzy and my legs felt weak like I couldn't feel them I was trying to walk and couldn't I had no control. I felt really faint now I'm not understanding any of this being anxiety I've never had anything like this in my life. As this was happening I starting crying asking god take it away I'm not ready to die. Now since Oct I've been staying dizzy constantly but mildly my heart races a lot panic or not. And I'm sorry but smoking never effected me before its hard to believe out of blue it will after so many years. Yes I'm down to two cigarettes a day if that cause this has scared the shit out of me so bad. There has to be something causing this and I can't stop thinking its my heart or bleeding internally or something

12-03-2015, 08:42 AM
If you can understand, the level of chemicals in your body are elevated. This is true of all those who suffer as you do. Pre anxiety the chemicals were at a normal level, and a spike due to fear, worry, stress, trauma, or shock would temporarily spike, but soon return to normal. Post disorder, you are maintaining a new norm which is the same level 'normal' people experience during a spike, and thus any trauma in your body, literally a pin drop, sends you into critical mode which most people would not experience other than a life or death event or immediate emotional shock.

You are experiencing the physical result of prolonged repression of your feelings and emotions, and some unresolved mental stressor (s) that weigh on your mind. Underline the word 'prolonged'

And so you see how you would need to get your levels back to normal range. I will not go into that here, there are other threads, sites, on relaxation and foods to boost 'happy' hormones and techniques to practice, to release both emotional and physical pain and heal your psyche.

12-03-2015, 09:59 AM
You've got to go to a doctor and get checked out. Then you can know for sure if there is something physically wrong with you or not. If the doctor says no, time to get some help for your anxiety. Start with the doctor and go from there.

12-03-2015, 10:00 AM
I would really like to encourage you to stop smoking now if you can. In the long run, you will be so glad you did it. Hard to do I know, but a good goal to reach for.

12-03-2015, 10:04 AM
Switch to vaping..:D

12-03-2015, 11:15 AM
I've been to the Dr more times then I can count in the past two months, labs after labs. I just feel like once anxiety and panic is on your chart your not taking seriously. I'm trying to quit smoking,and vaping I won't do that keeps your lungs open too much and can cause bronchitis ect more often so my Dr says. I just find it very hard to believe panic or no panic dizziness never leaves is anxiety.

12-03-2015, 11:18 AM
Ive suffered with panic and anxiety most of my life and never ever had the dizzies or racing heart for no reason

12-03-2015, 11:29 AM
No I haven't I'm down to two a day from a pack a day I'm doing good with that, its this weird symptoms thats plagued me every day day in day out since Oct I can be sitting and feel so dizzy out of no where not normal.

12-03-2015, 11:55 AM
Well it has def stopped me from doing anything,especially since the incident at Walmart yesterday I thought I was gonna die right there in the store. I'm going to be homebound if this doesn't stop soon. Can you please describe how the dizzies effect you how you feel?

12-03-2015, 12:12 PM
Out of the blue one day I got very dizzy and thought I was going to faint ever since then I stay woozy headed but every once in awhile it hits hard like going out. I stopped my bp med thought it was side effect I'm still doing it. Then I thought maybe low sugar attack but I'm not diabetic so I'm not understanding but I'm scared it's my heart or losing blood somewhere. I'm going back to Dr tomorrow and will continue to go til I find the cause. It never leaves constantly there racing heart too off and on but when I do smoke it intensified it makes no sense. I can be standing and feel like the floor drops at times nothing in my vision ever spins just dizzy woozy inside my head

12-03-2015, 12:17 PM
Read my post right after the OP. Let your bewilderment (of your body) sit for enough time without your intense focus to try and understand my reply.